The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

OKl.AMK) MOKMSfi Mf HN fl, ORLANDO, FLORIDA. TUESDAY. JILT JJ. 1931 pact. Tiinrc evening, December 1, at the I WINDERMERE OCOEE KISSIMME WALL Mlll.l.T NEW YORK.

July 21. Th up-rd movement of stock prices today tred upon Its sixth con-ccutiv week with favorable reparation new and western report of reviving bui-iness activities providing the stimulus for th day' advance. Trading was on a broad cal, 61 issues, including 20 rail and 8 coppers, establishing new high records for th year. Heavy investment buying of bik'h grad carrier flock wa on of the day' feature, York Central, Atchison, Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Northern Pacific, Great Northern preferred, Rock Island 7 per cent prefurred and Atlantic Coast Lin all bet-terlru their previou top prices of th year. Speculative buying of low-price! issue ent Erie com-mon and first preferred, Chicago, Great Western and Omaha to new peak prices.

Four jumped 8 point to a new top at ISoH. United State Stoel common regained th leadership of th stand-ard Industrial by moving up point to 102, new high on th movement. Baldwin, Studebaker and American Can each gained about point. Gnarl Electric touched a new top at 250 and then eased to 247 Revival of activity In Alll Clialmer. which crossed fiS to new maximum price for the year, via the Indirect result cf the recent buying of tncks of public utility companies which are among Its bt customer.

Strength of th copper hre was attributed to report thst urpluf of the red metal is at the I lowest point in years, th rising trend of metal price and indications of th extensive us of silver, an important byproduct of -lost copper countries for coinage purposes by Kuropean countries. Utah led the advunco In the group with net gain of 24 at 7rM. and was closely followed by Anaconda, which closed 2Vi poinU up at 34V Th city Uredg mw at work on 1 ak Tohopekalig la now nutkiug gond progress as the thick stratum of sand which lies below a twslv foot laver of blue day he been reached and a heavy pouring of ssnd can be seen which Is filling In the property which is being reclaimed by the city just two blocks from the business district. Th plans ar ta Include in this re a city park, with community house, library, American Legion bouse and band stand, whjch will be a wonderful addition to the already attractive, lal front. Mrs.

Albert Sutton of Orlando, who ha been 111 in th Orange General hospital I now recuperat lug at the horn of her mother, Mr. M. K. Waring. The wIding of Rector Harris of St.

Cloud and Mis Leah Wilcox of this city has just bean an nounced, having taken plac In Orlando Jun 3. News of th marriage of Mis Sadl Bailey and C. S. Rengsrs, of Williamson, W. Va.

on September 5, last has Just reached here when th bride, who I an efficient as Istant of the post office work left thi week to Join her husband who has been engaged during the past year In th First National Bank at Williamson, W. Va. They wer married In Hendorsonville, N. C. Best wishes go with th young coup! In their new abode.

Th St. John Guild entertained This New Treatment Never Fails to End Piles Many sufferer from Pile or. Hemorrhoids hv beeom despondent "becaus they have been led to bellev that their case was hopeless and that there wa nothing In the world to help them. To these people we "Oo to your druggist and get an original box of MOAVA SUPPOSITORIES." On of the Inserted Into th rectum according to direction will be found to give Immediat relief. They reach th sou re of th troubl and by their soothing, healing, antiseptic action first allay thj pain and soreness and then by direct contact with th ulcers and piles causa them to heal up and disappear forever.

It' simply wonderful how spes.l-lly they act. Blessed relief often come In on or two hours. Even In cases that hav ateadily resisted all known treatments, marvelous raault hav been obtained. McJElroy's Pharmacy dispense MOAVA SUPPOSITORIES in th original box or can get them for you on short notice. ITCHDNO PILES are not pile In th true sens of th thi condition MOAVA OINTMENT will be found all that I necessary.

-4V OCOEE, July 19-Mr. and Mrs, l.awton Shaw are announcing the recent arrival of a 12 12 pound son, Harold I-awton Shaw. The home of Mr. and Mrs. I.

W. Graves was the scene of a happy family gathering Sunday when a beautiful birthday dinner was served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graves of Orlando, Mr. Ernest Ruescll of Tampa, Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Parramour of Seffuer, Mr. and Mrs, James Graves ami children, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wilson and children, and George Graves.

Mrs. Boyd Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Graves, whose birthdiiv occurred on Sunday and her father's birthday coming on Monday made two persons to be honored In the Graves family on this occasslon.

