The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

COMMERCIAL. OFFICE OF TH 1 Wednrassy Seining. Jan. 18, 1SML COTTON The inquiry has again ha only moderate today, and ht Mica bare reached barely Voo bales. Prlcsa ar without any material change, the City of WatAtngtaa'a advieca having little or mo effect om tbe Middling .111, 9 1 1 Good Mldd ling.

1 1 at 1 Middling Fair liaflbi, fair 4 Ordinary. Md Ordinary. 10klS aJW azjdaiiag iu arii. STATEMENT OF COTTON. Stack an hand lat asptemaaz.

lxbO Mo Arrives since to day 11.903 1.1S8.AM 1. 168.940 i sorted ta Kaported to day l.ioO 700.6M tack aa hand mot cleared. .468.414 SOWAR Price ara atflt armer, aad aome tOOO hhds. aid at okoMfcc for fair ta folly fair. M0LAB8ES Improved again, with aalea of about 2S00 kfess.

at zoarilc far femvmtiag, aad JOarttitc. for prime aavd choice, urtth 3U0 half bbls. at 35c gallon. TOBACCO We notice aalea of wbada. at 6c 1 at aWKaadMcapdrateterma.

statement of tobacco. tack on hand lat September. 186a hade. Arrived ..7.611 te aay 4 7.B16 36.831 11 13.35 a.73 tu day FLOUR Ths aalea have amaraced aome 3000 bbli, a aM rights In sm branded, delivered, at 4 70; to at S4 TBj mm and 1S antra at 687 do. (Gallrgo) alao gat So, and am anpernao at S6 7) bbL WHEAT Salea 000 aacka, af which WOO white, anduoo "aad, all an private term, CORN Frlcea irregular and lower, with aalea of about 30 jacks, Including 800 wbtts mixed at (Ac; 1800 in three lata at WC; 10 Creole at 170 at floe; 450 in two lota a i Mi at 01 06, and got at tl 10 bamheL OATS Nothing of any moment doing.

BRAN oo sacks sold a OS.0 100IB. HAT We notice) a sale of aalea prime Eaatera at mm. FORK Bases confined to 315 bbla new Mess in three lata at tlx, and 50 at tl 36 Hp bbl. BACON Very doll, with a large stock, and nothinc of Any moment doing. DRY SALTED MEATS 18,000 TB in bulk aold at 6c.

Jar Shoulders, lnd Tlc for Hams. LARD The aalea include 100 atria, and tiercea at llfcc WHIBKET Some 300 bbla. Rectified aald in two lou at 7 aad as Eaw at 8c. gallon. COFFEE Sales 470 bag at 1044c 1145 at llitc, and 100 B.

INDIA BAGGING Holders now asking 14c, and otter af Uitc 4P yard refoeed for round lota. HIDES We notice aajee of Attakapaa on the Levee at S. TALLOW go Uercea Weatera sold at roc TB. FKI6HT8 A Ship was laid on for Liverpool to day at 4rja 4p hhd. for Tobacco.

EXCHAK8E The demand has been limited at oar (clear Mils). 797 and 8 4ct prem. Sf. CI4tSf.8 doL I4t0'ct. dis.

4rct dis. Itew York 80 Hew York Bight CATTLE MARKET. Jefleraoa City, Wednesday Evening, Jan. la BEEF CATTLE The market waa moderately active. Wa ajaote Western Beeves at 7J.c TB net, and Texas (1396 and $46 ip bead.

BOOS In demand. Prices 71,989, and 9c IB. SHEEP Sopply limited. We quote at 30s 60 head MILCH COWS At 304j50 and $90 head. TKAL CATTLE Bood demand at adlt head.

MONETARY AND FIXAXCIAL. WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 19. The Money market has shown no change to day. In Baah the applicationa for discount are numerous, bat there la every disposition to take all that may be tendered, as their raaonrcra are folly equal to the requirements made am them. Outside the supply of capital la free, and negotiations are daily made to a considerable extent at 8 ara 4fe.

At these figures there is about aa equal drare te borrow and to lend, so that the market continues to exhibit a very decided degree of activity. By the arrival of the steamship City of Washington we have dates from Liverpool to the 5th nut. The Cotton market for three days previous waa unchanged, the aalea washing 18,000 bales on the basts of 7d. for Middling. From Manchester tile accounts remain favorable, the demand both for goads and yarna being well sustained, and at full prices.

Hera there la a tendency to ran op the estimates of the crop, cones qnent on the con tinned heavy receipts, and we find many who are writing 3,800,000 bales and upwards. Same go beyond the line of ail precedent, and base these opinions on the supposition of corresponding arrivals Zrom this time out. 8uch views we consider fallacious, and we feel assured that at a proportionate early period the utelpta will probably shew each a decline aa to bring the saaximum ideas down to 3,800,000, and even under; But after all it makes but little difference, and dealers can afford to calmly await the fata re deveiopmenU of the yield. Whatever that production may turn ant to be it is not ga kng ta Interfere materially with prices. The Stock market Is active, and pricea are constantly tending upward.

Testerday 300 shares crate hart rain Bmlroad were sold at 75, and 150 shares Gas Company at To day we have been furnished with the following transactions loo shares Sas Company at 133, 100 Southern Bank at 105)4, 87 Canal at 198, 900 Crescent City Bank at 109, 98 Bank af America at 103, and a sale of Loolaian State Bonds at 97. There waa leas' Exchange offering to day, but in other respects the market was unaltered. We qnaite dear8ter hag and 108. Bill of lading drafts. 10 107V Franca, 6f.305f.23.

gixty day bills on New Tors, Ik. 2 fct discount. discount. The Banks check aver the counter at The Boston Advertiser, of the isth says of Money affairs in that city 1 xhe Money market remains anchanged in its general feat area. There is no essential variation in the rates, al though there may be a slight Increase in the demand, and aome of the Banks have lent to the full extent of their legal ability.

The supply of foreign Exchange is larger than the de mand, and the market is dull, 991, are the current rates. There is fair badness doing for the season, and par chasers of domestic cotton goods are beginning to appear from the South and West. Jobbers and ethers are engaged in making en a stock, in anticipation of an early spring trade. The demand for goods is increasing in the expectation of higher prices aome few months hence, there be big rw goods in the market. The demand for the sound dividend securities is Incites mg.

and prices continue to Most of the railroad shares have advanced more than the amount of the January dividend, and the tendency still upward. ManafacturiTia; Stocks are fast gaining in public favor, and salea are made at a large advance on previous transac tiona. Gene 1 ally speaking, there is a promise of a good atssna for the manufacturing interests. REMOVALS. JL amca ta 90 Brayier street.

d91 la REMOVAL Mesera. FATAM CAKHAKT, Whole sale and Retail Clothing Dealers, have removed their sabahllahiitcntte 79 Canal street. First District. al9 tf Bkae Store suae! Property far HaJe, on aCVSDB VCfWHTS, A good I I kasinom AwJLamaU far stock of Shoes on hand, and doing a good The lie, witn aood rmnrovemenU fo 'ements for a family. Is situated next to tbe ci of HSh ay and Bacchus streets.

Fourth District. For panic apply ta N. eEBSTENBDBS1, at tbe Shoe Stare, on A soil ue arreev. between and Harmony streets. Fourth District.

Jala tit liCTmaBsj Ierrtoara LremooA. By SicUian bark Camille, MOO boxes SICILY LEMONS, Juss receives and for sale bv R. TSAMONTANA CO, Jal7 4 Front street, MolstOBM. WE ara now preoared to SSiver a superior article of STEAM REFINED MOLAStES, of tka well known aaasads af Orlraaa, Leaiaiana an CltyReflnery. v.

A. THOMSON sk JsH tm 49 Tchoapitonias at. INSTITUTION, Dndar the Direction of CHOPPIN a SCHUEPPRT. Twnm new trraaoa Sja. HMIKrTrrOTIQHJa now open for the special gar.

a.teaatmentef aU deforsui Ues of the body, both Wry Neck, niirZLS yF Anchylosla, Walta a bx IUJ. Of natisaa rhanui extra, 1 Ail ainJs alasis ar hsttna u.m w. 1 CHOPPIN kSCHDPPERT CseonSX SO Is. sarOrIisaUrs FromitTiarTO' IsmtJrwtai TIl. at 1TCH1X.

THIS BEAUTIFUL HALL, by the introduction of an abusdantsappty of gaa Ught, has now received tha anJy addition required to make It an of the moat saaaaant and nTaaaodlooa baildlnga in tha South, for Oon erta, Leeturea, or Fanorarnlc display. Tha Soar af the Hali proper which ta the upper sassry jarnjsoea vus rerniiortanie cuiaoa ana seteea, smambered from 1 ta am Across tha end of this room a piatform, fear fact above the floor, sixty by fifteen feet, write. fooMigita ha trsstt. Two commodious withdrawing swasas open on to the platform in thaarear. Janitor and poiinrmsaprawVisVsda.sbaUswfa.

da tat A Ooqval Ckauaee for a Ttuatiera XTpS SALE A welt eatabllsned Tan ard, provided I with all tha necessary impiementa for earning cm tbe awarnesa. with about 9ft to 90 cords tan bark an hand, bark mUl assd dwellings, a very good country for getting kudes aad bark situated near tha New Orleans and trreat EWrwad, 4 mllaa above Osyka. This property srul be aald cheap, aa accasat af the owner mo ring away. mm a. as Lct nBvunssw arts A.

FRANRE, Osvka. frsvw aails. rTJS of te magnificent COTTOH PLANTA TIONS in the State 0 MiarissiDm. botar coataininf 4iOO acres of AndTisoo ZLTyjf cultivaUsn. There are oath Plantation 1 1 Ti irom ue anipping point on CkvARD am.

s3 Caseadelet atesnx, fwnsn suam ana the other by horse rTf new Dwelling House; neon auavtn. mmS kjlZ mnles, stock, farming atensils, com. fodder. terma and particulars. TntroJriwf VT' WM.


DRESS OOODS. EMBROIDERIES X.ACE8.CLOAKS and MILLINSRT ARTICLES, nil tf Aniwala Teaterdaiy a.t rrlnclpal Hotel. ST. CHARLES HOTEL.TTjohn Hagan, l5r John Crisier, Chss Usllawsy, Bairaman eu.l wife. La Moseby, 111 Louis Denand, 8am Tilly.

