is one example of a tag that lives in the of your document. Anything we put into the of an HTML document will either go outside the main window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into the of your document: My (2024)

tags, 89-91,104-107, 110-113 fonts and text, styling, 73-78, 95 getting basic site up and running, 240-242 within HTML documents, 80-81 IDs, 84-88, 98-102,103,105 inheritance, 81-82, 99-100 Inspect Element option, 79 linking to HTML files, 66-71, 93 margins and padding, 108-110 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), continued overview, 61-66, 93 recognizing difference between HTML and, 91-92 stylesheet, creating, 93-95 syntax, 96-98 in WordPress, 143,155, 189-192, 205 case sensitivity, in HTML, 30, 31, 47 categories, in WordPress adding to navigation menu, 199-200 overview, 136-137,166-168 child pages, in WordPress, 134, 162-164 child theming, in WordPress, 205 Chrome browser, 11 class attribute, in HTML, 86, 88, 101,107 classes, in CSS, 88-89, 101-102,103 clear property, in CSS, 113 clients, 12-13 closing tags, in HTML, 23, 25, 50 CMS (content management system), 145. See also WordPress code editors, 11-12 Codex, in WordPress, 215 colon (:), in CSS, 96 color property, CSS, 105,113 colors, in CSS, 82-83,102-104 columns, in CSS, 89-91,110-113 .com domains, 12, 237 containers, 105 content management system (CMS), 145. See also WordPress conventions, in HTML, 50 cPanel, 240-241, 243 CSS. See Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) .css extension, 94 curly brackets ({}), in CSS, 75, 96 Custom Design upgrade, in WordPress, 205 customizing WordPress advanced, 205 navigation menu, 199-202 settings, 203-205 themes, 180-181,186-192, 196-199 & Dashboard, in WordPress overview, 128-129,145-146 Screen Options tab, 201, 202-203 Settings tab, 203-205 switching between backend and frontend, 148 Updates tab, 213 date, publishing, in WordPress, 161 default HTML files, 31-32, 40, 45 deleting content, WordPress, 158,171 Description field, WordPress Attachment Details area, 157 Details link, WordPress plugins, 207 Discussion section, WordPress Settings tab, 205

tags, in HTML, 89-91, 104-107,110-113 DOCTYPE declaration, 47, 57 document names, in HTML, 27-32, 47 domain names, 12, 229, 237-238, 239-240 dot (.), in CSS, 89,102 drafts, in WordPress, 160-161 E email hosting, 239 embedding images in HTML file structure, 37-46 is one example of a tag that lives in the of your document. Anything we put into the of an HTML document will either go outside the main window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into the of your document: My Web Page (1) tags, 35-38, 41-45, 52-53, 57 overview, 52-53 site map, 33-34 em font size, in CSS, 77, 78, 96 tags, in HTML, 21, 50, 57 exporting content to WordPress, 214 F featured images, WordPress, 168- 169 file browsers, 12 filenames, in HTML, 27-32, 47 files, transferring to web host, 242 file structure, in HTML, 37-46 File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 12, 14, 241-242 FileZilla, 14, 241-242 Firefox browser, 11 float property, in CSS, 105, 107,113 folder structure, in HTML, 37-45, 52-53 font-family property, in CSS, 95, 113 fonts, styling with CSS, 73-78, 95-98 font-size property, in CSS, 113 font-weight property, in CSS, 114 formats, post, in WordPress, 169- 170 formatting bar, in WordPress, 152 404 errors, 28-30, 43 free accounts, in WordPress, 145 frontend, in WordPress, 147,148 front page, in WordPress, 150 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 12, 14, 241-242 functions, in HTML, 191 G General section, WordPress Settings tab, 203-204 GoDaddy, 238 H tags, in HTML, 51, 57, 97-98 hash mark (#), in CSS, 87-88, 99 2H(o Xndex Header section, in WordPress, 196-197 headings, creating in WordPress, 154 heading tags, in HTML, 51, 57, 97-98 tags, in HTML, 48, 54-58, 67-69, 93-94 height property, in CSS, 105, 112, 