The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

Gfjc flttajmnt ORLEANS. THURSDAY KTENINU, APRILS; Mr. Trxasurxr Chesley's Bnrrr The St Cbarles parquette nd boxe were filled, last night, with fMUonWe ad intel Ugent audience, such as always attends our friend Chedey benefit. Constance, in The 1" charming ityl. ver.

refrefh in to fee thi. accomplished and popular Uet in eomedr again. Mr. Collins added ''creatlT to the entertainment of the eremng, Sdid the fan Jordan, "the drummer of Cbahnette." 4 Mrs. Hxtki, for On Night More.

Mr. PeBar has eeeurecr the services of Mrs. Hano, for one" extra' nftht, and she will appear, this evening, in her favorite part of Julia, in The Hunchback," Mr. Pope playing Clifford, and Mrs. Oladatane, Helen.

The farce, in which Mr. Bowers plays, is A Good Bon for It" "Miss Heron as Camille and Julia. Greatly to the "disappointxaent of many who have not, and we may add who have seen Miaa Heron in her great character of Camille, at the Gaiety, the bills announce, the withdrawal of that interesting play, and the substitution of another, for this evening. The house, last night, was one of the best that Camille' has been 'played to, and we have never seen it done more perfectly and accep tably throughout It is withdrawn in the very height of its run, and when it was becoming more and more the fashion to go and see it. Miss Heron plays Julia, in The Hunch back," one of her best parts, this evening.

The oast is exceedingly strong. Complimentary Coxcxrt to Adeliha Patti. To morrow evening, this affair comes off, under the patronage of some of our most influential citizens, at Lyceum nan, TTn 1 The Drozramme will be very rich, Paul Julian, Adeliaa Patti, Ettoro Barili, and Augusts Gockel, all taking parts. Ticket and reserved seats for thin Concert may now be had, on application to Werlein and Hewitt, at their respective music stores, in Camp street MR. H.

CORRI'S BXHEFIT, AT THE GAIZTT. To the oourtesy and capability of Mr. Corn the visitors and the manager of the Gaiety theatre ore not a little indebted, and we are glad to see that for his benefit, for which Mr. Crisp has assigned next Sunday evening, one of the strongest casts of Sheridan's fine comedy of "The Rivals," is to be given. Mrs Gladstane volunteers (by Mr.

De Bar's consent,) as Lydia Languish, Mrs. Place will make a capital Mrs. Malaprop, Mr Mark Smith is to be the Sir Anthony Absolute, Mr. lYed. N.

Thayer the Young Absolute, Mr. James S. Browne plays Bob Acres, Mr. Charles is to be the Sir Lucius Trigger, and Mrs. W.

H. Crisp kindly consents to assume the "part of Julia. M'lle Vallee volunteers a dance, Mr. Macarthy a comic song, and Mr. and Mrs.

Crisp play William and Susan in Black Eyed Susan." This is a fine bill for Treasurer and should draw him bumper. Tat cat RE fPORLEANS. Junca's Benefit. The benefit of the fine basso of our French opera troupe, at the Theatre d'Orleans, takes place this evening, he appearing in the character he performs so admirably, Peter the Great of Russia, in the popular opera of L'Etoile du Nerd," The Star of the North," in which M'me Colson is the Catherine There will be a crowded and fashionable house, as a matter of course. The "Fairy Star" at Charleston.

Miss Agnes Bobertson's engagement at Charleston, which was originally for twelve nights, was extended to fifteen, and we learn that the last four were most triumphantly suc cessful ones. On the evening of the 28th the last but one of the engagement, we arc credibly informed, there was the largest an dience ever known in the Charleston theatre. On the 30th, Miss Robertson was to leave for Washington, where she would play a week, and go thence to Richmond, Va. Colugnoh's Closing Concert. A fine array of musical luxuries, to morrow evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall, on the occasion of the last of Collignon's series of classical ooncerts.

Colson, Delagrave and Junca, zrom tue Theatre Orleans, are to assist at this entertainment, which will be vtjry choice. Vestvau and Almosti. We would call attention to the notice, on the next page, of the forthcoming concert of these superb ar who appear positively only for once at Odd Fellows' Hall, next Monday evening. More anon. Miss Dora Shaw's Benefit.

Miss Heron having in the handsomest and most generous manner not only relinquished one of the nights of her engagement at the Gaiety to Miss Dora Shaw, but also offered to perform one of her best parts on the occasion of her sister artist's benefit, that event will take place on Saturday evening next. A fie bill will be presented. Meantime, seats may be secured at the box office. Vanihjchi's Museum, 107 St. Charles Street.

The of our city must not omit calling in at Vannuchi's during their stay, and seeing the numerous curiosities which he has on exhibition; the infant pro "ttigy.lhe seventy wax figures, 'L CW" tt tted that Dick Tin to, (Mr. Goodrich, son to the late American Consul in Paris,) the well known correspondent of the New York Times, having returned from France, is now engaged on a work entitled Court of Napoleon HI." Specie for the East Indies and China It rIaa been 6tated that considerable shipments of sITvai. Ar vnaxrlriAi frnnf i v. iuik direct to the East Indies and China. The ship Haidee just cleared for Heng Kong, takes 150,000, and more is going by other vessels.

Th which have hitherto been made by way oi x.ngiana, are now made direct. The principal of an academy, in his advertisem*nt, mentioned his female assistant. and the "reputation which she bears;" but toe printer left out the which," so the ad vertisem*nt went forth commending the lady's yuwuuu iur leacmng sne Dears affairs in Egypt PasJt" A Ulfor vr Maw MVMwaa AUilWj IMIKU rIla February 22, says dri2dy7, ha. returned to AJexan and drilling erer in reforming been "ifleriog rip, The poor Bedouins have liis highneM iuEceSs hands, all those nUa A Catchin I lux 1 nntt Lmi week, durin. IIt2? P0 aueon pri poor nei were brWjhJ 4 about ot ukea to the fallen.

EevDt. i.l.l2ey.ere thna roverned with the same despotic der the dominion of the Pharoahand 10 forernment of Xgrpt ia to apeak of the ci7. 'b aid Pah, who ia exchjairdy hia ownVrtJwf if ter, his own Council, hia own JCoramander uvchw and even bi owa engineer, sir. GUbome, who Tii here oa the part of the Xaatern Electric TeWroK Coinpny, Terr well sathrfied with the arrin JlT ha has made with xbe Ecyptiaa Oorernmert lunuma of an eleetnc telegraph for hta com. AjMandria and Suez, and he apeak.

He will hare the ET. wirea aa be may require to the iL US' P1" Oorernment; or, It he io underground at hia bTeere.S and "official. wiU tirely under hia own control Mr Giaboma working 1 cruelties they had nodwgooeiijlIV'eeaai'e separated from the dead, a the 1 Were not account for the wholenamhr to Lord Byron George iheiFomrtA.rlIr. Tnapkerav. in His lecture vu u.

iouiv George the Fourth, has said many very se rero things on that dissolnte monarch; tut nothing in comparison 10 wna. j.vU wrote when he heard that George, When Prince Regent, had stood between the colBns of Henry VIII. and Charles in St George's Chapel, at Windsor, on identification of the body of the latter. Byron's lines are as follows Scarce worth an epitaph by Tate or Quarles, Here heartleas Henry lies by headleaa Charles Beaide them standa another aceptered thing. In pomp, in power, In all but name a king.

Charlea to hia people, Henry to his wife, in him the double tvrant atarts to life: Justice and Death had sealed their tombs in vain Tbia royal vampire blend their blood again And ahowa a Tudor who no faith defend A Stuart faithless both to foes and friends. What, then, can tombs avail, since these disgorge The blood and filth of both to mould a George Ship Building at Cleveland. The Cleve land Herald gives a statement of the ship buildincr now eoinff on at that port. 1 he total number of vessels is thirty three, 01 wnicn four are three masters, ten propellers, and nineteen fore and afters, costing the aggre gate, $084,000, and having a tonnage, oy custom house measurement, of 13,368. The London United Service Gazette, a well informed military journal, states, from authority, that no directions have been given for the embarkation of regiments to Canada.

CJCThe New York Legislature adjourns on the 9th met. EaPThe Dubuque (Iowa) Tribune says that five hundred good mechanics will be wanted in that city the coming season JSF There is a movement on footat Wash ington to enlarge the Philadelphia Aavy Kara, and make it a first class naval station. iy The Philadelphia North American says the spring trade or mat cny, mm jvtu, 10 vcij large, and the merchants are overwneimea with business. KsT At last account by mail from Phila delphia, the Delaware river was entirely free from ice. A Netc Feature.

The New Jersey Railroad Company have opened a Complaint Book. The book is open at all hours, at the office in Jersey City, for the entry of all causes of dissatisfaction or complaints of any kind, which the company engage promptly and thoroughly to investigate and redress, if made by rcspqn sible persons. A like course will be taken if the complaints be communicated to the offi cers of the company, with the name of the party aggrieved. The Venerable Humboldt. A foreign cor respondent of the Boston Post, says that Hum boldt, who is now past eighty years as busy as he ever was in his younger days completing his Cosmos." Those best ac quamted with him notice no failure either in his physical or intellectual system, and his friends think he bids fair to reach one hundred years, bclilosser, wno completes his eigutieth year this month, and who is fore most' among the learned men of Germany, is also busily occupied in completing a work which has now occupied his time for twelve years.