AlaW Euhnng Mrs Dubring, Miss Dubring, Pa Thos laughter, Moj Allen Lyon, Pa Charles HVest, NY Dodder, Cabell, Va A Mssey and wife, Mrs Kennedy, Miss Carter Miss Carter, Ala Webb Roblson. Tenn Crateher, L. Bailey Hntchins, A Belly, Hksr, Henderson aad lady. AT Bowie and rfT Jr, Kinraki, Pe Bteaart and lady, Thos Blewett, Miss Allen Blewett. La Rsmp and lady, Hampton, SC Ooodricn and family, Trotter aadyVLa sat in, Mlss McAlpin and lady Miss eetL Mias El Lee.

Jos Lee Girault and Isdy. Eldridae.A Shields, MlsajM 8 Harvey, Clty A Tayisr, Mias A Tsrnbull and daughter. SC Mrs John Bossinger, Miss 8 SheweH Mrs A PJLsden, JieMrs Sam Ford. Mrs Loean. La Wort ham, Va A Thorn, NC srthJHBmlth.

lit D.via, Md Or Twite bell, Mlas Johnson Ark Tanner. Miss Andrew, Ala Jobnson, EBarksdale, Mri 1 rWksdaia and childMrs Imgbboroogb, Bsrksdale, Dr Tandell, a Anderson. Misa Stevens, Hooker, Remp Glcrly. Va Mrs Geo Price A Glover, Mrs A eiover, Miss A Glover Ala Miss A A Alcorm, Jennings. Pittmsn.

Patterson. Miss. T. LOUIS HOTEL. Bright and lady.

La Thoma McKnany. A A I pin and lady. Ohio Miss Culbertson, A Ruene. Ill 8 telle and lady, Mrs Toole, Miss Gordon, Robertson, Balcber, wm Tanner. La Beid, JT Rdd, Ma A Barclay, Ga Hoffman.

Ala, Simpson, A Maurice, NT 8 Martin. Humphreys, Mo Sedgwick and lady, HM Lockwood, Boston Burton, Mrs Burton, Miss Burton, Mrs Hashes, Nf Hoillngswortb and lady. Texas John Hollingsworth, Ala Hoiltngsworth, Texas Nicholas Sceairlrr. Me Jno 8 Moses, Alabama Dr Reynolds. NT.

CITT Hunter, Glranlt and wife. Miss Jss A Bass, La May berry, Fleming, Miss Roab, La Jas Blencoe. Miss Jno Willis end lady. La 8 Wilson, Miss sUgan, La West. Miss Moore and lady, Ala 8 Floyd.

La Jno an Siycke Stoekwell, Miss PowelL WC Anderson, La TbosC Childress. McManners, Miss Clinon. Jsa Wlnaon, Vinson. Rag an, Freely, La FGarity, Miss Geo Wilkinson, Capt 8 Rabins, Jas Andrews, Robins, Maxwell, Alex 8 Norwood, La Teeser Garrett and lady, Jones and lady. Dr Jones and lady, Dr MrKees snd lady, Mrs Mare, Ross snd lada.

8 Naff, Peter Rat. cliff, Jss Wilson, Lee, A McNeil, H. 07u. atiu ur Ewing.Tex Jno 8 Glenn, Mo rarker, Boston 6 roresrre and family, City wtneii. 1 a Jose, Me Tobin, Ais Col 8 Blatter, City eo kii! a 1.

Kelfer. A Cheat ham. Jss Hinson. Hull, Hickel, Chss SMerj, Pearson Otto, Fisnery, Jss Mitchell, Ratlitf and lady, Moses Jsckson and lady. Miss Eliza HufT.

Miss JacksVn, Hellard, ls 8ey mour Taylor and wife, Notsnd. La Bowell Hinds. Miss Kate Lake. Miss Mary Lake, Boot Davenport, Mlss Dixon, 8 Ford, Tenn Mr Foster, a Tbna Cochrane and lady. La Covington and Lark in, 8 Hama I and illiams, Walker, May.

Jas May. Miss Mitchell, Eng Jno MnrreU, Marr, Carter, 8 A Bteadman, La A Wells and lady, Bobinson. Tex 8pratt aad wife. Miss Glower, NY Bowman, Uixon, Hewitt. Jaa Smith.

Miss Mrs Pipes, Mrs Kemp. Martin Wall. La Lsaghlin. Me A Foster, Linsey. Pickens snd son, Wiison, Bines, Miss Lewis Brock and lady, Ark McWUIiaas, La.

ABCADE Lowers Carter, La 8 Conner, Coton, Geo Doolittle, Porter Hy Beirne. City White Jno 8 Nesbitt, Williams, La Henrick A Boss, La Jas Durham, Ala Meek, BtarTord. Neal. Linden, Enoch Cook. Pagh, Miss Morris, Kilgora, Jno 8 Hoses, Turner and son, Hendrich.

La Tobin, A'a Thompson, A Barnes, Barnes, ta Nathan Taher. Miss Mr Hand, Mr McGuire, Ch rest man. Anderson, La UBS. TURNER. 17 and lOtfCanal Street, KrcsM Eaibroldrrleo jnilllaoryt DRESS MARIN GjS FICATDNE OFFICE, January.

JO. Mr. JOHN WASHINGTON, and assistants, art tha only authorized Marine and River News Reporters for tha Picayune. CLEARED rESTERDAS. Steamship Chai Morgan, Lawless, Galveston and Indianola Payne Steamship Empire City, Griffin, New Tork via Havana.

8 de Vlsser A Co Ship Bailey, Koopman, 8enoa, Baxter, Love 11 co Ship Hazeltine, Coombs, Boston, Creevv A Farwell Bark Amanda Spear. Cooper, Boston, 8 A Fosdick Bark Georges, McGuire, Baltimore and Norfolk. Creevy ft Farwell Bark Acacia, Pinkbam, Boston. 8 A Fosdick Bark Lizzie Boggs, Dizer, Fbiladelphia, Bass Bark Alnah, evens, Boston, 8 Jones Ac Span Brig Atalayador, Pages, Malaga and Barcelona, Puis, Mir A co Schr Mary Clinton, Ryan, Havana, Goldenbqw A Lesparre Schr Transit, Davis, Minstitlan, Boudousquie, Phillips Aco ARRIVED. Ship Mary Merrill, Currier, 94 days fm Boston, to 8 Jones co 1st district 3d.

Ship Mary A Adeline, Watts, fm London, 10th Nov, to matter 1st district 37. Span Brig Softs, 8 days fm Havana, in ballast, to master Point. Schr Mary Ellen. Garrett son. 9 davs tm Pen cola, to master Basin.

STEAMERS. Jr. Vincent, fm Donaldsonville. Masse, Streek, fm Loekport Choctaw, Silver, fm East port. Aline, Hincklev, fm Grosse Tete Gossamer.

Forgay, fm St Martinsvillr. Champion, Moore, fm 8t Louis. Carondelet. Sinnott. fm Mobile.

Vicksburg. White, fm Carolina Landing Florida, Hopkins, fm Mobile Towboat Junius Baebe, Andrews, tm the Passes towed down and to sea 13th Inst, ship Rialto, bark Cherokee, and brigs Francisco and Antoinette brought op ships Mary Merrill and Mary and Adeline, and brig Sofia Below Co ml no. 81lp Indiana, Coffin, 90 days An New Tork, to Wood rod Aco Ship Jno 8tewart. Hanson. days fm New Tork Ship Beth 8prague, fm Demarara BhipAgnee Leeds, Watts, days tin New Tork, to 8 Hynson Aco Ship Indus, fm Rio de Janeiro, 4735 bgs coffee to Nathan Ship Cavalier, Temrus, An Graveaend 1st Dec Bark Mary Rich Brig Brownsville, Simpson, 4'days fm Havana, to Golden bow A Lesparre Brig A 8tevena, ,.4 days fm Havana, to Prats, Pujol Aco EXPORTS.

GENOA Ship Bailey 1725 bales cotton, 1D1 hhds tobacco, ioo bols beef, 10 tea bams, 41 staves. BALTIMORE AND NORFOLK Bark Georges 183 bbda sosut, 308 Mils molasses to New York SO bales cotton 111 bbds sugar, no bbla hf bbls molasses, 60 bbls whiskey. psgs pecans psgs mase 10 nsitimore. nugiufl Bum 1 :14 bbls Hour. wz bbls nork.

bbls molasses, 40 001s alcohol, 9 bbls muse, 250 bbds sugar, 98 tcs hama 100 tea tallow. PB1LADELPHIA Bark Lizzie 30 bales cotton, one) bbds sugar, 4R bbls 3f.t7 pkgs goods BOSTON Bark Alnah louo bbls 300 hf bbls pork, lloo bbls flour. MALAGA AND BARCELONA Brig AtsUyador 6e bales cotton. HAVANA Schr Mary Clinton 425 bbls 4o kgs lard, 450 bbls tallow, 17U bbls bisulphite lime, 86 cks scrapiiiK. 198 bbla flour, 30 bbla potatoes, 40 bxs cheese, 10 bbls turpentine, 8 bales moss, 4000 staves, 50 horses M1NATITLAN Schr Transit 25 bbls flour, 1 bbl 1 hbd sugar, SO bbls potatoes, 3 kgs hotter, 6 kgs lard, 38 pkgs "iNDIANOLA AND GALVESTON Steamshlo Charles Morgan IfrtSbbla flour, 108 hhds sugar, 30 tea hams.

bbls potatoes, 30 bxs candles, 67 bgs Co flee. 15 bxs soap, 11 pkgs mdse. NEW TORK Steamship EmpireClty 10C tcs bams, 30 bbls whiskey, 16 bbls pecans, 18 bales skins. 98 pkgs mdse BOSTON Bark Amanda Spear 543 bales cotton, 631 hhds sugar, 18 bbls molasses. Ml bbls rosin, 687 hides and 184 bdla bides, 10.900 horns BOSTON Bark Hazeitine 383 bales cotton.

68Q bbls pork, 61 hhds sugar, 738 bbls molasses, 17 hbd tobacco tea lard, gll bdla aiid lawl hides IMPORTS. BOSTON Ship Mary Merrill Assorted mdse. LONDON Ship Mary A Adeline lflo cks beer Tur pin 160 cks do 8 an ford Bros 9 cks 3 cases wine PA Giraud Aco cases mdse A Reinbart A Bro a do Magee Aco 9 bbds brandy Graham fiol pkgs mdse to order. PEN 8 ACO LA Schr Mary Ellen ft lumber 113,000 latbs to order 18 boles cotton Lloyd A Frierson 14 do to Harris A Levi do Gil lis, Ferguson Aco 9 do Campbell A Strong Total 60 bales cotton. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE.