114 help resources, in WordPress, 215 hex values, 82,102-104 hierarchical filesystem, in HTML, 37-46 HostGator, 238 hosts. See web hosts href attribute, in HTML, 24, 51, 57 .html extension, 48 tags, 47, 57 HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 12 HTTPS (Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol), 12 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) commonly used tags, 21-25, 48-52, 57-58 CSS within documents, 80-81 embedding images in file structure, 37-46 is one example of a tag that lives in the of your document. Anything we put into the of an HTML document will either go outside the main window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into the of your document: My Web Page (2) tags, 35-38, 41-45, 52-53, 57 overview, 52-53 site map, 33-34 404 errors, 28-30, 43 getting basic site up and running, 240-242 section, 54-56 Inspect Element option, 79 linking CSS documents, 66-71, 93 naming conventions, 27-32 overview, 18-21, 47 paths, 26-27, 94-95 recognizing difference between CSS and, 91-92 starting new document, 47-48 tags. See tags, in HTML in WordPress, 132,154-155, 189-192, 205 HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 12 hyphens, in HTML documents, 31, 47 X id attribute, in HTML, 86-88, 98 IDs, in CSS, 84-88, 98-102, 103,105 images adding to WordPress page, 155-159 embedding in HTML file structure, 37-46 is one example of a tag that lives in the of your document. Anything we put into the of an HTML document will either go outside the main window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into the of your document: My Web Page (3) tags, 35-38, 41-45, 52-53, 57 overview, 52-53 site map, 33-34 featured, in WordPress, 168-169 is one example of a tag that lives in the of your document. Anything we put into the of an HTML document will either go outside the main window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into the of your document: My Web Page (4) tags, HTML, 35-38, 41-45, 52-53, 57 importing content to WordPress, 214-215 indenting, in HTML, 49-50 index files, in HTML, 31-32, 40, 45 inheritance, in CSS, 81-82, 99-100 inline CSS, 93 Insert into page button, WordPress, 157 Inspect Element option, 79 installing WordPress plugins, 207 WordPress themes, 194 Internet Explorer, 11 italic text, in HTML, 21, 50, 57 U Jetpack plugin, WordPress, 213 layouts, WordPress themes, 198 Left Align button, WordPress, 158,159 line breaks, in HTML, 23, 50- 51, 57 links. See also uniform resource locators (URLs) adding to WordPress navi¬ gation menu, 200, 202-203 creating in WordPress, 153-154 reading, 12 for WordPress categories and tags, 168 link tags, in HTML, 24-25, 51- 52, 57 Link To field, WordPress Attachment Details area, 157 logging in/out, WordPress, 128, 145-147,148 logos, 53, 71 M Macs FTP program for, 14 text editor for, 11-12 web browser for, 11 margin-bottom property, in CSS, 112,114 margin-left property, in CSS, 114 margin property, in CSS, 108, 110, 112,114 margin-right property, in CSS, 114 margin-top property, in CSS, 114 marking up HTML, 47 media, in WordPress adding to page, 155-159 post formats for, 169-170 Media Library, in WordPress, 138-142,156-157 Media section, WordPress Settings tab, 205 Xndex 2^f7 menus, customizing in WordPress, 199-202 Menus section, in WordPress, 199 (metadata) tags, 55-56, 58 Meta Slider plugin, in WordPress, 206-209 Microsoft Word, 11 Move to Trash option, in WordPress, 171 N naming conventions, in HTML, 27-32, 47 navigation menu, in WordPress customizing, 199-202 overview, 149 .net domains, 237 New Slide button, Meta Slider plugin, 208 NotePad++, 11 O one-click install, in WordPress, 243 .org domains, 237 overflow property, in CSS, 114 P