Friends In West Orange of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Mnguir will rejoice with them over the recovery of their little son, Harold Douglas, who was critically 111 last week, necessitating the services of Dr. Edwards and a registered nurse from Orando.

Mr. Michael Burke, who I over 90 years of age, is one of Ocoee's smartest and well known men. At present he Is enjoying the good air of Clearwater, being pleasantly located in his enttnge there. Mr. Burke owns considerable sea shore property this favorite resort.

The Oonee Women's Club held a most enjnyahl session on Tuesday afternoon at the Pavillinn on Ijike Starke, celebrating th club's charter recently given by the Stace of Florida and observing the occasslnn also as farewell party for the summer season. The banquet, or assembly room, was prettily decorated with bamboo and beautiful roses by Mrs. R. II. Leetran and Misses Dorothy and Helen Flewelling.

Mrs, Harry Flewelling presided In the ohsence of the president, Mrs. Sam Scott, during the business seslnn, when matters pertaining to the rluh and unfinished business was discussed, following the secretary's report and roll call. Twenty-two members were present. A pleasing pmtrram arranged by Mrs. L.

Jackson, chairman of the current eventa committee followed, with Interesting reudlnss by Mrs. P. J. New and Mrs. Jackson, and a short Inspiring tnliiy Rev.

A. E. Barrett of Oakland, who Is earnestly trying to aid the club In securing funds for the club house. Mrs. Florence Gilbert Hauscom of Mt.

Dora was present and an entertainment was arranged by this gifted woman for Monday in. w. a. Rim DENTIST Suit 7, Merle-McElroy Bldg. Sleep Comfortable Have Your Mattresi Made New.

Russ Mattress Co. Phone 570-W. Rugs Cleaned Absolutely Clean school auditorium under the auspices of the Woman's Club. Mrs. Hauscom comes highly endorsed by the pressand pulpit in Florida and many northern states as an upiming entertainer.

Mte nss a rich soprano voice, blandlng songs ami reading lit charming fashion, ami is a monologist of unusual ability. Th social hour followed with a delicious picnic lunch of fried chicken sandwiches, pickles, pie, peaches, bananas, Iced tea and cake. Last, but not least, peach Ice cream was generously provided and served by Mrs. C. K.

Bartlett and Mrs. J. W. Sims, which w-aa especially enoyed. The next meeting of the club will be Tuesday afternoon, September 2.

I AMATEUR NIGHT MAKES I I HIT AT THE BEACHAM When Manager Harry Vincent announced that Amateur Night a the Beachain Theatre was get ting bigger and better with each succeeding wee knew whereof he spoke as last night trot ted out six act and a novelty finish to enterta'n th capacity crowd. And It wa a close race for first place honor with little, Maris Rnbidoux and Roy Nicholson tied. Announcer Wlllox had hard time trylnT to determine th winner through th applaus and was finnlly forced to award them both ten dollars first pme, Th second prize of five dollars was given to J. David Driggets, who sng exceptionally well and who might have had a chance at first money had he been properly pre-ented. Third prli of thre dollars went to Mary Clialfont who danced while fourth and fifth wa also divided due to the rontlnuou applause whlrh would permit neither T.

A. Williamson or J. Dean to take th lead. In all Amateur Night at the Beacham last evening was big success and especially the work of the first two acts. Marie Robl doux pulled an original novelty by appearing In full dresa suit and singing "Dandy Dan," while Roy Nicholson almost stopped the show with hi blackface oddity.

Manager Vincent Is now looking forward to next Monday night when flv act of children will on the progrsm and a capacity crowd Is bound to be DR. S. S. JONES CHIROPRACTOR Room IB ID. Yowell-Drew Bldg.

Phone 209 CONSULTATION FREE Complete X-rsv Equipment 10 Yerrs In thi Of fir lady Attendant LET US HELP TOIT PLAN YOUR VACATION TRIP Very low round-trip summer tourist tickets now on sal to Western North Carolina, California, Colorado, Michigan and Canadian resorts. Ask th ticket agent to route you via Southern Railway. For complete Information, literature or reservations, call or write E. S. CLEMENTS, District Passenger Agent, 604 Stovall Building, Tampa, I'la.

SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM. A Southern Product oe. Bottle 35r Pint Can Mf Ourt Gallon $3.90 many other Insects. Killer" neediest ones for tlie meet at Memphis In September. Mr, and Mrs.