DONALDSONVILLE Steamer D. 50 hhds sugar 30 bbls mo I ass rs Gordon, jr 00 do 96 hhds sugar to A Miltenberger Aco 10 do Soman A Kernion 20 do Mas pero 34 do A Weber 90 do Lobit A Cbarpantier 10 do 8 Sabatier 96 do Allara i do Trosclsir A Hay del 3 do Labatnt 70 de 191 bbls molasses Burnside Aco 8 do Darby A Tremoulet 95 do to Brugier 100 do 65 hhda sugar Milliken 86 do 96 hf bbla molasses Brand A Landry 8 hf bbls do 91 hhds sugar to Lanaux Total 434 hhds aorar 414 bbla 77 hi bbls molasses LOCRPORT Steamer Music Sua hhds sugar 90s bbls molasses Bogart. Foley A Avery 9 do 99 hhds sugar DaSiiva 100 do Troon lair A Haydel 60 do 8 hi If Aco 51 do LaForest A Deamare 35 do 89 bbls molasses Lobit A Charpantier 100 do 46 hhds sugar Rock Aco i4 do to Brand A Landry 90 do Hewes Aco 60 bbla moiasses Donnell Aco 106 do A Drqnhart 30 do 36 hhds sugar Hewitt. Norton Aco is do 8 Sabatier S4 do 71 bbla molasses de Egana S3 hhds sugar 8 bbls 7 hf bbls molasses Darby A Tremoulet 18 bbls do Brugier do to order Total 4J hhds sugar 618 bbls molasses. EA8TPORT Steamer Choctaw 665 bales cotton to Bradley, Wilson Aco 84 Feilowes Aco 66 Watt Aco 144 Brady Aco 913 Campbell A 8trong 1 Turner 160 CarroU.

Hoy Aco If) Green A Crump 9 A Tully A co 14a Byrne, Vance Aco 131 Henderson, Terry Aco 81 McLemore, Rayburn Aco 28 Winston, Morrison Aco 16 A Hopkins Aco 67 A 3 8 Ricks Aco 64 to order 81 Hewitt, Norton Aco 96 JAG Cromwell 14 Walker A Bnider 99 Robson A Allen 6 Skipwitb, Hazard Aco 9 to Greenwood Summer Aco 6 Teatman Aco 4 Scruggs, Donejraa Aco 9 8 Micbell Aco 126 hhds tobacco Moore VanCuttn 66 do Warneken A Kirchhoff 96 Given, Watts Aco 39Molse A Levy 96W Soery Aco 18 Turner 17 Piderit 3 Clark, Thieneman Aco 16 Short Aco 13 Lc4speich Aco 7 Michel! Aco Bummers Aco 1 Hewitt, Norton Aco 60 bxs 9 hhds tobacco Teatman Aco365 bbls pork 1 bbl lard 80 lrse amdtcs Joteo 134 tcs lard 38 cks bacon 348skscornto Given, Watts Aeo 60 bbls flour Moore A VanCuiin 3iT aksjeorn 16 sks wheat 8 Michel Aco 9 bbls lard Hewitt, Norton. Aco 1631 ska corn HorreU, Gayle Aco 1W do to i,.furnitare Scruggs, Donegan Aco TnSl J1 A Vtoiett Aco bdl mops to A rod Lewis A Oglesby I do to 81ark. doz chicken, Ac to order Tsti aawa cotton 439 hhds tobacco i Champion IS bbls 36 hf bbls Urd Urd rSnvit A Thomson Aeo 6 bbl pork 9 do hbdsoblrSMamm kf4 8 fceld B0 Perorvsmriile Ac 98 bbl 106 tc lard bb Grab am A Boyle loos SC MlT? i Weodmir Arock. vaVah 41s 1 ska wheat aaraf Connoly Aco jg Urn com bbls pork Twicbeil uttrS S. JT l.1 Schmidt Zeigisv 6 do Robertson A klhJ 5.

tekg. lard 0 Wfhaw uThaiiS? and svndriea, order Gordon jrw CAROLINA LAWPlrtawSttssmi Wrrhaisaio a in cotton Rotchford, Brown Aco 133 VwmIZjZi 177 da 74 Gailagher 9 8 DoTmellAeo aa Thotnrau" sHpri a in iny Wright. Allen Aco 60 Psyne A Hsrrtoa 6 JWatt Ac 94 Carroll, Holmes Ace 31 Byrns, Vance Aeo A Gordon A Castillo lson co Knox A Higflns SI Vance Aes 18 Martin, Cabb Aco IT A Ricks Aco Payne, Steele Aco 9 Friedlander A Gerson 9 do Siflen, Srnedwa Aco I do Payne, Steele Aeo Total 10 hales cotton ST MARTIN 8 VILLE Steamer 8omsmer hds sugar (o bblTmol asses Daroy A Tremoulet 7i do 9 hf bbl do 96 sr Hall. Kodi A Ptnam 17 do Bethell A Hare 3 do eourdaln 46 do 900 bbls molasses Bellocq, Nob lom Aco bales cotton Lobit A Charpantier sundries to TETE Steamer Aline 19 oale cotton to Harris A Levi 48 Estlin Aco 3 8 8 haw Aco 63 Burkner Stanton A Newman a Henderson A Peale 38 DaSliva 94 Smith, Harris Aco 35 Bailey 13 do Labatut Bymr.Vance Aco 3 Lobit A Charpantier 76 bbds sugar A Crquhart 30 do Durrive Aco 83 do Bogart, Foley A Avery 19 do Menard A Vlgnand 88 do do 130 bbls molasses A Montgomery 136 do do 13 bbds soger Psyne A Harrison 9aoska seed 8 Donaell Aco sundries, order Total 366, bales cotton Per Pontchartraia Kail road. MOBILE Steamer Florida 1 18 bale cotton to Rive, Battles A Noble Tarieton' Whiting A Tullis J7 Cyrus Thompson SO Farley.

Jurey Aco a Broad we 11 A Pay no Scott, Williams Aco 4 8 Donnell Aco 7 Stone 3 Wood A Low Al Fuller A Douglass 60 bis ysrn Feet, Bimma Aco sundries, order Total WW bales cotton Per Carrollton and Jefferson Railroad. MOBILE Steamer Carondelet 100 bale cotton to Wallace A Weaver 80 Tarieton. Whiting A Tulbs 74 do Farley, Jurey Aco 63 Ridgill. Dennis Aco 138 Steamer fa*galry 0 McRleroy A Bradford I Donnell Aco 91 Walker, Hutchinson Aco Catrer, Harrison Aco 11 Rives, Battle A Noble sundries toPope Ellison Aco Harris Oil lis, Ferguson Aco CarroU, Holmes Aco Stevens Aco and order Total 619 bales cotton Per N. Opelousas and O.

W. Railroad. BRA8HEAR CITT 40 hhds sugar Darby A Tremoulet 95 do A Miltenberger Aco 1 bbl molasses Perkins Aco 38 do Bellocq, Noblom Aco 60 do Leverich Aco 31 bales cotton A GrieBT Aco 10 do Williams Aco 7 do Brady Aco 187 do Cooper Aco 110 do to orde Total hhds sugar 89 bbla molasses 985 bales cotton. 30 hhd sugar 6 bbla 80 hf bbla molasses Lobit A Charpantier to bbls do 60 bbds sugar Bogart, Foley A Avery 95 do A Urqubart 69 do 90 bbla molasses A Miltenberger Aco 16 bf bbls do Lane, Msyfield Aco 90 do 90 hhds sugar Hewitt, Norton Aco 97 do Hall, Rodd A Putnam 30 do Frellaen, 8tevenson Aco 19 do DaSilva 90 bales moss to order Total 9K1 hhds sugar .117 bbla 810 hf bbl molasses. CONSIGNEES.

Per ship Mary Merrill, fm Boston HorrelL Gyte Aco Shumway A Hewes A rirsgg Groajean A Beneteau Rent Flotte Dudley, Nelson Aco Frost Aeo Price Converse Aco Blocomb Aco Gaines Aco Oglesby A Macau lay Aco Dncloa A co A Wbeeler Boye Hubbard Lanauze Armstrong Carredine A Winchester Keiham Barelli Aco Spearing Ace Henderson A Gaines Hyde Aco Heald, Massie Aco Replan Muse A Bro Wright Aco AD Henkel Aco 8 Bailey Aco Flint A Jones Vredrnburgh Aco Brinton Aco Pearson 8 Gonzales Gould Aco Dumeld Plommer Aco 8 Jones Greenwood Beebe Aco Aucoin Davis Hall. Kemp Aco Payne, Steele Aco Chss Rsiley Aco Buddecke Aco Voor Lies, Griggs Aco Sampson A Keen and order. Hprl(f InatitHte, SIX Mil. US FROM MOBILE. Rev.

J. J. NICHOLSON fives strict attention to all departments. Mr. P.

KITTRELL, Assistant in Classics, Mstbe matics, Ac Mona. THEODORE, from Paris. French, Spanish, Ge rmaa and Italian. Miss A. TANNER, Drawing, Painting, Ac Prof.

CLEVELAN Dancing. Mona OTTO MATER, Music, Piano, Violin, Flute, Gal tar, Ac We have room for seven mure boys in the Boarding De pertinent. French, German, Spanish and Italian are given as the spoken languages. Pupils who desire it, can also take lea sons in Drawing, Painting, Dancing, or Music Our arrangements are now full and complete. Terms From 1st Jarrusry ta 1st August, including Board Tuition in the Classics, English, Sciences, Mathematica and French, $310.

The other modern language will be given at a small extra charge. Drawing, Painting, Dancing, Music, at tbe regular charges of the respective teachers. Refer, in New Orleans, to Rt. Rev. Bishop Polk, Rev.

C. 8. Hedges, J. J. Noble, Rives, Battle A Noble.) and W.

8. Todd, Esq. For particulars, address d31 im J. NICHOLSON, Mobile KEN AOADEMY; FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, CONDUCTED BT VICTOR SCOEL.IIIA. The Principal af this establishment receives a limited number of Young Gentlemen, and offers them a solid and superior education in these branches, CLASSICS, A 8E08RAFHT, ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, A FRENCH, 1A CHEMISTRT, 4.