What country but Germany can produce such fresh ness and activity in octogenarians A Southern Baptist Theological Con vention is to meet in Augusta, on the 30th inst. ESP The name of Kinchafoonee county, has been changed by legislative enactment to Webster, and the county site from Mcintosh to Prestou. Fame, and Us Endurance. "How long," asked Napoleon of David. will a painting last Seven hundred years, perhaps." And call you that fame The Case of Martin Specr.

We learn Case of Martin Specr. frora the Charleston Courier that the case of Martin Speer, which threatened to embroil our relations with Austria, has been settled, through the prompt action of Mr. Jackson, our Minister at lenna. 1 he Courier says Martin Sneer has been released and discharged. and the pending quarrel thus avoided.

We are not as yet informed, however, whether the release i indies anv abandonment on the part of the Austrian Government, of the clnims against which Mr. Jackson so earnestly protested, or whether it Is simply a personal iaierniDmuu ui ioiu 13?" Will you take my word, when I tell you that I will call and pay yoar demand on Monday said a delinquent debtor to a dun ning creditor, witn whom he had sharp words. No, sir," rejoined the other, I had rather you would keep your word." Repairing the Roof. A paper jn Ohio tells a crood joke of several prisoners who were confined in one of the county jails of .1 1 a i rru. 1 liio oiuie.

iuo jau was uiu sou dilopidatedand one night they escaped from their durance vile, in other words, broke jail but instead of escaping, the jailor iouna mem next morning seated on the top of their prison house, pounding the roof with great violence. Surprised beyond measure, He asked them what they were doing whereupon one of them replied that the house leaked so bad when it rained, they concluded they would just step out and repair the roof. Illustrating a Point. Sir Fletcher Norton was noted for his want of courtesy. When pleading before Lord Mansfield on some questions of manorial right, he chanced unfortunately to say, My lord, I can illustrate the point in an instant in my own person.

myself, have tteo little manors." The judge immediately interposed, with one of his blandest smiles, We all Sir Fletcher." What Little Children Get at School. A bevy of little children were tellinir their father what they got at school. The eldest got grammar, eeojrraphy. arithmetic, etc. The next got reading, spelling, and definitions.

And what do you get, my little soldier?" said the father to a rosy cheeked little fellow, who was o.k inai moment siuy anving a ten penny nail into a door panel. Me oh. I gets readm. spelling, and spankings." Rogers's Chit Chat. The book of just issuing from the press as the Table Talk of the late Samuel Rogers, the poet, must be pleasant reading, judging from the specimens we are daily getting through the medium of the press.

For example This not a bad charade: What it thai causes cold, cures a cold, and pay. the doctor A draft whiUMu.0me were great rarities; and i commg to town, the foouiiuD, observing an omnibus approach, and UiinkiuiTiliiJ auJdcnly "caUed inat ihf nage window, Ma'am, the omnibus Miss faJpfbTlS adful Porson would sit no drinking .11 eeming to feel any bad gSw i Tooka told me that he once asked PorsnnA fi In Richmond Buildinirs: and. .1" had not been in bed for thetnree preceding i tebtaXl expected to get rid of him at a tolerabr taV fem PorsoD, howerer, kept Tooke up the whole nieht and in the morning, the latter, in perfect despair' said, "Mr. Porson, I am engaged to meet a friend at breakfast at a coflee house in Leicester Sauar "Oh." replied Porson, "1 will ere with you:" Jw accordingly did so. Soon after ther had reachnH coffee house, Tooke contrived to slip out, and running home, ordered his servant not to let Mr.

Porson in, even if he should attempt to batter down the door. A man." observed Tooke. who could sit un nights successively might have sat up forty." When Lord Erekine beard that somebody bad died worth two hundred thousand pounds, he observed, Well, that's a very pretty sum to begin the next world with." Sydney Smith said that hit idea of heaven was eating foit grot to the sound of trumpets." A on Aiewu was a great favorite at Oatland. One JTafter dinner, aa the duch*ess was leaving the H. juirperea someiBing into iiewu's ear.

eed, his eyes falling with tears. We 'lha DnrClZ;" Hls matter. "Oh," replied Lewis, SearfaUowftk? fA dly to me!" My a great desire to mem HJrJw a i I til nearo Sheridan or whom ha had lion. "I havehvruBH 1,1 1 ha wfll MiHnSV r1'" with mach admira aid Sheridan, "and "rrow." aecordinclv. Richi to Bonified the Crewes hj appearance, and hia Banners aad languaie? a Jr.mnd of a Iuo fact xwma ci.

i I had cot one of Mr. CrcWtf. LieSrJV Sllend lUcijitrdioforoectJlonv .1 pramai ia AAuxjruiwn i a tr 1 1 er I I COMMERCIAL. OFFICE OP THE rlCaYBRE, 1 Wednesday Evening, April 3, I860. 1 COTTON There was aa active demand early in the day, but the business was checked by the reduced supply and the appearance of the foreign news reporting a dull market at Liverpool.

The sales embraced about 11.000 bales at Ann prices, aearly all taken before the Atlantic's accounts were published. Testerdsy's business proves to have reached fully 13,600 bales. We quote Inferior MlWT I Middling f9 SS Ordinary 8 8 Good Middling 10 0104 eood Ordinary 6ii9i Middling lair 10Hie Low Middlinc it tt9kirir 11 STATEMENT OF COTTOW. fawk Hand lit SeBtember. 1866 bales 3S.ini Arrived alnr.e 1.488.304 Arrived to day 1.

534.258 Kzpated to Exported to 1.2H.0PS 14.636 l.S3g.6Sl Stock on band and on ship board not cleared. S99.K7 TOBACCO We heard of H4 hhda. sold as follows 74, of which 15 at St at 7l.c, at 7c, 17 at 6Sc, and IS at 83 of which 13 at 6c and 79 admitted and reiusra at 3 16C round S6 at 7c; and 10 low admitted at 7c, and 1 at 7c H. The market ia firm. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO.

Brack on hand 1st September, Arrived Arrived to 81.71 Rxoorted to date 16.791 Exported to 18.75"! Rtrk on hand and on snip board not 4 KITO AO Prices are firmer for fair and better quali ties, without sny quotaDle change. The sales to day have reached IGOO to 1200 hhds. We hear of two crops sold on plantation to day, embracing about 200 hhds. at A 7K MOLASSES The demand has been fair, and prices are rather firmer, with Uttle or no cboiee yet on me manri. Samel bbls.

have been sold to day at 31 W33C. lor icr mentinr. and for dark rebelled to prime. A mixed lot of about foo half mostly old, was taken at 34c. sallon.

FLOl Prices are firm, ana we notice sales 01 some IfiOO of which 643 Indiana at on the Levee, 300 superfine at 7 Il4 7 25 317 choice extra ir7 and 50) at 6 71s, and 350 in loU, mostly at a 7 doi. WHEAT We hear of no sales of sny consequence. CORN The rates have given way, and with a fair de mand the sales embrace about 00 sacks, including 1500 ndxed at 45c; inoo white and yellow at 47c at 48c. luoo yellow at soc. and 1100 choice white at A3c btuheL OATS About 300 sacks SC.

Louis nave been sold lu several lots at 4 bushel. BRAN We uotice sales of some 600 sacks at 670c. iuo IB. PORK The rates are still tending upward, with sales to day of bbls. uninspected Mess at Slti; 11 in two lot, at the same, aud lou bbls.

Humps st 11 bliL DRY SALTED MEATS Prices have further advanced, aud we notice sales of JS.mxt IB Hogrouud, in bulk, at 7c. and lb5 casks fur Hams, and for boulders. BACON The market is still very firm, and with an active demand, we hear of 4:1 casks ribbed Sides sold in two lots st 67 also in two lots, at the same, and 34 casks Shoulders at 7c IB. LARD The demand has been fair, with sales of MO bbls. prime st Oc; loo No.

1 at too o. 3 at 8c 300 kegs at 9J4c, and 1 IS prime, in several luts, at lo.c. dp lb. WHISKEY We hare noticed sales or UA bbls. Raw at 100 RertiQed at 60 in lots at SfiC; 100 Wiltshire', on the Levee, also at last evening, 1:0 Oliver's extra at 87 c.

gallon. BALE HOPE Prices are farm, and the sales to dsy in clude lot) coils machine made at 10'c, and 100 band spun at 94 c. IB. COFFEE The transactions embrace 8.V) bars Rio, of hich 1M at 400 at Uc; uu at 1 'j and a lot of Skimmings at I0jc IB. ROSIN Sales 300 bbls.

common at $1 i', and 170 fine No. 1 at SI 75 bbl. FREIGHTS A Ship was laid on for Liverpool for heavy freight. Cotton was shipping to that port at and Corn at 12d. EXCHANGES The market is firm at our quotations London.

7 )9b( and 8k per cent, premiom Pris 7 Rf.irJJ,.trM.iJ.. New York 60 .........1 per cent, discount. New York Sight per cent, discount. CATTLE MARKET. Jefierson City, rdnesdsy Evening.

April 3. BEEF CATTLE Receipts 7 hesd of Western Prices in favor of holders. Second quality sold at 'JC and lower descriptions iu proportion. HOGS We quote at "hvSc. IB net Stock small.

Receipts r.2 head. SHEEP The marker was dull with near coo head iu hands of one party. MILCH COWS Prices toS63 and head. Receipts 37 hesd. VEAL CATTLE Prices head.

Scarce. itlachinrrr lor Sale. 'PHE Machinery ssved from the wreck of tbe steamer James Traoue, consisting ot uouoie riuea Buners; 3 Cylinders; I Doctor: and other portions of the wreck. For farther Information, mui it aroyorss street. iUolnsarn.