C. M. lilies loft Thursday for HinidcrMinville, N. to remain there about six weeks, theme to Cincinnati and Cleveland to visit relatives. They expect to lie home about October Mr.

and Mrs. L. Chamberlain are spending this week end with the family of Dr. A. II.

Stafford of Babson Park. WINTER GARDEN WINTER GARDEN, July 21 The Winter Garden Chamber of Commerce held its regular monthly meeting Friday evening at the Shelbv Motel. In the absense of Mr. G. J.

Stror.ler, president, Mr. II. E. Bumby presided. The ladies of the CMc League servo.

I delicious dinner at eight o'clock. The dining room and tables being decorated for the occasion with an abundance of fern and shasta daisies. There were about sixty present Including visitors from Oakland and The proceeds will spent to further th beautificatlon on the highway In and out of town already begun. Rev. and Mr.

D. F. Sehastaln. Misses Inei Joiner, Katherlne Wright have returned from De-Land where they attended the Baptist Assembly. J.

W. F. Bray, accompanied bv G. W. Bray, plan to leave July 28 for Rochester, where the former will enter Mayo Brothers Sanitarium for examination and treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and daughter, Miss Ruby Edwards, have returned to their home In Ocala after spendlns- a few davs here at the home of Mr. E. R.

Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Sharps of Klss-immee are here visiting their daughters. Mrs.

A. D. Mims and Mrs. O. R.

Gregory. Mrs. T. F. Mann and children are vlsitinir relatives In Ocala.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hurley and family plan to leave Tuesday for Clayton, where they will spend several weeks at their summer cottage.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dlllard and Miss Magode Beddlngflehl ar visiting In Mtdvllle, Ga.

Miss Mlm, who lives in the western part of the state. Is here vllting her brother, A. D. Mlm. Mr.

and Mrs. Burnett Rurrh left Monday for Daytnna Beach. Mr. and Mrs. A.

II. Johnson left Thursdav noon for Sanders-vllle, where they will visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Call Pass bav returned from South Carolina where they spent several weeks Mr.

and Mrs. M. Y. McMillan and family have rented a cottage at Daytona Beach and plan to spend the summer there. Mr.

gnd Mrs. J. II. Cooper and family left Tuesday by auto fo Anderson. S.

C. Miss Blench Mann and brother Mavnard spent a eoupl days this week in Oeala. Mr. M. V.

Dillard Is now operating the Dillnrd Filling Station on Plant street. The Winter Garden Library ts getting some new books. Go by and look them over. Mr. and Mrs.

Brock Baker have bone-ht and are now occtinvlnp tfie Williams residence on Main St. Miss Helen Moody of Russell-ville. Is here visiting her brother, Mr. Fred Moody and family. alatHa llo MW tWaWMt trWBaTBt Ibtkt to (w otDplt rrtUf ft Ma all vtKfcj la 24 trmirt, of noMjr MO.

At and 4 i- LfTM'sv I Chiropodist Relief from Corns, Bun-inns, Callouses Ingrowing Nails. Call Room 16 Yow-ell-l)rew Illdg. 4th floor. Br WINDFMERE, EJuly 19 Dr. and Mrs.

A. II. Staford and son John drove from Bub-ion Park last week to visit Mr. nl Mrs. W.

Chamhrrlaln. Mrs. Stafford and son recently returned from a two months sojourn In Ohio. Mrs. E.

L. D. OveMreet ol Shing! Creek Is spending several eeks with her daughter Mrs. Clinton Bronson. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Sutton entertained a dinner guests last Sunduy Mr. and Mrs. E. S.

Mad-dock Mr. and Mrs. L. Cham-berluin and and Mrs. Georgt Vehlen.

The combination passenger anl freight etutlon In the renter of town has been Imroved, but the rltiiens of Windemer would be better pleased and it would be a great aid to th beautificatlon of this town wer th officials of th A. C. to decide to move the structure across the tracks on the land owned by thi company, or better still, build brand new, up-to-date station, which would be a credit to th community. J. C.

Talmer came home from Daytona Beach for a few days last week to take care of business matters accumulating In bis absence. The J. C. Tedker fsmflv of Orlando Is occupying the Brlgham entage on Lake Butler for the remainder of the summer. They have as guort Mis Collins of Atlanta.

Mrs. W. C. Geir entertained the young people at her home last' Friday evening. Messrs.