SPANISH. 11. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY A GERMAN, 13 POPULAR A8TRONOMV A History ofthe Literature 13. BOTANY, of these Languages. 14.

PENMANSHIP. T. UNIVERAL HISTORY 16. GYMNASTICS Those pupils who require a special Commercial Educa tion, are alao taught Mercantile Arithmetic and Book keeping. Mx.

Victor Sheliha is assisted by a resident English aad French Tutor, aad by the meat competent Professors In he different branches of Education. A regular plan ot lessons is formed for every pupfl, and la strictly adhered to. Every care la taken to 1va tha puplla the comforts of a family and In order to promote their physical education there I a complete Gymnasium erected 00 the play ground of the institution. Besides these ad vantages, the location of the establishment in tbe town of Kenner offers many others this town being within half aa hour's ride from New Orleans, by the New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern Railroad, combines all the advantage of a rural retirement, with the utmost facility of supplying any immediate wants from the and parents have aa opportunity of visiting their children at all times The erection of a church in the neighborhood being con templatsd, parents wha wish their children to attend, will have their wishes in this respect carried out, on signifying them to the Principal. Dr.

9. C. HOLLIDAT, well known in the Parish of Jefferson, will give his attendance upon the atadeata af the Academy. REFERENCES. Dr.

F. M. BON ZANO, Branch of United State Mint, New Orleans. MINOR KENNER, Kenner. Pariah of Jefler son, La.

Dr. W. WETZEL, I S3 Canal street. New Orleaa For further particulars, address the Principal, Kenner Post Office, Parish of Jefferson. La.

nlB Imltadp Ying Ladles' Iaatltate, 1W Carondelet street. MISS 8. HULL PRINCIPAL. THIS Institution will be Reopened for the reception of Dsy aad Boarding Pupils on Monday, September 6th, 186. an30 tf I Jefferson Academy, 53 Bourbon street.

New Orleans Cond acted by 8. J. LORD. THIS Establishment, founded In 1838, has long held a bigb position in public opinion, as one of the leading Institutions in tbe Booth of the United States. Tbe plan comprises a general and extensive system of education.

Pupils are admitted at six or seven years of age, and continue till the are prepared for their future pursuits la life. They are distributed Into classes according to their capacities snd acquirements. The premises are perhaps the best to be found in the city, with ample apace for exercise and recreation, and every convenience tor an Institution of learning. The professors are gentlemen of talent, chosen with care. Good order reigns in the establishment, and strict attention is paid to tbe moral cone act and improvement of the pupils.

Terms For Boarders, per month payment in advance. 36 00 Half Boarders, per month 16 00 Day Scholar, per month, under 19 year of age. 8 00 Day Scholars, per month, above 19, bat under 16.... 10 00 Day Scholars, per month, above 16 years 19 00 instruction in the English and French Languages, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Mathematka, Ac, is comprehended under the above terma The following language and accamplishmenta ar also taught, but the charges are separate, and are for Tbe Latin, Greek. Spanish, or German, per month.

8 4 69 Drawing, per month 4 00 Music, per 100 Military Exercises The School hoars from half past 8 till 3, and from half past 4 till 6 o'clock. nig tf Andaboa'a Works. AUDUBON'S BIRDS, in seven volumes, containing 1(100 specimens engraved and colored to nature. Also his QUADRUPEDS, finished in the same style, in three volumes, containing 0 specimens. Sold to subscriber only E.

G. MYGATT, Jal5T Agent for Louisiana. PHE LAN'S IMPROVED BILLIARD TABLES And COMBINATION CUSHIONS. The nndenrlrned ha Just famished his Saloon with ths above Table for which be is Agent, and will supply ttrra at the shortest notice. He has also for sale eight very good Second Hand BILLIARD TABLES, just removed from his Saloon, a portion of them having marble beds, and all article in the Billiard Une at the lowest figure, for aale at the Southern Billiard Saloon, 105 Gravier street.

amlttdp M. M. MXLLER. Fhacalx Hoaae 9 St. Charles Street.

f3 This old, popular and well known House "akfJB.thaa again been entirely refitted, withtb addition of SIX NEW TEN PIN ALLEYS saw (the most complete in the world). Tha BAR, RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SALOON are, aa usual, kept constantly supplied with Sribstantiala, aa weU aa Delicacies, both from horn and abroad. Having secured gentlemanly and obliging assistants, in aach department, the proprietor solicits a aontinuanc of patronage heretofore bestowed. A SUPERIOR LUNCH BET EVERT DAT. I PA VIP Proprietor.

A. H. Gale cV PIANO MANUFACTURERS, NEW YORK Would respectfully invite their friend and patrons, in New Orleans, ta their large assortment of IRON FRAME PIANO FORTES. An exnenenca of over thlrtw sarcrssful operations, and an earnest determination ta nphold their well earned reputation, justifies them in saving that their Pianos shall continue ta give the entire satisfaction they have ao long and a fully inspired. Represented New Orleans by HENRY PARSONS, St.

diaries Loaa Offlee. COMMON BTREET udertiMBt Chai Chariea Hotel. IxMaal earsaraatla Iriai aT Diamonds, Gold and Silver Watches warn ewuirv as asi flsajisussa. ait. sTtJAexiat asrvancoaaaadessi aUsaseiij aWBA Ml Aiaj swr Far aa ivf if If If KB St.

STEAMBOATS. 1858. 185. THIS CHEAPEST THROUGH. BOUTI TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST i'X By Th Cincinnati aad New Orleauui Kxpreoo Uate Consisting of toe fallowing SWITZERLAND, J.

P. Schenck, master. OHIO BELLE, Jno. Sebastian, master. MONARCH, Jno.

A Williamson, TECUM SEH, F. F. Logan, master. JUDGE TORRENCE, 'Wade, SUSQUEHANNA, O. C.

Williamson, MADISON, tree. D. Hoople, UNIVERSE. Albert Stein, NICK THOMAS, Jno ADuble, master. QUEEN OFTHE WEST, I T.

Wade, sasetex. The steamer of this line will leave positively aa adver Used, for Cincinnati, Madison, Louisville, Smithland, Padncah, Cairo, Memphis, Ac, Ac, ticketing passengers through to all Northern and Eastern cities. Cheaper than auay otaer Root. It la tbe Intention to have ana boat, at least, in pert at all times, and to maintain, a nearly a possible a Reoolaa asd Kbliablb Lms. For freight or passage apply on board, or to CBAS, F.

VERLANDER, Agent, "die tf 10 Foydras street, formerly Corn 'Chauge. leaves on THURSDAY, soth Inst, at 5 P. M. Tin riNt nn CINCINNATI. MADISON AND Louisville The fine swift running paaseu ZZTZlJyZT LANDIS.

Job. Scott. Easier, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to mil T. VERLANDER.

Jal8 10 Foydras street, formerly Corn 'Change. Leaves on SATURDAY. 9id at 6 P. M. CINCINNATI AND NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS UNE.

FOR C1WC1 NPIA11 ine une passen ger packet steamer guTTrSassge apply on board, or to mil VEBLANDER. 10 Povdras street. Jsjo formerly Corn Exchange, a Passengers sticketed through to all Northern and Rasters cities, at reduced rates. Ked Hirer. Leave on THURSDAY, soth Inst, at 6 P.

M. FOR urra KElr KIVElt ror rins Bluffs, Fort Towsnn, Rowland, Lanes port, Rnsnish Bluff. White Oak Shoals. Little i Month af Su I nhur. Albany.

Shrevenort. and all intermediate landings above the raft The superior light draught passenger steamer HAM HOWELL, U. Mm tbiesarn. master, will leave as above. For freight or pas apply on board, or to MU8E A 3t3o corner of Common and Front streets.

Leaves on THUR8DAY. Inst, at 4 FOR LAKE dIDTEHbAU, aljiuE.1 Moscow, Boone's Landing, and all interme diate landings on Lake Bisteneau, Grand new, light draught and swift running passenger packet MILTON RELF, Cliaa Hall, master, will leave a above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to 8 MUSE A Ja18 Corner Common and Front streets. Leaves on TH URSDA 0th Inst, at 6 P. M.

THE PEOPLE'S SOUTHERN LINE, 1 knirne. unua rore. wu AKjuuiaiir iuv KORSHRKV tfORT, URAMU BAIUU, Campte, Grand Erore, Alexandria, and afl JL intermediate lamiinss on Red sliver The new. swift running, tight orangnt passenger pacsei steamer JUDAH TOl'RO, C. W.

Ewmg, master, will leave as abr re For freight or passage spply on board, or to Jaitl T. B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitoulas street af I am authorized to say that this boat does not belong to Kouns A Line, nor are they her agents. Lrsvea on THURSDAY. JOth at 6 P.

M. THE PEOPLE'S SOUTHERN INDEPENDENT LINE. REGULAR fAUItKri For Jefferson, Bentun, Port Caddo, and all 1 1 v. ok w. I mtuu.

camnte. urand tcore and Alexandria I ne lianr. draught passenger packet 8ALL1E ROBINSON, Dyas rower, master, wm leave as auuve. ror ireignt or passage apply on board, or to sit B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitoulas street.

Leaves on THURSDAY, jntb at 6 P. M. 1 REGULAR JEFFERSON PACKET MFor Jefferson, Smithland, Benton, Port Caddo. Bwanson a and Mooring Landings. I OK n.N.

11 mix liuiuujla HI .111 Mjmmrm. a.uwu, 11 11 1 i.i 1 1.1111 Bavou. Csmnf. Grand Ecore. Alexandria, Barbin'ssnd all intermediate landings on Red River and tbe Lakes The new.

light draught steamer 8ALLIE ROBINSON, Dyas Power, master, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to MUSE A Ja30 comer Common and Front streets. Lesveson THURSIAY.otb ist. at 5 P. M.

FOR SHREVEPORT. (DIRECT) LAKE Bisteneau, Hinden. Bioscow, iaic Bolivar, xarA. Grand Bayou, Campte, Grand Ecore, and Au aaudiia Tbe superior and swift running passenger packet steamer LEONA. R.

B. Roberts, master, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to to MUSE A Jal8 comer Common and Front streets. Leave on THURSDAY, inth Instsst 6 P. M.

SHREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS rTTri Weekly Packet Line The splendid and swift passenger packet steamer JUDAH OCRO. W. Ewlng. master, v. ill leave aa above, for Shreveport, Grand Bayou, Campte.

Grand Ecore, Alexandria, Norman's, Bsrbin a and ail wav landings For further information, and freight or paMage, apply to Jal6 G. L. KOUN8 A BROS, Front street. tmT A plan of ber cabin ran be aren sua stateroom seen red (from distance by despatch or letter,) by application at the office of the agents. Leaves on THURSDAY, snth st M.

LAMVE Biatenesu, Minden, Moscow, Lake Bolivar, Grand Bavou. Campte. Grand f.rore. aad sndru Tbe superior and swift running ruiineuger packet steamer LEOMA. B.

Roberts, rax'ir. will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on a or to JalTT T. B. 8MTTH.

4 Tchoupitoulas stive'. Leaves on FRIDAY. 21st mst, at 6 P. H. THE PEOPLE'S SOUTHERN INDEPENDENT LINE.

faw a. REGULAR JEFFERSON AND LAKE For Jeflerson. Smithland. Te uton, sCbbbbq Port Caddo, Bwanson 's and Mooring a Laitd lis, Albany, Shreveport, Grand Bayou, Campte. Grand Ecore, Alexandria and al Untermediate landinn The new.

Hgbt drsaght and awifr rnnning passenger packet stesmer JOSEPH HOLDEN, R. H. Martin, roaster, will leave aa above. For freight or psssagei apply ou board, or to Jawt T. B.

SMITH, 4 Tchoupitoulas street. Leaves on FRIDAY, Slat Inst. 1.3 P.M. REGULAR JEFFERSON AND LAKE Packet For Jefferson, Smithland, Benton. fort Caddo.

Bwanson 's and Moonnc a Land iss. Atlianv. Shrevenort. Grand Bavou. Camote.

Grand Rcore, Alexandria, snd all intermediate landings on Red River and the Lakes The new light draught and swift running psssenger steamer JOS. HOLDEN. Robert H. Martin, master, will leave a above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to MU8E A Jal9 comer Common and Front streets.

Leaves on SATURDAY. Sid at 5 P. M. run BHKfcVLruai, rL.Ai.fc ur .1 1 .1 II ug.w im w.hiij pm win mil ii i mediate lanarngs on Red River The new. iiifiit drausnt passenger oacket ERA No.

3. John Konns. master. The Era No. 3 will also take freight for Upper Red River as usual, for all landings aa high as Kiamecliin, at our regular packet rates Clear bills lading through, with privilf ge of reshipplng on Era No.

1 orEraNo. 4. Jal i L. KOUNS A 3 Front sty Agents. Leaves on SATURDAY.

21 Inst, at 5 P.M THE PEOPLE'S SOUTHERN LINE OFFICERED BY SOUTHERN MEN. REGULAR UPPER RED RIVER Packet For Preston. Pine Bluffs. White Oak Shoals. Fulton.

Conwsv. and all land ings above the Raft The anperior light draagbt and swift running steamer LAiiua, anoe, master, win leave as above. For freight or paiauge apply on board, or to Jam T. B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitoulas street.

Leaves on 8ATURDAY. 33d at 6 P. Bo RED RIVER The new, elegant and packet PEERLESS. Jno. C.

Dowty, master, will leave for Grand atchitochea. Tleer Island. 8L Manrlre. Favemn'a Landing, Montgomery, Durand a and Buxton's Landings, Calhoun's Plantation, Month of Cane River. Cotile, Alexandria.

Norman's. Barbin's and all intermediate landing every SATURDAY, at 8 P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to to T. B.

SMITH. 4 Tchoupitoulas street. jai7 it Leave on SATURDAY. Hid at A P. M.

FOR GRAND ECORE, NATCHTTO che, St. Msurice, Fsveron'a Landing, Montgomery. Durand's and Buxton's Land nits. Aloutn of Lane itiver. L.otlle.

Alexandria. Norman 'a. Gorton's, Barbin's and all landings The entirely new elegant, swift running light draagbt passenger steamer FIOTA, Ed. Parker, master, Sam Lawaon, clerk, will leave as above. For freight or pssasge apply on HCI board.

JalTT SHREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS Tri Weekly Packet Line For Shreveport, Amn Om.iI rice. Montaomerv's. Durand 'a and Buxton's Landlnaa. Calhoun', Month Cane River, Cotile, Alexandria, Nor man, nsroina ana au way landings; composed of the following splendid and swift passenger boats, which will leave New Orleans and Shreveport alternately, on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 5 P. M.

Tuesday GRAND DUKE, Saml. Applegate, master. LUCY HOLCOMBE, D. Batemaa, master. Thursdays NATIONAL, P.

C. Montgomery, master. JUDAH TOURO, Chss W. Ewiag, master. Satnrday B.

HODGE, John Smoker, master. All of tbe above mentioned splendid psssenger paeketa will leave on their regular day, without fail, at the hoar appointed. All business entrusted to their care will ha promptly and faithfully attended to. Stateroom can be secured on either of these boats, for any trip, by applying at the office of tbe agenta S. L.

KOUN8 A Agents. d30 Front street, New Orleans. Leaves every WEDNESDAY and 8A1URDAY, at 5 P. M. NEW ORLEANS, GRAND ECORE, Ls' Natchitoches and Alexandria regular week is anT ly paeketa The new, splendid and fast run mng passenger packet RAPIDES, C.

J. Barstow. master, will leave for Colhouns Plantation, Mouth of Cane River, Cotile, Alexandria, Norman's Barbin's and all intermediate landings, every WEDNESDAY, at 6 P. M. The new, elegant and swift running nsasenar packet PEERLESS, John C.

Dowty. master, will leave for Grand Ecore, Natchitoches, Tiger Island, 8t Maurice, Faveron landings. every SATURDAY, at 5 P. M. For freight or paaaag apply on board, ar to MUSE A Agents.

corner of Common and Front stkeeta. Si: MBvcvu nuaoia ssjivro. xusfc ssskxiu uaussc Ifcie areadtai way landings. For freight or paaaag as ifAmrMttw a. rrl atiply on Board, or to Jaao MX.

4VH11DiVL, w. Prsnt Levee, near Costombonse street HoraeaUtarraU. OThe subscriber begs to inform hi friend and tha public that ha ha opened hi Green house and Plant easts, establishment, on th corner ot Camp stree. ana zo fayette Square, for tha season, where will be fownd the largest collection and finest varieties of Pratt Bhade and Amu.J 1 ii I mi.i riants. lift largest collection ana nnest varieties or Fratt enaoe ana Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery and Greenhouse Plants, ta the SoMh.

Among which win he found si Lhing new and rare. Hi collectian af Roar la anrrvaled. Fruit lecraknne, is, Ac an grown dr kind and euit JOHN at KELSON. 1 rvea, consssuus apnont Apple, Fear, Orange, Lemon, Fig, Mespilt by himself, aad warranted tha best of Mm able for a Soot hem clliaase. Ail Plants, Trees, pur.

ehaard at hM establishment gnaranteed true to naaoo aad Una. Packing done ta tha Va aaanner. AS gpods Bvered an board steaznera, Ac, free of expinsq Plants of rerr klwd farnlabed frwas his new Naxsery ssi tbe Met STEAMBOATS. GSBAT CINTBAb BOUTBst THE ON1T RellsjJile, Ckeap aad Kxpeditloool Roato TO ALL POINTS NORTH ASb EAST. St.

JLeala. Cairo, aad New Ovitmmm RAILROAD LINE. C. UPSVc StT Tha following New and Elegant PA8SEN0EK, PACKETS: IMPERIAL Rogers, master. J.

SWON Jemea. Boaster. A. T. LACE Y.

Rodney, auster. NEW FALLS CITY Woods, boaster. NEW UNCLE SAM Svritxer, master. CITY OP MEMPHIS Kosmts, master. GLADIATOR Klinefelter, master.

WM. MORRISON Boanger, master. CHAMPION Moore, master. Paaaenger can rely apoa an the aboveiboata leaving New Orleans EVKBT ALTKUATS DAT, Thronghoat the season, and making direct connections at CAIRO AND ST. LOVI8 With The OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI And ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADS For ail Town, Cities and Watering Place in tha NORTH, EAST, AND WEST, From Cairo to St Paul, la th NorUnrest, and to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Tork, Boston, Sara tosa, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec aad Portland, In tha Nsrthesst.

Th above is tbe eaty Ida of Steamers making direct connections with ths Railroads at CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. Fare tut Cheap, Time aa Qtdek and with tern changes than by any ether route to th North. Bar THROUGH TICKETS food aatH used allowing tha holder to atop at any paint, and resume hi Journey at pleasure. Bar BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH, and ao charg for handling faV For Information ar Through Tickets, by Bteassdieot to Cairo or St Loots, and thence via Railroad to all point! North, apply the tJnloa Ticket OIHco, Dnder the St Chariea Hotel, New Orleans, The Oldest Established Office in tha South, and th only one where Plan of the Boats Cabin can be rooms secured, and THROUGH TICKETS purchased to all Northern an Eastern Cities.

W. E. REDDING, nsrtf General Agent. Leaves on FRIDAY. 41st Inst, at 5 P.

M. ST. LOUIS. CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAIL RilAD I.I NFL THE ONLY LINE MAKING DIRECT 'connections for tbe roast. North and west at Cairo and St Louis For St Louis aad wav landings Connecting at Cairo with the Illinois neutral, ana a OU spools WHS sue viiiv buu nmuaivui Railroad The new and elegant passenger packet CHAMPION, Moore, master, will leave for St Louis and all intermediate landings as above.

1 Tbe Chsnipion, for speed, comfort and safety, is ansur nassed bv anv boat on the river. For passage or through tickets to all Northeastern and western ciues. sppiy vu W. E. REDDING, General Agent, under tbe St Charles Hotel, Where a plan of the cabin can be seen and stateroom secured.

Jaiy Uaaealtat River. Leaves on THURSDAY. inst. at 5 P. OUACHITA RiVEbV For Point rleasant Bsvoo Bartholomew.

Trenton. Monroe and landinrson Lower Ouachita and Black ne n.nt arsusnz. iasz runmns rjassenser nscxex steamer TlGREbb, K. a. mvingston, master, will leaves above.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to Jaw T. B. SMITH. 4 Tchoupitoulas st isv The stesmer Tigress has been purchased by Captain Livingston expressly for the Hayou Bartholomew trade, and snippers msy rely an her continuing in the trade tnrongnout tne Leave on THURSDAY, anth Inst, at 6 P. FOR CAMDEN.