IZjAJU iy r. i r. ajv siurt rv nut ii uiu tne VaLEAIia KCri.lEllI. For sale by THOMSON Fl4 fm 4 rhonpftoiitas st. tcoich Fist Iron.

ft ft TONS No. 1 Scotch Pig Iron, lauding: for sale by i i i.r. i at cr.i.. fx and Camp street. Trunks Trnnkn, CARPET BAGS, VALISES INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING.

Ar. We have in store, the finest and best I aaanrtetl afrvrk nf TKf k. ti.l flD JjAl'l rt. KAOS ever oitrred in tnis city F.xtra ooalitv No. 1 STEEL SPH1NS SOLE LEATHER LADIES' and GEN TI.KVP'I1 THI7NKR.

tlr.u ltnnn.f f. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wilton and Brutsels Bags, of sll qualities. We have a fi ll supply of all the different kinds snd qualities oi TKAV KLIXi snd PACKING TRUNKS. Also, OIL CLOTH CLOTHING, by the dozen or single BUllB.

XX. VV. 1VJL A. LU, mhSO 67 Canal street. xrhainsre and Bankinsr Nntlrs.

rPHE undersigned have entered into copartnership, for a. ior purp iae 01 transacting a legitimate bxcliange and Banking business, under the name snd style of GARRISON, MORGAN. FRETZ RALSTON, in this city. anil iUAALr.a muniiALi oc yr. ora.

The cash capital paid in is seven huudred thousand doi lars. S7UO.IMI. An amount will be kept in the Man hat tan nana, new ion, at ail times, to cover our hills In ca of of snv shipment of treasure. We are now prepared to sell Sight Exchange on tbe Manhattan Bank, or Charles Morgan at Co New York also on tbe Msnhsttsn Bank, made pavable, vis: at the Southern Bank. New Orleans, La.

Messrs. Darby St Rsrksdale, Bankers. St. Lonis, Mo. Southern Bank of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company.

Cincinnati, Ohio; Merchants' and Manufac turers' Bank, Pittsburg, Pa: to purcbsse gold dust, bars bullion, mint snd bank certificates, approved securities. make collections, snd to transact all matters pertaining to our ounness, on ine most uuerai terms. C. K. GARRISON, CHAS.

MORGAN, (by his attorney. C. Garrison,) R. S. FRETZ, W.

C. RALSTON. San Francisco, January 1, lRM. DEFERRING to tie aOove. tne undersigned have ei it tabliahed themselves at No.

4 Howiina Green. New York. CHARLES MORGAN CO New York. February 1. IHfi i.

spl Im Lnke Pontchnrtrnin. CRESCENT RESTAURANT. Conducted by BONNET Ac UUILBEAU. The reopening of the Crescent Restaurant will take place on SUNDAY, March 3olh. The establishment hss been entirely renovated, sod the proprietors have the honor to announce to the public and their friends that nothing has been neglected to render this new house th rendezvous of lovers of good cheer.

The Cellar, which has been constructed with verv srer.t rare, win oe auwaya pxuvxucu wixxi xae oiuest, vt llirs 01 tue oexi growtlx. The undersigned hope by their efforts, bv the excellence of the attendance, and the good aouduct of their bouse, to enjoy a continuance of the patronsge of their friends and xo iiicrii, max. ui iuc puuuc BONN Ex" A BU1LBKAC N. B. Thosa who msv have ordera for famils or luirtu uluiicn WKiTcjAic rexueiixexx xo Beoa xnem IV DO.

at OL ninp street, tue idttie ersndau kxestaurant. ur 1 his Restaurant is open at all hours, day or night Iiaar. 'IiWU rKOMISSORY NOTES, each f.r dated a iiauiBonvine. iiiarcn 'lin. ikw.

oavahle mnA two years, bearing Interest at 8 percent, per annum, and payable at tbe Bank of Louisiana. Said notes are drawn uy Aiewia aa. Piurgau, in lavor oi and endorsed bv Jose fo luiner, Lazard Baham and Samuel II. Morgan, snd were 1 11 xixA.aex uooa witn some mnn.v .1 r. .1 yesterday afternoou in a Bayou Road omnibus.

Tbe find may keep the money If he will return the notes to the Cashier of the Bank of Louisiana The payment has been stopped. All persons are cautioned against negotiating for in 1 1. I irawim N'ntir. rriHE undersigned hereby gives notice, that after thirty orable First District Court of New Orli. Tr.

ia. cipationoi nia slave WILLIAM MANN, a mulatto, aged about vmn a. n. 7 1 1 1 ihiuii xv 1 nini 11 in tne orate. fi" JAM Ka J.

PERSON. 11 One Hinru. fjOfi 5.Aa?RL8 "Perir Louisiana fresh Bone Black, I JJJ Nos. 3, 4 and xed, in store and lor sale by I ED WD. 8HIFF A mhn stawtf Common street.

For Sale, oH no 1 clM? ENGINE, one year No. 1 order. Ad api tf icayune otnee. KEN rA Koysl street bet.VrT no. reU.y DWD.

8HIFF lai. ei I mhn atawtf xommon street n.A.. A'J yTOKjv for James Ili.lMd oi auiii ui m.jL nine hunriiAi a dated Points Coupee. IWnmw 18 isLf .27 two, three, four and fiveTesT with n.d.dI,e.m. OM mnn dste ss shall not pay said not.

tW. bsving failed. 1 vuaiUcraixOn mnzi At 1 JAMES M. MOTLOVF. rriHE praaEansbakery andcOaNfTctionery woriOng OTdernd doings good business.

The Pauses can be leased from one to five years. For particular. plyn the premises. No. TritSn Walk! mb3 lorajtce Hense.

KEW ORT.GAXR Corner of Camp street and La layette Square. This plessanUy located hotel 3 sDrlns ths Dnimsr nvnnflM fiir lh. wait remain opes le STrnnimiutAtlAM a i of city and transient boarders Its healthy and airy stuation is xUWlllassd in this city." w. on at of i STEAMSHIPS wm Leaves on THURSDAY. April 1(h, at 8 A.

FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANT For Key West, via Pensaeota, Apaiacmcoia, St. Marts, Cedar Keys and Tampa The fins steamship C. VANDERBILT. J. mun wmuu will leave her wharf, foot of Jolia street, for he above ports, rsrrying the O.

8. Mails, as above. For freight or pa jge MP'7 on ft PoydrMrt. Vera Crns. mnrc rv A 1 1 a cs.1 aa ft Sk MjmmYVB Uu UIiOUAI, ADTU bsv a.

a. fr rr FOli H. sr. a ranz 11 itiau liiDV in Forbe eommavntifr. will for Verm Cm, wboe.

ponrtauy, carryiuf the U. S. Mail. For freight or wnge, Tlng elejrant accommodAtioitf lor caoin ana nwiw "Bc," ffj rw 1 rt IB A. UADI A Itf

ODOosite we ateamsnip Ltwiuii. No freight will be received without an aroer from the scents. (n HfornlSL. wM nn aATITRnAV. Anrilft.

at 8 A. nredaerr. rilK. I Al.irillLillO. 1 A I.

A Asplnwall and Panama The United Statea ail DiCRiiiNiJV 7 HR.ANADA. m. P. Griffin, commander, will leave ner st mEPH STREET, as above, with the Government mails and passengers, connecting with the U. S.

mail steamship Philadelphia at Havana, and the ii 1. i i a ss4 Panama, ruE ajc iUi niii.nnADIS NOW OFEN FROM OCEAN 0 OCEAN, and the transit maae in a lew A I(U a The Havs of ssillns will hereafter be the 6th and 80th of eaco DlODin, iruin tun pon, ti n.u Through tickets can now oe ootaiueu mi inc onue ui ARMSTRONG. HARRIS mhJV tsp4 43 Natchez street, near Camp. New Vorit. ntw iunn a.ii i.

STEAMSHIP COMPANY For New York. vim llovnna The new. snlendid. side, wheel stesmsbip CAHAWBA, J.A Bulloch, commander, hav ing elegant accommodations for first class pnssengers, will leave ner wnari, 100c 01 Bt. josepu sireei, rirav with the U.

8. mails, as above. For eigbt or passage ap nlv In JAMES COMtOLY Asents, i Thn steamahlns R'ark Warrior and Cahawba will lesve New York and New Orleans regularly on the 12th and 37th af each month, until lurtner notice. nn II a inril A A nredaelv UNITED STATES NAIL Bir.AOTOMir Company For New York, via Havana The naw inn rirvniu irimnuin elai. a i.a nrirtin commander, will leave her wharf, opposite ST.

joskph RTRKET. for New York, via Havana, as above. with the Government mails and passengers. For freight or passage apply at tne omre 01 toe company, 71 oiajrauncsu JENNINGS. LAD6HLAMJ at mh3? tp4 Agents.

Apalnchicoln. Tavaann WF.llN'F.SllAV. Anril Cd. at 8 P. FOR A PA LACHICOLA The steamsnip AMERICA.

Nelann. master, will leave as slove. from the Steamshln Lsndins. foot of uiib streec or iretgnt or passage apply to mli il WOOD LOW. 37 Natchez street.

No freight received without sn order from the agents. Leaves on Inst, at 8 A. Ml FOR GALVESTON AND MATAGORDA BAY L. 8. Mail Line The Dew and mag iiiticeut stt snubio MEXICO.