W. E. Flower and Ray Green drove over from Orlando, and an enthusiastic "talk fest" ensued relative to th coming "try out" at Winter Tark July to determine the 6.02. Refined sugar easier, unchanged to 20 points lower; fine granulated, 6.40 to 6.60. r.RUN MARKET CniCA( July 21.

Rain r.oth north and south of the Canadian boundary led to bt-er prices for wheat today and the market here closed to 1 cent decline, September, 1.25 to 1.25 and December 1.2K to 1.28. Corn finished 1 to 1 down; oats, 1 to 1 off and provision howtng a setback of 20 to 60c. NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, July 21. The cotton market day was one of th most exciting and active In a long while. The Indicated crop of 11,934,000 hales was almost as great a surprise as an Indicated1 -op of 12,400,000 bales at least has been expected.

All the new crop months advanced from 24.25 to 26.56. July, owing to the small Interest In that option, remaining unliquidated In th local market, was not much affected at first, but later advanced to 28.55, or 155 points. The close showed net gains for the day of 90 point on July and 147 to 148 points on new crop months. NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK, July 21 Intenslv excitement and violent advance which carried July cotton con-tracts up to 33.15, and October to 27.65, beyond which lvl trading was automatically suspended by the 200-polnt rule, followed the sensationally bullish government bullish government crop report at noon today. Th condition of 68.6 reported by th bureau wa practically 3 points lower than private reports had suggested and indicated that deterioration during the half month period must have been much greater than either the weekly government weather reports or the private advices bad led the trade to expect The market met considerable realizing at thp advance; which brought about reactions of 40 or 50 point in the afternoon, but a late accumulation of outside buying through commission houses gave the market a very steady close with prices 88 to 168 net higher.

NAVAL STORES JACKSONVILLE, July 21. Turpentine steady, 77(R77; sales 336; receipts, 441; shipments, 109; stock, 17,549. Rosin, firm; sales, receipts, shipments, 400; stock, Quote: 4.364.40; 4.50; to 4.60; and 4.65; 4.76; window glass, 5.75f-5.80; water white, 6.30. their Sunday school folks at a plonk- at Joyltuid B'h on Friday afternoon. I.

II. Prlvstt of ive Oak was a visitor in this city last week and meeting old fi lends. Mrs. and Mrs. II.

N. Maklnson spent the day Sunday In 1 snips, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Harper and family, and on their return home were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.

Maklnson who had spent th week there. R. I. AMr UMO.N, M.D.. D.D.3.

Dental Surgeon 116' i 8. Orange Ave. VPSTAIRS. Hours IS I to P. M.

Phone S'l Your Watch is on the Bum Se C. W. Lawton K.tpert Wdrhmtkef SIS S. Or sng Ave. Easy Riding Dodge Brothers 'Touring Car Dependable iine Route from Jacksonville Learn How to Play Golf (3 6S', 63', 'J0 FOREIGN STRONG NEW YORK, July 21 Strength of foreign obligation, Industrial and low priced railroad Issues contrasted with th hesitancy of investment rail and public utility lien In today's uneven bond trading.

Favorabl report on th prof-res of th rapartlons conference that th way was being cleared for th accord of European nations on th Dawes' plan stimulated buying of foreign is-sues, notably th French government's obllgtlons, which advanced 1 to 1 points. With higher price levels prevailing In the speculative rail group, several new peak prices for the year were recorded, th list embracing New Haven, Chicago and Alton and Seaboard mortgage. Gain of point or so wer mad by varlou St. Taul and Rock Island liens, whil Third Avenu Railway adjustment 6 jumped 2V, point to new 1024 top price at 67. Increasing consumption of copper and the rising trend of metal prices contributed to the, Importance of copper company bonds, in which Anaconda, Magma and Chile Issues shared, gains ranging front I to ,1 points included these liens, as well as Kelly Springfield Tire Ss, Wilson Is and convertible 6s, Virginia-Carolina 7s and 7s and Sinclair Oil 7s.

NEW YORK BONDS Foreign Close Argentine 6s 93 Austrian govt. gtd. loan 92 Dom. of Canada 6. 102 Dutch East Indies fis, 1962..

95 French Republic 7s 99 Japan 64s 91 Kingdom of Belgium 7Hs. ..105 U.K.ofG.B.AI. 6s, 1937 ...104 U. S. of 8s.

94 Iometle Amer. Agr. Chem. 7 83 Amer. Smefting 6 94 American Sugar 6s 100 Anaconda Cop.

6s, 1953 96H T. Santa Fe gen. 4s. 90 flaltlmor Ohio cv. 90 Bethlehem Steel 6s 88 Central Leather 6s 99 Chesapeake Ohio cv.