DIRECT OUACHITA racket ror camaen, zieacn mils. Butter's Bluff, Champagnolle, Wilmington, Mora, 'iirou riilis. narte BaJine. extra Luiuiit, Aiaoama Landing, Trenton, Monroe, Columbia, Harrisonburg, Trinity and all intermediate landings The splendid and fast running pssaenger packet steamer MORO, Jobn Jeanings, master, will leave aa above. For freight or rasa age apply en board.

JaiM Leaves on THURSDAY. Mtb mat. at 6 p. M. OUACHITA RIVER Toe elegant, swift running, regalar Oaachlta psssenger packet acBBcnttEiK, ueorge a.

zvira. master, will leave for Camden. Beach Hills. Miller's Bluff. Chsmpagnolle, Wilmington, Mora Bay, Pigeon Hills, Maria Saline, Extra Landing, Alabama Landing, Ouachita City, Sterlington, Trenton, Monroe, Pine Bluff, Castor, Columbia.

Harrisonburg, Prinity and all way landings on Black and Oaachlta Rivers, aa above. For freignt or passage apply on board, or to Jal3Y T. B. SMITH. 4 Tchoupltoulss street Leave on THUR8DAY, 10th inst.

at 6 P. M. REGULAR OUACHITA FA8BEDIGEK 'Packet Every Ten Days For Camden, neacn nuts, cnampagnotie, aianama ljana is Trenton. Monroe, fine Bluff. Harrlsonbura.

Trinltv and all landings on Ouachita and Black Rivers Tha splendid passenger packet MESSENGER, Goo. H. Kirk, master, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Jal3 JOHN HYDE O) Gravler street, leaves on SATURDAY. tM Inst.

at 5 P. M. REGULAR TEN DAY CAMDEN AND 'Ouachita Packet The fine passenger packet steamer PAUL JONES. Keelinc master. win leave lor camaen, zteacn runs, miner's Blurt, pagnoUe, Wilmington, Moro Bay, Pigeon Hills, Marie saline, moutn ot nayou nartnoiomew, uuacaita sjiry, Lorhlomond, Port Union.

Trenton, Monroe, Pine Bluff, Columbia, Harrisonburg, Trinity, and all Intermediate land ings on Ouachita and Black rivers, every alternate WEDNESDAY and 8ATURDAY. For freight or passage apply on board, or to Jala T. B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitoulas street Leaves on WEDNESDAY. Sttth Inat, at 6 P.

M. FOB CAMDEN DIRECT OUACHITA Packet For Camden, Beach Hills, Miller's msr Pk. n. S.T a. 1 fcurtiTi.

Trenton. Monroe. Colambla. ii union bu rs. Trin ity, and an tne intermediate landings ne spienaia, isst running psssenger packet R.

W. POWELL, J. Estes, master, will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to sin T. B.

SMITH, 4 Tchoupitoulas st Leaves everv FRIDAY, at 6 P. M. i VmaiEaAL. HI 11., IV AL, Trenton Regular FRIDAY Packet For Mew e.E.rv.ftja uahdab itfn Trenton, Monroe, cine tsiufta, uastor'a lauuing, Columbia, Harriaooburg, Trinity, and ail intermediate landing on Ouachita and Black Rivera Tha new, magnificent and swift running passenger steamer R. VY.

MrRAE, Jno. W. Tobin, master, 6. P. Work, cterk, will leave as above.

Freight taken for Bayous Bartholomew and D'Arbonne, with privilege of reahipping. For freight or passage apply onooara. or to MU8E Arenta. .1:8 corner of Common and Front streets. AtnttaDCza.

liearea buris, clerk, wi Leaves on THURSDAY, utn inst. at 12 M. att AtLAr as raukc The Ujrht draught fast running steamer WHITE. Wm. Acer, master, and W.

M. bur is. clerk, will leave as above, for St Martinsville. New Iberia. Centreville.

Franklin. Pattersonville. Braabaar Cityr Bayou Boeut and all intermediate landing on the route, taking freights at Plaquemine prices. For far turr particulars apply on ooara, or to zlAlzj, RODD A PUTNAM, 8 Customhouse street. JalW Leave on THURSDAY, toth but.

at I r. M. aw. rVSh aaVA A sKllsKA Jaiy'A lasts si rr vz ranr rTand light draught steamer GOSSAMER, JT 3 P. Forgey, master, wilMeave aa above, and FOR ATTAKAPAS Tbe fast every av.

at IS takins frdeht and nassi 1111 is a 1 taxing ireignt ana passengers 10 Berwick and Brashaar Cities, Lower Atebafalay. Patter. son vi lie. Centreville. Frankltn.

Charentoa. Jeanneretts New Iberia. Fi rolnte, 8t Martinsville, aad all inter. mediate iandin inra farther Information apply to Jal4 zu.zzix.z st tLAJmti. tjaronaeiet Leaves everv TUESDAY, at a noslMvelv.

FUAslTAaArAB, ViArLAltUEnlNB rifle fJ. ceiv freigut every Monday morning for St Martinsville. New Town. Jeaneretta, Charenton, Franklin, Centreville, PsttersonviUe, and all intermediate landings on tha route. All business entrusted to her care will he faithfully attended to.

For further particulars apply on hoard. asFJ. J. Labartbc takes this mipm tamity of thaw Una; his numerous friends for past fsvsra, and hopes by his car and exertions to merit a continuance of them. JalS Leaves every SATURDAY, at 19 M.

tU BT. BLAztTIN ILLaL HIW Iberia, Centreville, PstterwvilIe7jSerwick Bay. Franklin, Bayou Borof. and all inter mediate landings The new. ilshf draneht steamer E.

M. BICKNELL, Aba Smith, master, G. M. Kendall, clerk, wilUeav aa asova For freight oy ugf'JB0on 0oard aft corner Common aad Front all est. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE FOB Attakapaa, Daily, In connection with the N.

O. and G. W. Railroad The fas steamer T. D.

HTNE, J. J. Atkinson, master, oujiiox pressly for passengers and light freight, wiU corineet with the Opelonsaa Rsilroad, leaving Borwicks Bay. daily, for Pattersonville, Centreville and Franklin, and will extend her trip aa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satorday, to Charenton, Jeanneretts ami New Town, osanecting a tha latter place with fonr borsa Mall Coaches, for 8t. Marttn, Lafayette, Grand Coteao, Opeiooo, Md Washington.

Runningtime from New Orleans to Washington hours being the quickest route "'t' Aa theT Hine leaves the nallroad dally, she eaTers better fadUty for deUvwxng opfteight than any iath for all points ss high ss Franklin. dl tf Shippers will pioase name ths boat on their dray rsetpv. Bay aa DeoOlaJaeA aniv as 1 Leav a XJ miv i Mr m. ULAR BAYOU DEB GLAISE AND er packet or. orpo orato aaV The Flora Temple will remain in the Front street.

The riora em ole will remain in the trade the entire season, is entirely new aad has ana aoriainiwiilallan tor Bladoa aad Calli Itm Bprtara. AND FOR A DON AND COLLI Bprtnga Twice a Week Tha ADVANCE. sWnel Abies, aaas aaa cuiism asringa, twica a week, aa isj Leave Mobile for Bladoa aad Cullum Snrmsa and fhs. mepolis every Saturday Evening, at 4 s'ciock. Leaves Mobile for Bladon aad Cajlam atortng svery Wednesday Evening, at 4 o'doea.

i Leaves Bladon and Cuhoaa'pSngs svery Tuesday end Thursdsv Fentne, at 4 o'clock, arrTvtng in Mobil every passage, apply I. apery so tUMPSOrl a COOKB. BtowTla. Ala. Cottoa Seed.

i SACKS best Edistotboutb Carolina SEA ISLAND OO COTTON IXLD, far aale wJwTmmmmm.fmiu nnvris iriAia I r. sci Wa raraaaaast at iss If1 steams er. wm Iowa STEAMBOATS. MEMPBISPPKBTLINB. GHJ2AT 80VTBXRM HAIX, KOUTst.

FOR THE JiAST AND NOBTH. THROUGH TIOKKTB ''''v. Tm i meynpala aad ft, O. Packets to Meatpkls Jjk'JB Theac. By MEMPHIS AND CHABXE3TON RAILROAD, And continuous connecting Railways through East and Virginia, to ITEW TORK.

PHiLADELPHJA, BALTIMORE. WASHINGTON, RICHMOND. PETERS BURG, LYNCHBURG, ATLANTA, NASHVILLE, aad th VIRGINIA SPRIN0B, ssci aaa ara oress Mall Tratna leav Memphis daily at P. tt aaakissteMJictianUirughtoNwTork at leal aa aenae aad tint than any saaer roato. SSF Memphis Paeketa leav Hew Orleans at BP.

Mosvdays CLIP BE Clarke, A. R. Ixvin. aatit. i "gfajji Hsailaa JOHN BTMONDS T.

Smith, OieOMAR. B. Paris, Friday H. R. W.

HTLL T. H. Newell, BKLFABT W. Wray, ssaaar. For freight ar passage satd terough tickets, apply to J.

H. FREL1GH. General AcenV Memphis Packet Offlee. St Chariea Hotel, left wino, WM. IN 8 LEE, Psssengrr Agent R.

B. Ticketa by tbia rout good tor any lngt i time. aar Baggage checked through. Vavea an FRIDAY. Slst Inst.

at 6 P. M. MEMfzUS anil mw vkLBani Packet Line Regular O. A Mall Packet For Memphis and the Bends Tbe An Brat ias passenger packet steamer druso wm. wray, auster, will receive freight on Wednesday morning, at th foot of Giro street and will leave aa above.

For freight ar passage apply aa hoard or to J. H. FREL1GH, Agent, JalS Office under St Chariea Hotel. This Une connect at Napoleon with regular paeketa for the White and Arkansas rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets tor St Louis and Louisville. aoF Adams's Express carried regularly by this Una.

Leaves on MONDAY, 34th inst, at 6 P. M. sas. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS I sJ'TorvS' Packet Line D. Mail For Memphis and all the Bends The first das packet ateam er A.