John Y. Law less, commander, will leave aa above. For freialit or pas sage, usvine et ant accommoilatlona. apply on oosru, to HARRIS A. MORGAN, foot of Julia street.

sp.1 opposite the Steamship Landing. bar The steamships of this line will hrrenfter oav hebt em ire on goons trnra t'owuer Horn to Lavaca. t'JT Blutiers will please provide themselves with tke steamer's bills of lading. nt her form will be signed. Leaves on THURSDAY.

April l'Uh. at 8 A. 1W. rUK. tSH.AZ.US BAnilAUU, DlUKtT New Orleans and Texas Unilrd States Mali Line The new and mamiiicent steamshlo NADT1LUS.

John S. Thompson, commander, will leave as above, punctually. For freight or passage, having ele Qt VIA i rnnm ai I urn iriixiar hjiii. apply to HAKiUH at jiiutcuAi. loot or jmis arrees.

ooDosite the Steamshin Landins. All freight shipped bv the Nautilus will be delivered 10 A apu nenneay, 01 tne steamer orampus, nniesa other wise directed. Shippers most provide themselves with the steamer's outs ot taoing. rto otner form win oe sijrneo. mii leaves on THURSDAY.

April Id. at 8 FOR GALVESTON AND MATAGORDA BAY United Stales Mail Line Tbe tine steamship LOUISIANA. W. H. msnder.

will leave as soove. For freight or passage, having ciegant acniiimfMiaiifins. anpiy on unara, or 10 UAKltiB St muitUA. t. loot 01 juua street.

mhtn opposite the Steamship Landing. 1 The stesmsbips of this line will hereafter oav lisht. erase 011 goods from Powder Horn to Lavacs. tiS Shippers will tease provide themselves with the steamer otlls 01 ladlns. other lorm wiM be signed.

Leaves on THURSDAY, April loth, at 10 A. M. FOR NICARAGUA. PL NTA ARENAS. 1 I Tbe new snd magnificent stesmsbip CHAS MORGAN.

Henrv Plsce. commander, will leave as above. For freicht or Dassaee. havina soDerior BccuuiiuuuBiioiis, appiy to Attn 1 3 niuKUA.n. opposite tbe Stesmsbip Landing.

sasi nates oi asaage steerage, m.ui; t. soul, fwl. NorlolK and York. FOR. NEW YORK THROUGH LINE lNo Changes including meals and state 100111: 4 steeraire passaire The superior large and powerful side wheel stesiiishina JAM ESTOWN.

(Hii tons. 1 I'arrish. commander, and ROANOKE. 1 1 tons, Bkniner. commander, leave fortsniouth snd INor folk Va.

for New York direct, every WEDNESDAY and EVENING, after the arrival of the cars from the booth, and reach INewYnrk the next eveninc in uuiy imi ii ik ki i in i mill 11 1 iu i A aua Iew I ora. aur rawengers may rely on meeting these mips on the shove days at Norfolk, and their leaving punctually as ad ver Isert. Passengers from the South, wlshins to tske this mute to New York, will take their tickets only as far aa A uiiAiiiuuiii, i iv. ur 1 1. iiirjr rniH ine nver (O .1 ui I ll I A and ran go directly on board the shiDS.

where thev will hud the comforts of first class hotel, and have no further changes till their ar lval in New York, and no extras to pay meals, stale rooms, Delng included In the above nnnien sum. spl tr ClinrlcHtoa and Nfw Yru. Cabin Passage from Charleston to New York. 9V. I'.

9. MAIL. l.lE NEW YORK AID CHAR I. RSTiiN STPAM PxrKPTH awa 1 hrouah in 48 to A3 hours heml eeklv. NASHVILLE, 1 M.

Berry, commander, MARION. tons W. Foster, commander. JAMES ADGRK. l.tnotons...8 C.

Turner, commander. SOUTHERNER, loo I). Ewan. commander. Leave Adeer'a Wharves everv WRIINF.KnxT mnA BAIUKUAX.

alter tbe arrival of the cars from the South and est, at uicru water. These steamships were built expressly for this line, and inr saiety, comiort ana speed are unrivaled on the Coast. Tables supplied with everv luxury. Attentive and mnr teous commanders will ensure travelers by this lins every IUUIIUIV AUU XAVOIUtUUBLina. or ireigut or passage, haviDz elesant state room aceom moaations, apply to KtPlltl aUISSROON, Sonth Wharf, Jeisv Charleston.

S. Cabin Passage ass Steerage a Mobile MteamihiD Couinunv. rwn. nAVA.lA AiiJ t. tUKA Mobile 8teamship Company Tbe new and fast Side wheel ateamskin xirTAHm CTTV W.

Shufeldt, commander, will sail fr im New York for oioDiie on tne 1st dsv ot Aoril next, nnsitive xnH there after will sail from Mobile on the 16th and from New York on tne 1st 01 every month. Kates of rasas ire Between Mobile and New York $0 00 Between Mobile and Havana sn on r.xcursion timet between Mobile and Havana, uw mi tue rem ill inp SU For freight or passage apply to LutiKACK at sorts. Agents, Corner of St Louis and Water atreela Arlnhil PSSSensera for Havana nixxat nroenr MAinnrt, from the Spanish Consul, Ca" Shippers csn obtsinthe stesmer's bills of lading from wja AfcuLB ijiiiic ui uri wiii ue HAiira. Havana aiAXtOAUA At co.i Matanrss JENK8 At XIMENO. Agents.

New Trlrk SMITH A PATRICK, For further information, appiy to J. CALDWELL A CO ridml sa Bank Place. Cabin Passage to New York, Twenty Five Dollars. SEMI WEEKLY UNITED STATES MAIL LINE Tbe new and splendid aides' wheel steamship KNOXVILLE, l.X tons Cant. C.

T. Lndlow, sutiLoiA) inxAj vapu tnos. l.yon, FLORIDA, 1300 tons Cspt M. 8. WoodhuU.

AI.AHAM A IWXIInn, AT 121... rill eave Savannah everv WEDNESDAY axnd lAtna DAY. These ships are among the largest on the coast, unsur passed in speed, safety or comfort; making their passages In fifty to sixty hours, and are commanded by skiUfoi, isiciiu buu pouic umcrra, naTinf ciecanc state room ac comraodations, they offer a most desirable conveyance to icw uia. cabin (3ft Steerage Passage. a Agents, PADELFORD.

FAY A Savannah, saa li is, jzu1wU1a1a, 13 Broadway, New York Jane 10, ISM Jew New York and JItpi dooI. SBwBBSSBnBBSBB or THE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL a. MAIL. BTK A TkUL U.a Tha axiloa com Ul 1.1 11 A 111 1A 11 IIC AIEl The Capt. West The PACIFIC Capt, Eldridge.

The BALTIC Comstocfe. The ADRIATIC These ships having been built bv contract. sssrwAi. for the Government service, every care baa been taken lu their construction, as also in their enxrinea. to

strength and speed; aud their accommodations for pssv niii.Ait uu. miiu ior eicgancc anu comiorx. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool. In first cabin, SI30: in second cabin. S75.

Exclusive uae of size state rooms, $3S. From Liverpool ta New York. SO An expenenced surgeon attached to each ship. No berths can be secured until paid for.

rroposed Dates of Sailing. From New York. From Llvernaol Nov. aa. Irak.

Saturday Dec. 18S8. 16, Ikaa. Saturday 9, lUf. Wednesday Jan.

Sr, isa6. Wednesday I8S6. Wednesday.Feb. SO, 1868. 6, lHAfl, in, 1866.

Wednesday 164 Wednesdsy 16, IDAS. SO, ISA. And siternata Wednesdays, to Wednesday. 1J, 18A5. Wednesday.

86, 18SA. Jan. 6, 18A8. Saturday Jan 19, 18AS. Saturday Feb.

a. 18A6. Saturday. 16, 1RA8. 8aturdsy Mar.

1, 1856, Saturday. 16, 18A6. Saturday Saturday A so, una. li. 1MM Ana eve: nd every alternate 8 at 'day.

For freight orassBealy COLLINS, an street, New toti. BROWIf, SHIPLEY A Liverpool. STEPHEN RENNAHD A 97 Austen Friars. London. ft WAmWRmnT s.

an Pah, The Owners of thaae ahlna will nne h. accAnntmhla fhsr gold, silver, bullion, specie, Jewelry, precious stones or metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein. BhiDDers will nlesse take notice, that the shlrsi af th line cannot carry any goods contraband of war. All letters muust pass throtxgh the Post Office, any other will be returned. notice Tbe day of departure of this Line from few York for 1866.

will be 8sturdav. commencing Janoarv Ath. and every alternate Saturday and from Liverpool, Wed urauor, omiux ox mg juuTf Sao, ana every aitemats Wednesday. ol tf Three Hnndred Dollars) Reward. MAYORALTY OF NEW IX.

MAH kAA XHAa A REWARD OF THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for anv information which mav lead to tha arrest and conviction of Aha aaxaasln or asaassina whs did the night mt Monday, the 17th inst, at about 9 o'clock, the corner of Oravier and Magazine streets, ah not Policeman ALEXANDER ALQEO in the head, of kw t. wound he has since died. nuws 6t JOHN Ia. LEWIS. Haver.

Notice. AaTEETINtr of the creditors of Texas is invited at WiUs'sHotel, in tbe City of WsaxxiniTat tt ridian. sn MONDAY, the Ath it a. JFzrJZrV', th. utmost Importance to their interest will iTinhT mitieo tor tneir exii(ieratim, j.