(paragraph) tags, in HTML, 21-23, 48-49, 57, 74 padding-bottom property, in CSS, 114 padding-left property, in CSS, 114 padding property, in CSS, 109-110,114 padding-right property, in CSS, 114 padding-top property, in CSS, 114 Page Attributes section, in WordPress, 162-163 pages, in WordPress adding to navigation menu, 199, 201-202 vs. blog posts, 149 creating first, 151-155 managing and deleting content, 171 media, adding to, 155-159 organizing, 133-135,162-164 overview, 127 publishing, 160-161 Pages tab, in WordPress, 151, 160 page templates, WordPress themes, 198 paragraph (

) tags, in HTML, 21-23, 48-49, 57, 74 Paragraph drop-down menu, WordPress, 154 paragraphs, styling with CSS, 74-76, 95-97 parent pages, in WordPress, 134, 162-164 paths, in HTML, 26-27, 94-95 percent (%) font size, in CSS, 77 Permalinks section, WordPress Settings tab, 205 photo posts, in WordPress, 169 PHP scripting language, 191 pictures. See images planning site, 133-137,150-151 plugins, in WordPress general discussion, 206-209 overview, 181-184 updates, 214 Portfolio folder, 41-45 post formats, in WordPress, 169-170 posts. See blog posts posts page, in WordPress, 135,164-165 Posts tab, in WordPress, 166,171 premium themes, in WordPress, 179-180,193,199 previewing pages, in WordPress, 151,152-153,154, 158-159 properties, in CSS, 96. See also specific properties p selector, in CSS, 95 pseudo-elements, in CSS, 113 pt font size, in CSS, 77, 78 publish date, in WordPress, 162 publishing WordPress pages, 151, 160-161 px font size, in CSS, 77, 78, 96 quote posts, in WordPress, 169-170 R Reading section, WordPress Settings tab, 204 red, green, and blue (RGB) values, 83,102-104 refreshing web pages, 23, 48 registrars, domain name, 237-238 relative URLs, 44-45, 52, 53, 70-71 renewing domain name registration, 237 RGB (red, green, and blue) values, 83,102-104 root of site CSS files in, 69, 94 defined, 28, 35 FTP and, 242 relative paths, 53, 70-71 S Safari browser, 11 sans-serif fonts, 76-77, 95 Save & Preview button, Meta Slider plugin, 208 Save Draft button, in WordPress, 151 Save Menu button, in WordPress, 201 saving changes to HTML, 23 Screen Options tab, in WordPress, 201, 202-203 search engine optimization (SE0), 38 search engines, tag use by, 55-56 Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS), 12 2^3 Index selectors, in CSS, 75, 95, 96 self-closing tags, in HTML, 50, 57 self-hosted version of WordPress, 193, 205, 206 semicolons (;), in CSS, 76, 96 SEO (search engine optimization), 38 serifed fonts, 74, 95 servers, 12-13 Settings tab, in WordPress, 203-205 shortcode, Meta Slider plugin, 208-209 sidebar, installing widget into, in WordPress, 210-211 site map, 150-151 site planning, 133-137,150-151 Size field, WordPress Attachment Details area, 157 slash (/), in HTML, 45, 53, 70-71, 94-95 slideshow plugin, in WordPress, 206-209 soft return, 51 source, viewing web page, 48, 79 spaces in CSS, 95 in HTML, 31, 47 src attribute, in HTML, 37, 57 static pages, 125, 204 storage available from web host, 239 of photos with HTML, 37-46 tags, in HTML, 50, 57 stylesheets, in CSS creating, 93-95 linking to HTML files, 93 overview, 66 Sublime Text, 11 support, from web host, 239 syntax, in CSS, 96-98 taglines, 203-204 tags, in HTML , 24-25, 37, 51, 57 attributes, 37 , 22, 48, 57
, 23, 50-51, 57 closing, 23, 25, 50 commonly used, 21-25, 48-52, 57-58

, 89-91,104-107, 110-113 , 21, 50, 57 , 48, 54-58, 67-69, 93-94 heading, 51, 57, 97-98 , 47, 57 is one example of a tag that lives in the of your document. Anything we put into the of an HTML document will either go outside the main window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into the of your document: My Web Page (5), 35-38, 41-45, 52-53, 57 link, 24-25, 51-52, 57 looking up, 92 , 55-56, 58