6s. 93 Chi. A Alton 41 Hurl. Q. ref.

5s 100 Great Western 4s 56 M. St. cv. 61 Chi. A North, ref.

6s 6 R. I. ref. 4s 82 Chile Copper 6s 103 Cuba Can Sug. deb 8 stpd 98 Den.

A Rio Grande ref. 45 Du Pont-De Nemours Empire Gas A Fuel 7s 93 Erie gen. lien 4s 61 Goodyear Tire 8s, 3931 104 Great Northern 7s A 109 Int. A Gt. North, adj.

63 Inter. Mer. Marine s. f. Rfl Kelly-Springfield Tire 8s 94 K.

A Tex. new adju 5s A 62 Mo. Taciflc gen. 4s 61 New York Central deb. 108 N.

N. II. A H. francs 7s 85 Norfolk A Western cv. 124 thern Pacific ref.

6s Penn. R. R. gen. 6s 102 Punta Alegre Sugar 7s 107 Reading gen.

4s 94 St. L. A S. Inc. 6s 70 Seaboard Air Line con.

82 Sinclair Con. Oil col. 91 Southern Pacific cv. 4s 97 Southern Railway gen. 74 Southern Railway 6s 101 Union Pacific 1st 4s 93 U.

S. Steel s. f. 6s 104 Chem. 7s 61 Virginia Railway 5s 96 Willvs Overland 6s 98 UNITED STATES BONDS NEW YORK, July 21.

United Statfi government bonds closed: Liberty 3s. 101.15; First 4s, 101.26 bid; Second 4s, 101.10 bid; First 4s, 102.7; Second 4s 101.10 bid; First 4s, 102.7; Second 4s, 101.10; Third 4s, 102.8; Fourth 4s, 102.11; Treasury, 4s, 104.28. SUGAR MARKET NEW YORK, July 21. Raw sugar, steady unchanged; Cuban, Wcstinghous llitlne Willy Overland pfd Yellow Cab Mfg American Lin--ed B. F.

Goodrich Sale 1,017,500 haret. SUMMER EXCURSION NEW YORK STOCKS Close AllieJ Chem. Dye American Can 118H Am. Car Foundry 173 Am. Inter.

Corp 23 Am. Locomotive R014 Am. Smelt. Kef. 69 American Sutfar 29 Am.

Tel. Tel 123', Am. Tobacco 144H Am. Woolen 72H Anaconda Copper 84 Top. Santa Fe 1057 Atlantic Coast Line 127 Baldwin Locomotive 116H Baltimore Ohio 61V Bethlehem Steel 44 '4 California Petroleum 22 Canadian Pacific 149H Central Leather pfd 47 Cerro De Tasco 4S Chandler Motor 47 Choapak Ohio Mil.

St. Paul 28 Chi. A North 62 Rock Island A Pac 85 Chile Copper 30 Coca-Cola 72 Congoleum Co 4G Consolidated Gas 70H Consolidated Textile Continental Can 54 Corn Products S4S Cosden Oil 27 Crucible Steel 64 'i Cuca Cane Sugar pfd 61 Cuban Am. Sugar 29 Davison Chemical 694 yMfu Pont-De Nemours 12K Erie 31 Famous riaycrs-Lasky 81 General Asphalt 43 General Electric 217T, General Motors 14 Great Northern pfd 6V, Gulf States Steel 71 Houston Oil 70 Illinois Central 110 International Harvester 91 Inter. Merc.

Mar. pfd Invincible Oil 12 FARES To New York and Return $59.18 To Charleston and Return $18.00, INCLUDING MEALS AND STATEROOM BERTH HMI IVALICERS Clvde MleVlkl'IUIilT FOR INJECTS ta Only Direct All-Water aw Ticket on sale until Sept. 30th. Return limit Oct. 81, JB24.

Sailing Every Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 2 p. m. Rooms with double or twin beds and private bath; rooma with two berths and large divan with connecting private lavatory facilities; room of extra larg size and preferred location, -JtiJf Quick death to mosqui- tOt8. fliM anrl man toes, flies and may oe naa upon payment of extra charges varying from S2.25 up per berth. AUTOMOBILES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CARRIED.