HAMILTON saxxBAxiA. aviarua iota, iskXk pi hill gtswLmT of we the ble the' sous STEAIMBOATS; ivTotn mnA T.ailra Packetsli wADif Ttnr.rrr a ir.Tr MAIL LINE Winter Arrangemcnl CUBA a. Relen. master. FLORIDA, W.

H. Hatch. lugs, master, and CALIFORNIA, A. L. Myers, master, 1 11.

I.aka trade. Witn SU. perior accommodation. One of the above steamers will leave the Lake end of the Pontchartrain Railroad DAILY, on tbe arrival of the 4 o'clock P. M.

cars. Returning, wi 1 stop Paaeagoula on Monday and Thursday evening. Cabin Far to Mobile a. R. GEDDES, Agent, 10 Bank Place.

ITe Orleans, If ovem ber 1 1 H56. n8I REGULAR COVINGTON STEAMER. The low pressure snd light draught steamer UNITED STATES. W. Ardill.

mas ter, lesves for Covington, nandeviue, LewisDurg ana MadisonviPe, as louows: Pmm Jefierson Railroad. From Pontchartrain Rallr'd. Tuesdsys 8:30 M. train. Thursdays.

8:90 Tuesdays 10 A. M. train. 1 nursoays 10 Saturdays 12 m. Returning, leaves Covington on Mondays.

Wednesdays id Fridays, at o'clock A. arriving In time for the 1 and Fridays, n'clwlr train ar Fare, 1 mesls.BO cents. F3 ly al hamn IMver. Leaves on SATURDAY, the nth lnst at IP. frr kw FOR MONTGOMERY AND WETUMP.

kuih 1 ne entireiv new. j.Tv. n'T. S. Si TBSSIaT "FT arauaufc uaaKUBci lllMERxTlnaenh X.

nalrr will leSVe the New Haain aa above, for Wtumnka and all landings on the Alabama River. For freight or passage, having, fine ac commoaauona. sppiy 00 onard, or to ap2 JOHN HYDE b. fin Povdras street. Air The Montgomery is now receiving freight, at the Magnolia Warehouse, lower side of the New Csnsl.

Leaveseverv EDft E8DA at 4 f. HI. UF.UU1.AK LUESUAT CVE.11KO "packet. For Montaawnery and 1 Taa rnr nne last rmmiiis daw steamer cuuba H1.LLU. tieurse W.

Clnudis. master, will leave for the above and all intermediate landings as above. For freight or passage apply on ooaro, or to avil 1 UV1U IV mtr 1 A 1 '13 Commerce and 3 Front streets. Mobile. car The Coosa Belle has been built expressly for the above trade, and for speed and comfort is unsurpassed by snv boat on tne river.

10 Utvrr. STEAMER ROBT. J. WABD, CaDt. Silas F.

Miller. vnn I milOinl Tll. v. 11 nn rl i TnaAAenaer nacket will leave for tbe above nnrt 1 1 Lnr.rm.H i.l. 1 .1.

ll i II thrOUSh out tne irAHSii. aa fallows Ia hh New Orleans SATURDAY. April I'tth. at r. nt.

Leaves New Orleans WEDNELDAY. Msy 6 P. M. Leaves New Orleans SATURDAY. May g4tb, at 6 P.

hi. Leaves New Orleans TUESDAY. June lOih. at A P. M.

Leaves New Orleans THURSDAY, June at 5 M. Leaves New Orleans SATURDAY. July 12th. at A P. M.

N. B. Passengers can DEPEND on this steamer leav tug aa adveitised. Star io state room considered ensareo antn psia ior. A plan of tbe cabin can be seen, and state rooms secured lor any oi tne aoove trips oy applying to tne agents.

fie.lllliun nrr.rrr.. apt Tchoupitoulas street. Leaves ou THURSDAY, the at 4 P. M. ll a.

FOR CINCINNATI. The fine rrgniu I s4i7pssenger steamer SWITZERLAND. Ji master, will leave lor Cincinnati and all intermediate landings as above. For freight or pas sage apply on ooard. or to api JUM.i e.

un st on i oyoras street. Lesves on Til URSDAY. the at A P. M. FOR CINCINNATI.

LOUISVILLE, I u.i i I i. ill mnning paAsenger steamer SWIT J. P. ScUenck. master, is now receivins in igiit and win leave as atxive.

For rreignt or passage ap iy on warn, or to apt KOG KHS. wrot lKE St 19 Poydrss sr. STAR LINE. Leaves on FRIDAY, the Ith Inst, at P. M.

FOR CINCINNATI. MADISON. LOO "lsville.and all intermediate landings The inew. ngnt nrangot.switt running and splen Old lasseniier steamer LAUIS. Joaenh Scott, master arrive in port on Tuesday, the 1st of April, and will leave as above.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to BP I j. r., is oydras street. gssTThe L. was built expressly for this line, and is not surpassed hy sny boat on the river for comfort snd speed.

A plan of her cabin ran be seen and state rooms secured mi application to the sgent. Leaves on SATURDAY, the Ath at 6 P. M. fTV a. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regulai passenger packet EMPIRE.

W. M. Under 'a'ia ia jb wood, master, will leave lor l.nuiaville and B.I intermediate landxnxs. ss aoove. For freight or nuM aifiy vu oi ini, ur xo DtLli.

BUCHANAN At OS MimnsiL A plan of the cabin can be aeen and atate rooms se. cured oy applying to the agents. ap Leaves on or aleiut SATURDAY. I'th M. FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe fine resuia passenger par Art uaviu WMITK.

A. Mc KsaGill, msster, will leave for Louisville and all iiacriuedinte landings as aoove. For freight or passage ap piy on uoora, or xo ap? uni.I,. BUCHANAN nlagazinest. t'W A plan of the cabin can be seen and state rouma aa cured by applying to the agents.

Leaves on TUESDAY, the Mh st 6 P. M. "5 w. FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe fine regulai passenger packet MAGNOLIA. St.

Clair 1 nomsason. master, will have for Louiavi Ir Sud all Itilenuediate iandmss SS above. or freisht or naa sage myyij ou nnsni. or to T. SHUTE, JJ Common street.

or BELL. BUCHANAN At OA Marazineat A Plan of the cabin can be seen and ataxA moral aa corea oy applying to a Bnnte. a i Conrmon street. spi Leaves on or about WEDNESDAY, April itith, at P. M.

iTwSa a. FOR LOUISVILLE The nne regulai tj 1 FJ fJf passen ger packet EM PRESS. Sheerer, mas ii win hbvs ior Aiouisvine sno ail inter nie.liate laudingS) as above. For freight or passage apply BELL. BUCHANAN A SA Manzlne at A plan of tbe cabin can be seen and state moms curen oy applying to the agents.

mh.1l If Leaves ou THURSDAY, the 3d st A P. M. FOR CINCINNATI. I.onisvir.I.a rano nisoison A he steamer BUSWUEHAN A. Williamson, master, will leave for the aoove and all intermediate tandinx.

as above. Far freight wi i hq mvyj mi ii ii ii in to apt KiMir.KS, McOUlRE 1 Poydras St. Leaves on THURSDAY, the 3d st A P. M. LOUISVILLE The fine remla, packet ROBT.

J. WARD. Silas msster. will leave for I I. a.

id an tue intermciUate landings, as aoove. For freiuht or ry 'j vu uwu. BETTERTON St. REEFFE. Tchoupitoulas street, or BELL, BUCHANAN Ac UA Magazine street Saw A Plan Of the cabin can he seen anil arate rmmi ae cured by applying to Betterton A Keette, 38 Tchoupitoulas reet.

Leaves on THURSDAY, the Inst. at A P. M. FOR CINCINNATI. MADISON AND FliOuisvtiie The superior passenger stesuier i5l.sur

jo'U A. vi luismson. l.iivner, wul leave for Cincinnati snd all intermediate land InsB. as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apt juh.i tu.

xl 1 UK At oh poyoras st Lesves on THURSDAY, the at A P. M. r3 a. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regular parsrnger pa. ket A is Bmwn m7wi aa? wi nia'ter.

will leave for Ixiuisville snd sll the intermediate landings, ss aliove. rir freieht or naaaase sppiy ou ooara, orto tsr.iir. iuj ac ivtt.rtt. 1 cnoupitouiss street, or BELL. BUCHANAN A spl iA Marazine street ttM" A blsn of the cabin csn be seen snd state rooms sss cured by applying to Betterton At Keetfe, ia Tthoupitoulas BIXXT.

Leaves ou TUESDAY, tbe 13th April, st 6 P. M. FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe nne retrnlai passenger packet JAMES MONTGOME RY. SamL Montsximerv. msster.

will leave or tuuisvuie and all intermediate landings, as above. For freight or passage apply an board, or to t.L,XA, iiUCMANAn A ItlilM XIA Marazine af SasT A olan of the cabin can be seen and At at. cuivo oy applying to tne agents. leaves ou or about SATURDAY, Apnl lth. at A P.

M. tun liUU ISVXI.LE The line resular 'paeseiiger packet A. L. SHOTWELL, B. t.

t.Mli..te I rin. i irii i i "iii ien.e mr Aiuuiavuie ind ail iiitcriucdiate landinss aa ahove. Foe freii ht ne xikx UWU, 1 11 atLL. BuniAMy a rn mhJ7 OA Alaearlne A plan of tbe cabin csn be seen and ct nta rnnm. a.

cureo oy applying to the agents. Leaves on FRIDAY. April 4th. st P. M.