R. Irvia, master, will be ready receive freight on Wednesday morning at the foot of Girod street, and leave as above. For freight or passage apply an board, of to J. H. FRELIGH.

JalH Oftice under the St Chariea HoteL a This Une connect at Napoleon with regular packet! for the White and Arkansas Rivers, and at Memphis with the Memphis and Charleston si I roads, and superior packets for St Louis and Louisville. Adams's Express carried reaularly by tbia Una. Leaveaoa WEDNESDAY, th at 5 P. ML. MEMPHIS AND IV OnVlAEAnS S.M.

'Packet Line For Memphis and the Bead. i The first class passenger packer INGOM AR, fans, master, will be readv to receive frelaht on Mon day morning at the foot of Girod street and will leave aa above. For freight or passage apply oa board, or to J. H. FRELIGH, Ja 20 Office under the St Chariea HoteL tmT Tbia Line connects at Napoleon with regular packets for White and Arkansas rivers, and at Memphis with superior packets for St Louis aad Louisville.

Bar Adams's Express carried regularly by this Una. Tke UtrDer JHIastsatDPl. leaves on THURSDAY. inst at 6 P. M.

FOR ST. LOUIS. CAISO. HICKMAN, Memphis, and all intermediate landing i ur. new auu ctegaui.

i si uger rncmia mi i i AiM.HAHt, Baker, masser, will leave as above. freight or paseage apply on ooara, or to Jul MOLONY BRO. A 23 Poydras street Leave on THURSDAY, aoth ia.t,at5 P. M. ST.

LOUIS. CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD LINE. FOR BT. LOUIS Connertinar at Cairo 'with the Illinois Central, and at St Louis i with tbe Ohio and Mississippi Railroad The ru.e Isr nsssrnarr nacket steamer MINNEHAHA. Boker, master, will leave for St Louis and ail intermediate landing aa above.

For freight or passage apply aa board, or to J. F. ALLEN, Freight Agent, For the above Line, and tha Illinois Central Railroad, Jal 6 Poydras street, Leaves on FRIDAY, gist inst at 5 P. M. ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLHANS RAILROAD LINE. FOR ST. LOUIS Connecting at Cairo 'with the Ullnois Central, and at 8t Loula with the Ohio and Miaaisainm Railroad ne Hue regular rises rmger packet steamer CHAMPION. Moore, master, wiU leave for St Louis and all intermediate landing aa above. For freight or pawage, apply on board, or to J.

P. ALLEN. Freight Agent For the above line, and the Illinoi Central Railroad, JalTY Poydras at rest lieava on SATURDAY, tad inst. at P. M.

aauULA o. wvis rsuiiT in ftne regular passenger packet JOHN i. ROE. Mark Leavenworth, master, will leave lor iue above and all Intermediate landing as above, ror freight or pssasvge apply on board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A Jam Poydras street Leaves oa SATURDAY, tli. Inst, at 6 P.


Memphis and all intermediate landings afaVaoiaaEwasaBThe elegant and swift running passi nglf packet stesmer JOHN J. ROE. Mark Leavenworth, master, will leave for the above and all intermediate landings aa above. For freight or passage appl on board, or to Jal O. WHITE.

63 Front street Leaves an MONDAY. Mth Inst, at IF. H. ST. LOUIS, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEANS MERCHANTS' LINE.

FOR ST. LOUIS. CAIRO. MEMPHIS 'and all intermediate landings The elegant and swift runnins nassi nai i nacket steamer OKA ANDERSON W. Carroll, master, will leave aa above.

For freight or passage apply onboard, or to JS30 O. M. WHITE, 6 Front street Leaves on MONDAY, 4th inst, at 6 P. M. NEW, ORLEANS, CAIRO AND ST.

LOUIS MER CHANTS' LINE. REGULAR ST. LOUIS PACKET The fine regular passenger packet CORA AN Ilk'DuAV r.k. 1S7 ii III ie above and all intermediate landmaa. aa abovel Pot freight or passsge apply on board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A Jaso IT jydra street Ohio River.

Leave on THURSDAY, soth Inst, at 6 P. M. NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LIGHTNING LINE. FOR LOUISVILLE Tbe nut regular asseugtr packet EMPRESS. John P.

or den. master, will leave for the above and ail intermediate landings aa above. For freight or passsge apply on board, or to BELL. BUCHANAN A JalS 37 Poydras street Sat A plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooms cored by apprymg to the agenta. Leaves on SATURDAY.

2sd Inst. at 5 P. M. NEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LIGHTNING LINE. FOR LOU18 VILLE The flna regular rrsssrngrr packet WOODFORD, Moaea I Erwin, master, win leave for Louisville and ail intermediate landings aa above.

For freight or passags apply on board, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A CO Jal9 87 Poydras street A plan of tbe cabin can be seen and staterooms secured hy applying ta the agent. Leaves on SATURDAY. Mdlnsk. at 6 P. M.

FOR LOUISVIBLE The fin regular passenger packet REPUBLIC, Saml Montgomery, master, will leave for the above and au intermediate landing as above. For freight or paaaag apply aa hoard, ar to BELL, BUCHANAN tt Jal8 37 Poydras street 1 awF A plan of the cabin can be seen and stateroom secured by applying to the agenta. Leave on SATURDAY. February 5. at P.

M. 51 HEW ORLEANS AND LOUISVILLE LIGHTNTN LINE. fosssa. FOR LOUISVTLLat Th fln regular IsJ passenger packet steamer DIANA, E. T.

ssr Sturgeon, master, will leave rot Louis vl 11 and ail intermediate Landings aa above. For freight ar anolv on board, or ta BELL, BUCHANAN CO Arenta. Ja30 17 Poydras street, BaTA plan of the cabin ran be aeenred by applying to the agents. ana Cwwi oerlaad BJrer Leareaaa SATURDAY. Md Inat, at 6 F.

FOR NASHVILLE, LARKS VTLLB, Caatoa. EddyviUe. Dycusbarg. Snatthiaad. Padncah, Metropolis, Cairo, Hickman and lBusMnaaai Tl.

al. A A liana nger packet NASHVILLE, W. Boyd, ateater, will leave aa above. For freight or aaasgej apply an hoard, ar to B. DDFFIELD.

Asene. Jalvl corner of St Chariea and Perdido ata mmT Toe it. wui take te freight through to any point oa privjlegs of storing aad reshipplng. River, with Aiakaaam River. Leaves en THURSDAY, soth tnst at 6 P.

COX, BRAINARD A TRI WEEKLY LIN 11 FOR aosiiia, monTtmtmjmHt. ws tsnxmka and galnaa egal ar Tbrough Una, beTnurelv Sew lake otoarasr CARONDELET. R. Sin. nott, master, will leave aa above, for Montgotnsry, Ws tumpka.

and all laadinga aa tha River. For rreigbt ar passage apply on boaid, or to JalA JOHN E. HYDE St Gravler at taT Tha Caraadelet I bow receiving freight at tha Depot Tivoli Circle. Jam 10 Msatlne Lewre on SATURDAY. Md last, at P.

ML COX. BRAINARD A CO.S TRI WEEKLY LOTH. run MOBILE, MONTGOMERY, WE. 'turn ok and Sahn. i Carrolltam aJeSereoa llsilinaJ BssstarTsnssk .2.1 C.

81nrastsT wilf leav. as above, far Mantgoaa! ery, Wetumpka, and all laadinga on th Aiabama dvar. For freight assa ar apply on board, or to JOHNfcHYDE ACO, Otavlarat ssisBT Taa IUs4hlasi a a. rv a.a Ttv.ll Circle "TT; Otvelea Leaves everv SATURDAY, at 1 urttAjuBAB me at steamer ANNA i I nw aii i mmr war azaa truant 7 mkO. Hinckley, master, will la a eova.

Far trtigut or psiaige apply aa board, ar to Te1 'wreKtET. expresalr for tha trad,) J. M. JOHNSTON At OH. 9 rrsss sevwo.

Blark River. Leave an FRiDAY.sist toat.atP. M. rOJa T( P1 BAB AT BAYOO BUtOl packet riggs, aaaster, will aadBayaa Macon, aa aha wexoeriri ror arriarn ov paaaaao aootyaa aosa a or to rsuawtiavrs A Agenta, Jwmm a TTe.tIti 1 Is r47TMjK andUglit draught i iBburr ciTi, N. c.

leave as aoove, tor Black Risox, Ten ass aad all fasti aassilists aa hiab. 4 STEAM BOlTS? comer of Coma A .1 ffloSUg aad Luke ParTketi7vvv 1 2. FOB. MOoll.KDAiLr aaitiondid as pnaun swehs CUBA, R. A.

Hlern, master. FLORIDA. Jaaasa I mastor, and CALIFORNIA, W. H. iwlnal built sxpressly for the Lak.

trad, with ajailaTl.L Oh of the aoov stxaasess will leav. eao Railroad DAILY, oa the arrival of tbsslsr.SL or BOD1S) oiiwi, scminiu i naw. a rs.ii.ll llifli ejit.V,fe landing, excptedj will atop on MONDAY DAYS at Bay St Louis, Pass Chrisuaa aad Faaa, uama zasaage Dock. Nearoes. in lota of fiveHnd Cabin tar from Faseagaala 7abln far.

from Bay Christian Childrea and Deck mmw aaa way aai sag, iov sauone atlly, i amca afthe agents promptly at a'dock P. Vt. 'a R. GEDDEK LAKE SHORE PAC1 Inter Arrangement n. aad all mtarmaa The awl en did, low prtsanr I CREOLE.

A. P. stoardman D. Coast Mas lit tiads, wttaswasnHacaecwassasidsrlona, WiU Uaaaiaa aa followa, anloa. prevsmtad ay bM a.

a taw weaer. waa as waou, ar soma ar, rater, want of weed, ar eotae ar, try, leaving th Lake end I oa tbe arrival ot tbs Lak af th srTMMwOrieeaa Zral marhlaery, anna 1 TTJFBDAY a stTJ SIUR8DAY TDRDAY kf. Loavsa Ooeaa gprlnsa STJNDAT EVENING, I FaUDAI JtrjTr, i WEDNESDAY EVENING 1 The Creole will extend bar trip PaaaAr day and Sasardaya thaCreaiswiMstorat BraadwcU' wiy aad rsturaln, oa Friday, only. Rates of Fare by CrooW I 4. ttna ibt.

to ray a. aevsua una ass CaManrata ssjssarippi" CitBUoals Bpringa. lll CbllSrrn aad Servants Dock (iaeiuding Casta far. ts Paacagouia Aa Exaresa I. neat ana tiener na.