ST. JOHNS RIVER TRIPS Sanford to Jacksonville and Return, $10.00, Including Meals and Berth. Leave Sanford Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 12.15 noon. For Reservations and other information apply to "It's a Sold everywhere by druggists and grocers. Ninth successful season.

Clyde Steamship Company! H. U. WEISZEL, Gen'l Sou. Pass. Agent, Jacksonville, Fla.

J. B. CALDER, Agent, Sanford, Fla. MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher Here's One Way to lfT7: 1) HAwW6M WATCH) VT7 fo 6tuiWC ice vAyr VfOPLJ I Tl0NL ATTEMPT TD SHOW SHOULDN'T SPWiS on HOUR'S, ARftCSTfcb -V 'J V-l j-2tC paV PUPILS WHAT I INDUCTION) tfrf TrteV SHOULD 06! Kelly Springfield Tire 15U Kennecott Copper 43 Louisville A Nash fl Mack Truck 93 MarlanH Oil 31 Middle States Oil 1 Kans. Tex 15 Mo.

Pacific pfd 60 New Y'ork Central 108 'A N. N. H. Hartford 28 Norfolk Western 123 Northern Pacific Okla. Prod.

Ref 2 Pacific Oil 47 Pan-Amer. Petroleum 51 Pennsylvania 45 Phillips Petroleum 34 Producers Refiner 26 Pure Oil 21 Reading Republic I. Steel 47 Reynolds Tobacco 71 St. Louis Southwestern 44 Seaboard Air Line 16 Seaboard Air Line pfd Si's Sears Roebuck OS Shell Union Oil 17 Sinclair Con. Oil 17 Sloss-Sheffield Steel 69 Southern Pacific 85 Southern Railway 65 Southern Railway pfd 75 Standard Oil cf Cal 67 Standard Oil of New Jersey .14 Stewart Warner 66 I Tennessee Copper 7 Texas Company Texas Pacific 33 i Tobacco Products 91 Transcontinental 0:1 4 i Union Pacific 13! L.

S. Cert Iron Pipe 101 U. S. I ml. Alcohol 72 U.

S. Rubber 30 U. S. Ster.) 102 Utah Copper 75 v. e.

i i i'-vt I i si ii. si C- W5V -y- .1. I 7 'i 1 -er ITT 1 J-, i.

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)


Is the Orlando Sentinel liberal or conservative? ›

Editorially, the Sentinel tilted conservative.

Does the Orlando Sentinel still exist? ›

The Orlando Sentinel, founded in 1876, is the primary daily newspaper in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is to deliver the truth every day. We bring you the stories that matter most, written without bias, so you can make informed decisions.

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Is Florida more Republican or Democrat? ›

The state is dominated by Republicans on the state level, as Democrats have not held the governorship or either house of the legislature since 1999.

Who is the owner of the Orlando Sentinel? ›

What is the most expensive community in Orlando? ›

1. Rose Isle. With a median home price of $2,197,881 and a median rent of $1,870, Rose Isle is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Rose Isle over the last 3 years, it ranks No.

How many people read the Orlando Sentinel? ›

For over a century the Orlando Sentinel has been the leading credible news, information and advertising source for our communities. We remain the area's #1 news source and media website, connecting our advertisers with nearly 878,000 Central Floridians weekly.

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Only $1 for 6 months

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Where is the Orlando Sentinel office? ›

Orlando Sentinel, 633 N Orange Ave, Orlando, FL - MapQuest.

What happened to the Orlando Sentinel building? ›

The Orlando Sentinel announced Wednesday it will leave its downtown building, the newspaper's home since 1951. “After careful deliberation, we have decided to permanently vacate our Orange Avenue office,” Publisher and General Manager Nancy Meyer said in an email to Sentinel employees.

How do I contact the Orlando Sentinel? ›

The general telephone number is 407-420-5000.

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Orlando Sentinel Overview

Orlando Sentinel has 1.7 star rating based on 77 customer reviews.

Is the village in Florida Republican? ›

A critical part of Central Florida's Republican party, The Villages, has been frequently visited on the campaign trail by politicians such as Florida governor Rick Scott and United States senator Marco Rubio.

Does Orlando have a Democrat mayor? ›

A member of the Florida Democratic Party, he is Orlando's longest-serving mayor.

Where is the Conservative Party on the political spectrum? ›

The party sits at the centre-right to the right of the Canadian political spectrum, with their federal rival, the centre-left Liberal Party of Canada, positioned to their left.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.