FOR LOUISVILLE The tine regulai passenger packet ECLIPSE, E.T. Sturgeon. will leave for Louisville and all in. nucdiiUe landings aa above. For freight or passage ap ply on board, or to 0E.A.AI, DVV.xUTIA.

I St ntiixi msgaziue st. tt A plan of the cabin can he seen and xriireu py applying to tne agenta Leaves on TUESDAY. Anril Ktn at a as iua wit is vt L.I.B The flne regular pas I I ui in Kui cx hiauaha, tisrry a. potts, iiiosicx. win leave iur i.nuiaviiie and an in.

landings, as above. For freisht nr lUAiflxa an nlv I I niiiii mr V'J vwoava, wi xa AaXiAaAJ, BUtltA.lAII A mn Kar A plan of the cabin can be seen and state rooms by applying to the a rents. NoD.fV?rJK.e5 fratir Cnntomhonae. vx xiiiuiu vx lAan iuj Alitiis AIMJ FANCY GOODS.

P. a rn nave xue nonor to iniorm tne ladles that they have iust received from Paria a rich ami k. iui assortment ot NEW AND FASHIONABLE spbixo noons Consisting of Crane and Ixr. ttnnnet. It.ll.n and Rice Straw Bonnets; Misses' and Children's Bonnets end lints; Printed Bus Muslin Dresses with Flounces; r.miirotderert Dresses: Sbswla and Mantillaa; Black Lace Mantillas: Gloves snd Mittenat Embroidered Linen Cam one nanuaercmeis Atiooons; AixinciaA lowers jaco .1 I li Xl 1 I 1 that they will make their opening on Saturday next, 16th March.

All the eooda are of the verv first onslitv. selected tw kw.wii. vijiii. uii.ii. us a AI Mm therefore trust that the ladies will continue to favor ui with their patronage.

mbl MAGlm OLYMPE A S4 Chsrtres St. NEW DWELLING HOU8E TO RF.N.T five rooms in front bouse, with oontrv aud twa Lclosets. three rooms in back building, and store room, out em and waterworks, on Terpsichore street. between INavadea and Frvtania Afreet a Rent ano a. iioxixiA wcu iuimkij, iiwuc H'lieu id loiiisuoii oi maple and oak.

Also, a new Frame Dwelling House on the corner of Thalia and White streets, four rooms in front bouse and four in back buildiug, store room and pantry front and rear galleries, dining room, Ac. Rent, iS per month. Apply to J. B. CAMPBELL, 116 Nayades street, sr 321 Hen ales street.

mh. tf Cotton Plantation for Wale. HAMILTON PLANTATION THE subscriber is prepared to sell the above estate on very reasonable terms. The nlantation i. Bayou Bartholomew, four miles from its motssh in the lLM.orenra,t Ji me thousand acres of land, about seven hundred of which are at nreaen in high state of cultivation.

present in a The estate is well improved dwelling house. gtd gin, itableiei VabteT.tidlli necessary outbuildiuss. Thia 'I onmTifmon, on 't ferine to nAn. i rBi suvsntsges In I PP?" If "'l 1 oa" a great bargain to anVon, di.

addre f. 6. lixlfoN EaV Ar GOODRICH st New Or.e"iTo?' PILCHB' ROBERT J. WILLSON, Hamlttoii Plantation, Bsyou Bartholomew, nihil 3m 1 Morehonw. Morehonse, La.

I Notices TO the CrsidttAMk nT aa. W.hU.. A a. THE undersiened, having received from Washingtosi the proper forms for maklnxf act the claims against tbe 1st Republic of Texas, in with an act of Congress, approved 011 the setu of February. Wei, and approved by the State of Tejias en the 1st of Febroary.

laoti, would State that be is now prepared to at teiniU theisms, 1 RitfjAliDO, 'ftp NtHary Puhllc. v. 1 rr ka STEA1VIBOATS. Tie Iitwer Itllsf1ipl. Ill is COAST AND LAFOURCHJI PACKET IsJ NEW LAT0NA Capt.

J. 3. Brown. bav aouvs trade, in place of he steamer Carrier, would respectfully call the attention ot his friends, and the public gene rally, to the fact. The Latonat will leave New Orleans eAerv SATURDAY, at 6 o'clock P.

and WEDNE8 DAY, at o'clock A. M. Returning, will leave Lockport and Tuibodanx evety Sunday and Thursday. For freight or passage apply on board. tiM The Latona is now at the Coot nf Canal street, re ceiving freight.

mbiS BALIZE PACKET O. Mail The fine and snhatantlAj atMnutr OPHELIA. John Dlmitrv. master, will conrinne to ra tne osXiSb of Plaoaeminea dnrin the summer, once a week, leaving New Orleans every SATURDAY, at 10 o'clock A. and returning, leave the Balue every Sunday morning, arriving in the city on Monday evening.

For freight sr passage apply on board, or to o37 CHAS. llE BLANC. 1 Customhouse street IV Persons wishing to visit the Balixe on an excursion, will have the privilege of remaining on board during her stay there without extra charge. UNITED STATES MAIL LIN from New Orleans to Irks ft org For Don iMiuu swuac, a in. avsn aarst.

ilea reiver ajbxioiuk, on aubxxis Notches, aterproof, Rodney, St Joseph, Grand Gait Warreoton and vicksburg. PRINCESS, CspL M. NATCHEZ, Capt. Leatners, SATURDAY, at P. M.

The above mentioned snlendid oassenger packets wH leave on their regular days, without tail, at the hour ap poiuxeo. aii Dusineas entrusted so meir care win xm promptly and faithfully attended to. Freight taken tot Yazoo, if consigned to W. M. Sbaw, tbe agents of the boats at Vicksburg, who will forward It without delay, and with out any.extra charge.

a nese ooats win not Be responsible for any letter or pace age, containing money. Jewelry, or other valuables, nnlea res mar bills of lading are taken, anecifvina the contents and value, and the freight paid nor for any vamaolea de posited with the clerk by the passengers, or contained is their baggage. For freight or assure apply sn board or to CARROLL, PRITCHARD St as tf Union Row. A3 Csrondelet st. Tbe Natchez and Princess will take freight for all points on the Yszoo River as high as Greenwood.

They connect with the steamers City of Cairo and Creole, which leave Immediately ou their arrival at Vicksburg. and will take passengers through from New Orleans to Yazoo City in 6 2 III! II I Leaveseverv TH URSDAY. at A P. M. u.

o. All. iiii sit AM tit SOUTHERN BELLE Running in connection with Kaaasntuc rnucevs ana Iatcuez or Princetnn a aiiri.ti i' snin. a k. .1 i dence.

Goodrich's Landing, Milliken's Bend, Vicksburg Grand Gulf, Rodney, Natchez. Fort Adams. Bayon Baton Rouge, and all intermediate landings The splendid! hist running passenger packet SOUTHERN BELLE, L. W. Broadwell, master, will leave ss above.

"For freiight or passage apply on board, or to PILCHER, GOODRICH it 47 Csrondelet street. SSr The Hon them Relle will ask t.k. u. points on the Yazoo River, with tbe privilege of at Vicksburg, sbe having made very advantageous rnn menta for that purpose, at A clerk will be on the T.evpe TnH.w 1 to receive freight. a The steamer Southern Belle will attend to all btul ni ss of tbe steamer 8.

F. J. Trabue, during the spring and summer mont lis. FOR BAYOU Tim 'wk The United States mad steamei LAUREL HILL.

J. Hoooer. master. wil leave New Orleaiia everv RHKhlV Ali a at and every WEDNESDAY, at lo o'clock A. M.

and the United States mail steamer C. D. J. A. Cotton, mes leave New Orleans every MON DA at 5 o'clock a.

every i XLl XJA at clocx A. m. Ketnrn ing. one Of the boats will leave Rirnn fUrm MAn.4 Tuesday, Thursday and Satan arriving in New Orieaar we same aay. AffntS M.

G0RD0 J. A. BRACD LANDRY, BURBRIDGE ADAMS. HALL, KEMP CO. A clerk will be on the Iim at .11 eim rmm tv.

day morning to Saturday nisht, and shippers can deliver goods and have bills lading signed at any time during the boat's absence. du COAST AND LAFOURCHE PACKET. The steamer DR BATEY, A. Doxras. master, leaves New Orleans every MONDAY and FRIDAY, at xi o'clock A em Ing down, leaves Thibodauz every Tuesday and Saturday evening, and pass down the coast Wednesday and Sunday or xxcigut or pass age apply en Donra, or is A.

LAFORE8T, New Orleans, 8. T. DAUN1S A or A GINGRY, Donaidsnnvi le. COAST LINE OF PACKETS BELLA DONNA and MUSIC To and from New Orleans. Williams port.

Bavon Sara. Port all InmiinM Tbe BELLA DONNA IV Mi rnmh, jfave New Orleans every SATURDAY, at s' o'clock P. rr illianuport toucbins at all the intermedin, nointa txeiuming. win leave rsaynn Sara every Wednesday, tw the arrival of tbe cars from Woodville. The MUSIC.

J. H. Morrison muster Brill Kc leans eve TUESDAY, at o'clock A. and FRIDAY, at A P. for Port Hudson.

Retnrninr. will leav Port Huison on Wedneyisys snd Saturdays, after the an val of the Clinton and Port Hudson ears. rartlcular attention naid to the tag of passengers and way freight, at all Ibours of the daj andmgbt. HOLMES i.

CLACSS. ol3 r.m 14 Tchoupitoulas street. Leaves every THURSDAY, at A P. M. fc KEGULAR THURSDAY VICKSBURG .1111 1 XV A.