1 WINTER A RAN GEM ENT a aawsaawsaaam swW WM A af IwVtrtv A Madiseaville, "prtngs The fWraaaia il der, will leave the Lake end of (he rmacaarjjwi daily, on arrival af tb train, as Islsrw Laavaa MONDAY, for Covington TUESDAY, for Madison villa WEDNESDAY, for THURSDAY, for FRIDAY, foe Coviaaton lrfrM m. as SATURDAY, tor Con MONDAY, irom Crrington Iras TUfcSfJA Vjirom rjfi rrom susoiaonruia tm THURSDAY, rrom Covin gruel Vm FRIDAY, i AiiBsaavn suiawaft au mum ooass ssastsssai sf route each way. raaoag. ai eacn way. aerresameaai ta at ssg a fsa Bar.

No meals oa board. Freight most be sent to the Railroad tts o'clock train, otherwise will not be taa. 7T latts rar rartner wiormaaon appiy te 6E0VA. FOSDICK, Aesst, nl ft 41 Natouo rfA mmT All bills agalaat the boat paid on bsardc iuTsAJ VENSWOOD wul rcanme her trine in the aa asaaa the anmmer business spans. SUNDAY trim ioian sat aon discontlnoea.

COX, BRAINARD A CO. 8 TRI WrTt i ffa FOR MOBILE, HOHT6us. i Ir TtTm' and all landing an Alaoaaw TI. tiLi mi. "tnTh nPer'oi Lak steamer; (oz.4 eg; WM.

BAGALET, John C. Btnnott, sssstax. Rich 'd Sinnott asanas. On of th above steamers will leave trass ti' mf of the Jefferson and Carrollton Ral Iroad every 1 THURSDAY aad SATURDAY EVEN 196 1, ,1 arrival of th fcsO P. M.

train of cars, caaascu i Ml. with Cox, Bralnard a Co. 'a Sally IIjm af saa. passanger packet tor Alabama River. Shippers and to earn can rely oa lasts few '4 Shipper and paasensrra can rely oa ecun as au tzmea witn tne auatt on taa aisao Freight received every day at tha Depot aivai l4 For freight or J.

L. HARRIS, MHsAcaatatrati Tke Lswer 01laalalavots Leaves every WEDNESDAY axis A. MaadlJUTOIU! a. THE COASf, AND V0VUV lJW "r.R'H,EKl.. a.

ii sjvr'H HEELS, orowa, Baaaar, 1st Kc Orleans a above. Retarnln dews as very MONDAY aad FRIDAY in dayught E. CONERY. A d9 corner Common aad Fa aCsoaskrara fwa REGULAR SATURDAYF 'T fpf ii aJr splendid steamer GOLDEN V', I A Combe, azsater, (la tha place at BeuaDonna,) will leave New Orleans svery i ue EVENING, at s'ciock, tar ronaldsoavuis, i riaqaevzuna, Baton tvouge, ran no Sara, Point Coupee, organza. Tunica, WLn i.sanrt, Sl rr lor lfT rr fJ tW Returning, will leave Bayoa San every Waa.

II A i th arrival af th car from Wsosv: i cars iron wsosvius. Is Inns i mmmlm mm swil no ta corrlovt T. rv mtmm HOLME! bosuaa, sreia, 1 Tchstupitoaias wroek 9 Leaves every WEDNESDAY, at P. i swawa. FOR FORT ADAMS Tb 1 IpJ 7teroer KATE HOWARD, ft mf I master.

M. HHHard, clerk, tl aoove, for Donaldsonville, Bayoa Gsana, i Baton Rouge, Port Hudson, Waterloo, Bays A Coupe Morganza, Tunica, WtlUaasszwr, Indtna, Fort Adams, and all mtermeaie I Returning, win leave Bayoa Sara every SAi th arrival af th ear from WoodvlUa. far aasaage apply aa or to K. CONERY, i "aa. sig corner Conasnua and ranoa Leaves every TUESDAY aad FRIDAY, at aAru.

ayllght Far freight rd. BOGART.FOLEY A AVa.i Tbe Vixen wul leave aa her nrsttnpsa 14. Lesres every SUNDAY, at A. AC and ttivflZ. at r.

as. FOR LOBDELL'S STORE APWV Coast Tha fin, net aw wllllswra neans as a regular packet for to above points (aiotn ROBBE TETE, i. A. Cottoat, sasterjlsadav, A tETE, 1. Gotten, loue QDnfiBS GROSSE TETE, I.

A Cotton, maoter, Wodnaaoaw, A Clerk always on taa Levee to receive treitut uwuut. a. i m. mmi nwmmm mmm i aoov. Boat dS tf u.

s. mail line. fwsss, FOR BAYOU SARA. BATtTw ImJ swsnd the Coast Tbs apleodid JrZ. jhCAPTTOL and LAUREL HILL wul i lortn.

aoov. potata aa toUows, taking fialglat Bar a. Caast sandmaa i CAPITOL, Bajaaco, anal i Sunday, A. SL LAUREL HILL, Viacont, mastor, koadoy, I P. CAPITOL, Bacaoco, msWsr, WariasartsSP.

Al LAUREL HILL. Vtatcent, mastos, noaf 1 A 1 Adarkalwava aa tha Larvae to reo i frosrht L. aoov. aaara, A kvuaa, 1 TcAoaattsssssa I d7 tf a a a A corner af Cemmoa aad Front ekes Laave every WEDNESDAY, P. M.

a REGULAR WEDrTlDAY YT lrr JrBTJkvG Packet MAGNOLIA mt ltaamo MAGNOLIA, St Tbw aiastat, wnl laa for Vtcsaburg and an aaa aa asssa 1 1. IDU IE, gvn, vo WINTER ARRANGE I 'a Week Hereafter tbe D. tmU til situ a si VUl ica.o i.ew WTKmmmmwvmtj i v. aw A. far BaUaa, and every WADNi a DAY, at A.

for Pomta uvHAcha only. Betan i Balisa Sunday saornlng, arrtving at kew (rn day and Ikarsday. For freietit or pas r.v aoto JOSEPH BALlsA. A iiTnonir Ha tyid L. fJlfTTED STATES TRI WF3ttLT i IiSOTM OA TUAADAT.

at P. St gaaws, Th wiagnlfioMH U. PaUNCT.VVllaast, ass''. a kaldaaavUla, Plaonomiaa, L. oujuoTi Sara, Riad iuver rtatcnea, vVaCeTpraof, stoaawy.

at. Wans laa and Vlckabwrg, every TC Tna rnacaaa Vacksbar a ck, and will taks frwgbt for ad hot I a. sU versa mm rocxt wsOoaL aa THDRADAY. at I Tha aiasninuiat D. Mssl socket v.

White, master, will lewafsf Diiaal mine, Batoa aVsaget Part Hadswa, Bavo lamdms, Fsrt Adams, Natcaes, Wi'" Joseph, Grand Gulf, Wsrrsakea, Bead, Lak. Prswideuca, Storks Israa landing. Puchart Point, Aabtoa, Grand irton, Csrolina Lasdiag aad Poaat THURSDAY, at gp. WU 1(Th toamor Vhssmrs wtt tak kalght Ewwveaoa SATTJRBAY, St 'r The ssssytilSrevit Mail packet a i.aa in is, msater, vnu leova tor l'aaai aime, Baton Rouge, Port Hudsoa. Bayoa kameuns, rort Adama.

naacaos, Wa jowepn, vrrazn vruiz, SATTJRDAV. mt a kg zns itatcne exmnsxia aasrer. and will River aaaiahsa Th abv xaentisaed ptenffld szsaaff7P" ktav aa their regular day, without ta pointed. A3 bustnesa enfcroated to tocar prornptly and faithfully attended to. Tbesa boat wiU as be reaponolMs far sov 1 pwcaago conaunms money, jewelry, or i regular hiiia of lad In.

ara takes, vV 1 a 1 2 lis tA Tues I' P. R. GEDDES, Agcatss sF Frria aHeelt, and Extra Lsm, jal ba ablpped tha day previoa mr bTaasat. Hew Orioaaa. Decern bar 1.

lms laa it ffawa aw rvaitntuurAnt I mf mfTa fast runaiag paaaenger packet a T. Elfert, master, will fravTss Returninc down tha Coast ever Tszuavaus SUNDAY, ta wvkstiaig alts for ail lan high water mm i ehn I Vsrrrli sarvfi "frer im li. Bona. Betn Al, i Jonas Geirer Ileal F'T Cssl is. 4 ST dlt I TLSO timtoaadvalo.

and tha freight paid aortut. Wa. deaoaitod BritsTtba elork t. fh. ar 1 oaaa i traurut pasa sw su.

SWB ibylhts.igai,srt Daioa Row. aa CarsaS I their batrua Union Row, 6 Carsa Attatkapae via. pi qaeta i W. at I Leav aa THURSDAY. mh avava.tsui.aisi aiiakaraa TPor St Martinaville, Now Ibersfc 1 villa.

Franklin. t.e... yine. City, zu you zMrai, ana tntermedlate Umaiass, rs mine The new, tight draught and fsrt raai" .11,.. REUB WHITE.

Wm Ager, master, W. M. wiU leav. aa ahova. For frelirht or nososre City, awt af BieavUle street, or to atttt Tennessee River.

slaves on FRIDAY. Slat Inst. at If. i.sws jr0a XEBNEbBEE RIVlBt Tand fast paasenger packet CK H. SUverTaSSaer.

vriU wav a 1 ence, iaacumbla, Esatpor aad aU th kaasias Tenaesee iuvaz, a sbova For freight ar BALI AG CHAN AN At' BtrHmt River. 1 Leav aa, THURSDAY, svthlnst, rmm Bff.UF RIVER Regular rand Boruf aUvar packet i 'a i 1 faaa zueut tUvar packet uv i' a Goodwin, mastor, wul posjiive'r sUM.vo7las.uis freigbt for aU landings oa zmsoJ "vera. Mm fraigbt wasaux aaaty ao aaaaa, aa Jsl V. i T. BC baHTliV Tch.p.loa 'fTb.

Bootbgra aoya aacticla. asssoiss Kf astaaa oaiaar ara ai.i, ei I Sst tanath.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.