XV LYON For Ashton. Pilcher's Point T.ake rovi.ieuce. Milliken's Bend, Vicksburg, Warrenton. New Cartbsse. Grand Gulf.

Radnev and 1 1' 1 1 snd swift running passenger packet steamer FRANK LYON. J. H. Estes. master, wilf leave for the above and all intermediate landings, as above, ply on board, or to For freight or passage sp ep T.

B. SMITH. 12 New Levee. gist This boat Will not be reanonaihle for anv letters or packages containing money, jewelry, or other valuables, unless regular oills lading aie taken, specifying tbe contents snd value, and the freight naid nor for anv valuables de posited with tbe clerk by the passengers, or contained in then baggsge. itiemDms.

Leaves on SATURDAY, the inst st 6 P. M. FOR MEMPHIS For Memphis. Helena. 1 Nspoieon.

Greenville, aud all landings in Esr srogtlie Bends The regular psssenger packet steamer ti. U. W. HILL, T. It Newell, master will leave as shove.

For freight or passage spply on board, or to ap; 1T R. NIXON, Union street, si The H. W. Hill will take freisht snd nassensers for Nashville, resliippiug at Memphis on regular Nashville and Memphis mail packets. Arknncias) Kiver.

Leaves on SATURDA Y. tbe Ath inst.atkP. M. FOR ARKANSAS RI VER Rexmlar Ar. kensas River Packet The line, fast run ning passenger packet steamer PELICAN.

ieo. el. Asuton. niaAter. wilt leave for Fort Smitb.Vf.ti huien.

Ozark. rXtrrrist wn. ilardanellea l.eanalkiirv,lA Rock. Pine Bluffs, and all intermediate landings on Arkansas river, as above. Fer freight or paasne apply on board.

to Xix.nio niAxr ac xtj. npi 37 Front street. Tennessee Ulvrr, I.eavi on FRIDAY, the Ath st A P. M. roil KASTPORT, FLORENCE AND 'Tuscnmbia.

The tine regular packet steam ler MIDAS. Stanlev Brown, master will leave lor the ahove and Intermediate landing show Shippers may rely oaon her remaiuinx in the trawle th entire season. For freight or passage apply on board, or to api LEWIS SNAPP A S7 Front street. EaXT Tbe Mldss will take CiiniKei Unrl RIl frmiahr u.iaK the privilege of rtshippiug. Oprioniuts.

Leaves on THURSDAY, tbe 3d at 19 M. PUKOFKLOUSAS The steamer A T.TCIC 1 W. GLAZE, a. Lonaillier. master will leave as shove, takins freisht for Old River ilinilisoort.

and all landitixra on the Atchafalaira Vnf freight or passage apply on board, foot of Bienville street, or to J. 61. JOHNSTON ft PI Front Levee. liayou tie laize. Lesves every alternate WEDNESDAY JUIt THE ATCrl AFALAYA.

SIMM1 "port, Bnyoo des Glaize, Bayou Rouge, and all intermediate landiaaa. The llsht draneht ttenmer HAIOU BELLE. D. Olafsrock. master.

H. Slupmsn. clerk, will leave ss above. For freight or passas apply on board, or to in H. BILT.Y.

13 Exchange Place. Cnmberlnnrt KiTer. ll Leaves on SATURDAY, the sth at P. V. FOR NASHVILLE. 'Eddyville, Trice Lauding snd all lauding EOn the Cumberland River 'The new mtmmtn. er CU.MiiEil.LAND. M. D.

F. Rrooks master will leave as above. For freight or passace aonlv on board, or ta spl ROGERS, McOUlRE At Poydras st. SxiTThe Cumberland will leave as above. OuarhilM Klvrr.

Leaves on THURSDAY. April, at A P. M. REULLAR EVERY OTHER THURS osy pacxet For Camden. French Port, Beech Hills.

Miller's Bin If. Chamnasnolle. A limiiixrton. Piet Yio Hill r.mviil. AI lining, wuiruiia city, Aiocniomnnd.

Aioutn Arboue. Trenton. Monroe Pine Hind' C. Ater'A Columbia. Harrisonburg.

Trinity. Blsck River, and all in termedi ste landings on the Ouschita river. The tine fast running light drsuubt Dsssena er nacket steamer JIIDAH TOURO, G. L. Kouns.

msster, J. W. Tobin, clerk, will leave as above. For freisht or psssas e. bavins suDerior ac commodations, apply on hoard, or to mo.

i ijiwis s.xArf A ST Front street. tV Returning, will leave Camden on Wednesday. March 8T, at stopping at Chamnagnolle Wednesday eve. mine oauue Unix A iuo am a Aiandins on nueadao moruing. Loctilomond on Thursdav eveninsr.

Trenton mnA nroe on Friday mornlus. HarriaonbnreanH Rlnelr on rnnn, nixm, nmiinx ax rvewurieans Sunday memms. FOR SALINE RIVER, FROM OUACHITA CITY The light draught steamer K. LIN8AY. Kouns.

master will leave as aoove. on the arrival of the In.l.h Tm.n 111. 11 arix ii. ii 1 1 1 1 1 a i i diate landings. The Linsay baa been purchased to connect WltUthe Touminthe llavnna RebetAC.

Xf I ti.H.l. P' lkvais SNAPP A ST Front street Wevr Orleanw and Cairo Dally Mall L.lne. IT 1 pacsets carrying the mails between ty New Orleans and Cairo will leave either i wi a r' every day at o'clock P. and will ai vuc luuu.lU AAXBX1 BXAUOnB KOing 1 tun: Oaiues's Landins. axcnez.

Napoleon, Helena. Memphis, Randolph, New Madrid. Hickman. Vicksburg, Lake Providence, Grand Lake, Point Worthington, Greenville, Columbia, Columbus, Cain, Coming down will stop at tbe same places, terminat in gat stCSf a ss imipx Freight will be taken fnr anv nf ihu ntn aengers for any point. ABNER L.

GAINES, Agent, gg Commercial Place. For 1 1 AA A AAA. Ma rrTE FOUR VALUABLE LOTS, Nos. 7 and 8. bounded by Front Levee.

Julia. Fulton and Mimd streets, running entirely through from Front Levee to uiron, wiiu a oeptn or r. i ieet. ana a front of feet on both Front Levee ana Fulton. The said lota are the next uvi uiic xx uixa axreex.

or xerms apply to R. II. BROW NE, Attorney at Law, api tf Camp street. Hoop Iron. 000 NDLE8 HOt5f JRON, to l.H fnch aJL j.a men, tor eh Ia.

1. terns for sale by PRIESTLEY A BEIST mow SB and Camp street. FiMhlnt NaIa7 AN "Soriment of CHOICE SEINES, sssorted. from to fO fathoms: also, a lot nf rum rimkivi SODS in store and to arrive, and for sale by "Uix UlVJlOit, MUWI.LL A mhes lmdAW Camp street. ROOMS AND BOARD Families desirous of securing BUBTtme DtS foe t.e mw.

i. mm sAAn e.n bs Mlif. calling at the corner at Minnne and Julia streets, with some of the largeat, hudsoiiiest and oest ventila ed reosss the A Caw sent lemen'eaa be suited with sleaaant moms and board and also a few day boarders. Terms tzwaeraia, ana sccommod stioos equal to any in new or A ladv and xe ntieman eaa likewbe He accommodated tha trirt with a handsome suits of tvotus, consisting of partor and api 00 tSTE A1MB 0 ATr. Leaves on SATURDAY, tbe 6th lT REGULAR ST.

LOUlg fcV i on board, or to "'ar JOHN iY, tbe MolSrrr Aieaveaon daiukuav th. ST. i regular passenger steam aai Montgomery, master, win aoove and inuermediate landings i' passage apply on board, or to we, ar sp sbiiii, buihaNAS rn Leareson FRIDAI, tbe 4th inst ETflAS. freight or asTTbe fine steamer ATI.axta snccted the and leav. a.

the Ath at 6 P. M. BAI, a Leaves on THURSDAY, the 3J ai l. priiii a Lir i.n.'t.. st 5 a.uaaa, ox, AAU1S PAT i Bali ibi Aviineieiter, nuBtf bove and all Intermediate landhjsa lit or passage apply on board, or a si, I L.

the freigii SlAlk. apl Leaves on SATURDA. the Ath ate new and leanlaarVlIi Wcte i I f.Tt,; leXT. abTSa. I sage apply on board, or to 's Beti uu a i ua tbe ith in mo.

urrjrrr ad REGULAR ST. Locis Pack "line regular pssserieer 1 1ST. NICriOLA87prT ihovn4 tnat leave lor the above and all intermwisti ST.U,IritCT freight or passage apply on Iwdlnr. For BPS Leaves on THIHsllxv fr 5. FOHf ST.

Locis Vir, tTT. 'raer steamer DICaT St 4 Si tins i Phelps, master, is win leave ior ot Louis and all SJ above. Jove. For freight or passage spply so kni 'P V' iuc jo at i nr.uil,Ait or. LOUIS, PACK fine regular passenger steamer VAMA.

Klinefellr I I aOuve and all l.Ai fieigbt or paaaase spply on board, or to IP' HYDE 66 Poydra fc" A plan of the cabin can be seen and sulu cored by applying to the Brents Red ICivrr. Leaves on THU RS DA ad inst. at P. If rrr regular red Riva VZr I J.jc"l Shrevenort rand fr: V. Grand Ecore, Alrxsndris.O,: iiiteiuieuiate iandincs The new, light annirhtji, iwaiuci XA.

Tf. Sit A Robb, master, will lesve for the above as ism freight or passage, having ansuroaaaad ae 77r apply on board, foot of Canal street, sr ts i GEO. W. MU8E.2lTcDoqtrtoulM.h "The MrB.lll freight fcr MxrWa Raft, with the privilege of reshiimln.aa'.k.ALr0 ixo ii a i tne 3d at ruxv r.r tlvsuw. SMITHr Benton.

Fort Caddo AIKm, i Grand Bayou. Grand fi' 1" li. I. i i uAriiiAuo, a. a.

i. rump, Buster sriil above. Fer freluht or tnsssse snniv a 'ia LEWIS NAPP A cq.TwFiwxtlhx INDEPENDENT LINE. Lesves on FRIDAY, the 4th inst. stP fCre" FOR FE R80 gxlTTHLATI Is iSfBentoo.

Port Csddo. AlhsnflwAiS sLasBxiiuid Mooring'sLandinss 7 boou, Cauipte, Grand iore, Alexsadris, horux, all intermediate laudins The I is tit draught PLANTER, D. D. Atkinson, master, will krsm TZ above ports as above. For freight sr rsanii Ixiard.

foat of Crnsman street, nr GEO" MCSB.lTclKBltoo!iarM The Plnnler will l.k. mt tbe Rft. with the privilege of resbippaig frem fi'I mrt on mwiil VB AJA Leareson FRIDAY, tke 4th lust, at a AW. BVU ICffVl'DCAV i "ii riiAOUH Ulli X.L I ff Of ferson. Smith and, Bestoa, Port Cadsa bany, Swansou's sad Maorins a buieve)Kiix, urand Rayou, Campte, Gnxno Ecsn, Akxsi uiub, uwiivil ubiuiu aou BUI 1 11 IlinnSXft IMOli.

The fine light draught steamer PLANTEi. D. D.i son. msster. will lesve as above.

For frtiglU sr at. anolv on Iwvard nrtn sd CHAS. M. DOWD, and 4 Lsfsvetli SAtTThe Planter will take freight for abve tiae Erf tne privilege oi snipping mn fiaxeveparteagotMusaia I EPEN DENT PEOPLE LLSZ. Leaves on SATURDAY, the Inst, st 6 P.

II FOR JEFFERSON. SMrnu.m Port Caddo. Siirevenart. final Grand Ecore. Alexannha.

sn A lUberixieuiuie landings. The superior ligut 4n 4 senger steamer ROSA. Jos. i'i. XVI UCIAUfc Bl LBBBKT spiliy VD'OWILSS aul T.

B. SMITH. Is New LeM. Tbe Rosa will take freight for above toe but, a pio'irxeo, reenippinr. INDEPEN LlENT PEOFLE'8 LI1.

Lesves on SATURDAY, tbe Ath Inst. at 6 P. M. Grand Ecoie. Campte, Alexsad 1 uonon a AAOding.

The rirnnl 4 ruuiiuig paAenger steamer P. w. KIBSMALL, Witbenbury, master, will leave ss above. Iscfrr passsge apply on board, or to ap3 T. B.

SMTTH, It HrwLrrtt. The P. F. KimbaU will take freight far Fiius as lute Clilfs, and all intermediate landings, wits tlx pn lege of reahipning on the R. M.

Jones; slaa. ni uk freight for Jefierson, with the privilege of tbeXone Star. Leaves ou SATURDAY, tbe Stb st A (OH EFFERSON, SMITE 'Benton, Port Caddo, and all Uteri landings on the Lakes. Shrevemn. st nujuu, Campte, rand Ecore, bt Mtuirtce, Airx Gortoa's.

and all intermediate landings on Uatmn swift running steamer ROSA, Jos. Sslibs, max.T. 4 leave as above. For freight or passsge apply oa boari. bp LEWIS 8NAPP A CO.rFro, 1ST The Rosa will take freight for Fort Tw at sbove.

with privilege of storing and resbippiTig. Leareson SA'l URDAY, the Ath at 6 P. at FOR8HREVEPORT.GA.tDxUrim A 7Grand Ecore, Campte, Axssaria. am sasintermediste landings The sanrnq, sdl liauxlit. at.

tuner P. F. KIMBALL. W. W.

Wu master, will leave as above. For freight er past. on board, or to ap.1 LEWIS SNAPP fc JTFroBt rs The Kimball will take freight forFnlrws' cl*tfs, snd all intermediate Bandings, with Ike resnipping: tuso wiu taxe treignt lor Jetteru AilAt lege OI I resbipping. INDEPEND Leaves on TUEC ri LE'S REt i SStHfST. CliA 1 i js Sl MBKI'Xf ofTer, sl HI i A scxi a aiTd Alexandria.

SIAW, II 17 steamer ST. CHAKi t. leave as above. For freiei aP' toj ur The steamer on her account, unless by baa. clerk.

rFLE Leaves on TUESDAY. Aoril tlf.l I fTT? n. FOR JEFFERSON. SMITi fa Umtht sJ Benton. Port Caddo.

A I bant, aw tfm i s'ii all Grand Bayou, Grand Ecore, Ak and all intermediate landings. The superior at steamer ST. CHARLES, 8. Applegate, master, as above. Far freight or passage apply on boari.

at mh.TO LEWIS SNAPP A BTrraete tfaaT Tbe steamer St. Charlea will take freight Towson and Upper Red River, with the sriioatec si its pint Ur The steamer St. Charles wiO par no Mils cssr on her account unless, by an order from tbs car clerk. 8AML. APPIaEO.

Leareson SATURDAY. April 8 P. FOR JEFFERSON, POET Shrevi port, Grard Bayou, Grxrxi i and Alexandria The superior sod rv. nil.0 AlA I I 11 Ii I VnAht Ml AAXW trill KW mr the above and all intermediate landings, as sksvs. freight or pssssre apply on board, or to nihso LEWIS SNAPP A Front sxjr The steamer C.

Hsys will not be lespstanbie bills contracted on ber account, unless by order si captain or clerk, and the bill presented at the time as made. ISAAC WEIGHT. VermilioBs Ihu ot A sas. Psttersonville. Berwick Bsy, sns su ou Vermilion.

For particular, spply oa boards SwT Freight paid by shippers. A asSB lmmnwm sr Leaves on THURSDAY, the 3d inst. at tw. rua aauu a. Regular sad AssTbe line, fast running, pmmtata tUH lAZOg AHA zaxiAA" steaxuer FULTON, Wm.Gwartney, msster.

lor Troy, Leflore. Greenwood, Yazoo City, hsiArUA. intermediate landings on tbe rivets, win isarsaisw For freight or passage apply on board, or to an3 LEWIS 6NAPP A liiiMn. iJiTI'LlliV mb 4n.L. SC FOR LEFLORE, Pdoo, Tchula, Yazoo City, xwtsrt burs.

Natchez and all iugs liexuiar nacket LEWIS WHITE MA 17 and light passenger steamer LEWIS HJIj luce, msster. is now in port receiving freigst, sx" for the above and intermediate landings sosw. freight or passage apply on board, or to J. fc HYDE A A. 1 Shippers can rely on tbe WbitesiAa goinf and Greenwood without fail.

Leaves on SATURDAY, the Ath inst, sf cj. fTS FOR GREENWOOD, WJVL IjJiid on, YasooCity. SsArna, ntfiA r.Jiall Intermediate lsndings. pasaeuger steamer LEWIS WH1TEMAN. master, will leave for the above and all Intent lngs as above.

For freight or passsge spply a spi T. BTfiallTxi, 1 Aeaet ss SwT The L. W. will pay no bills, unless by SB srau the captain or clerk. 1 1, atAF.

w. a 1 rnixiAl.loe REGULAR YAZOO BJVEflr "The fine, fast nmnlnr passtiir steamer JOHN STRADttv win lesve aa above, for Leflore. Greenwood. di at Yazoo City, Vicksburg, snd all tnreroiediste Yazoo River. For freight or passsge spp apj LEWIS SNAPP A A The J.

S. is now lying st toot of Custom receiving freight a. IaT The John Strsder wm take TaHaloAn privilege of reshlpping at Oreeu or Leiwe Itlra. F. lAf i'lji OLD STAND, BOUMBON ST' tAais street aai, 1 irrt r7 erfitiAb wxvaa.

n'n biirer Ware IKE GOLD WATCHES. irtll DIAMOND AND SAML. KIRK MAXUFACTWIKJIS. (Establisbed ITi BalHmore street. WOULD respectfully ta vite attention ir SILVERTEA SETS.

PITCHERS. Jx. SILVER. SPOONS AND FORKS, URNS; TLE8, DISHES, TUREENS, sxwJiufsctu greatest care and of the most fashinns'itc er A a ll.Ce aI sT 1AAK soarmrnta nereoy givea doxjx, days' advertisemetit, she will apply to 1 Court nf New Orleans, for the einsud slave ANDREW, a mulatto man, aged a With leave to reaiaiain the fnte. I ALToif a IN T.

Jackson, master, will livslr' Bassage to Leaves on THURSDAY, tbe 9d Inst, at fr a. FOR VERMILIO Tb LaJJferTUNIofr, Forgey, master, F.f 2 fyww. tarunraiiuvs msr vi. ei Of tbe best quality PLATED WAITt 'V BASKETS. EPERONES.

CHAFINO DisH1 great vait of ORNAWr.NTAI, PIKCKS. 1.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.