, 21-23, 48-49, 57, 74 self-closing, 50, 57 , 50, 57 , 54-55, 58, 67-68 tags, in WordPress, 136-137, 166-168 testing widgets, in WordPress, 213 text, styling with CSS, 73-78, 95 text-align property, in CSS, 107,114 text-decoration property, in CSS, 114 text editors, 11-12 Text tab, WordPress visual editor, 132, 154-155 Text Wrangler, 11 Theme Chooser, in WordPress, 148 theme locations, in WordPress, 200-201 Theme Options section, in WordPress, 180,196,197 themes, in WordPress active, 148,176,193-194 advanced customization, 205 basics of, 193-195 customizing, 180-181, 186-192,196-199 featured images, 168-169 navigation menu, customizing, 199-202 overview, 143,145,176-181 post formats, 169-170 premium, 179-180,193,199 Screen Options tab, 202-203 updates, 214 third-party websites, WordPress themes from, 195 Title field, WordPress Attachment Details area, 157 <title> tags, in HTML, 54-55, 57, 67-68 Toolbar Toggle button, in WordPress, 154 top-level domains, 237 top-level pages, in WordPress, 162-164 transferring files to web host, 242 trash, in WordPress, 171 Twenty Fourteen theme, in WordPress categories and tags, 168 Custom Header section, 196 Customize section, 196,197 featured images, 168-169 navigation menu, 149 overview, 147,148,198 page templates, 198 post formats, 169-170 theme locations, 200-201 widget areas, 210 Twitter widget, in WordPress, 210-212 LA uniform resource locators (URLs) absolute, 36-37, 44, 52, 53, 70 overview, 12 relative, 44-45, 52, 53, 70-71 unpublishing pages, in WordPress, 160-161 updates, in WordPress, 206, 213-214 URLs. See uniform resource locators (URLs) Index 2H4 V video posts, in WordPress, 169-170 View page source option, 48 View Post option, in WordPress, 166-167 Visibility section, in WordPress, 161 visual editor, in WordPress adding media with, 155-159 creating blog posts with, 164-165 creating pages with, 151-155 overview, 129-132 W web browsers, 11, 48 web hosts getting basic site up and running, 240-242 moving using WordPress Tools panel, 214-215 overview, 13-14, 223-231 setting up, 239-240 transferring files to, 242 WordPress, 14,145, 230-231, 242-243 website addresses, 12. See also domain names; uniform resource locators (URLs) whitespace in CSS, 95 in HTML, 31, 47 widgets, in WordPress, 183, 210-213 width property, in CSS, 105, 112,114 Wikipedia, 13 Windows FTP program for, 14 text editor for, 11-12 web browser for, 11 Word, Microsoft, 11 WordPress admin bar, 148 administrators, 144,145 advanced customization, 205 Appearance Panel, 176-177,193 backend, 146,148 blogs creating, 164-165 featured images, 168-169 organizing, 135-137 overview, 125-127 vs. pages, 149 post formats for media, 169-170 tags and categories, 136-137,166-168 Codex, 215 customized settings, 203-205 Dashboard, 128-129, 145-146 deleting content, 158,171 exporting content to, 214 frontend, 147,148 help resources, 215 hosts, 14,145, 230-231, 242-243 importing content to, 214-215 links, creating, 153-154 logging in/out, 128, 145-147,148 managing content, 171 Media Library, 138-142, 156-157 moving hosts using Tools panel, 214-215 navigation menu, 149, 199-202 overview, 122-124,145 pages vs. blog posts, 149 creating first, 151-155 media, adding to, 155-159 organizing, 133-135, 162-164 overview, 127 publishing, 151,160-161 planning site, 133-137, 150- 151 plugins, 181-184, 206-209 Screen Options tab, 201, 202-203 self-hosted version, 193, 205, 206 tags, 136-137,166-168 themes active, 148,176,193-194 advanced customization, 205 basics of, 193-195 customizing, 180-181, 186-192,196-199 featured images, 168-169 navigation menu, customizing, 199-202 overview, 143,145, 176-181 post formats, 169-170 premium, 179-180, 193,199 Twenty Fourteen. See Twenty Fourteen theme, in WordPress updates, 206, 213-214 visual editor adding media with, 155-159 creating blog posts with, 164-165 creating pages with, 151- 155 overview, 129-132 widgets, 183, 210-213 word processors, 11 Writing section, WordPress Settings tab, 205 WYSIWYG tools, 153 250 Xndex Build Your Own Website is set in Inkslinger, Chevin, and TheSansMono Condensed. The book was printed and bound by Sheridan Books, Inc. in Chelsea, Michigan. The paper is 60# Finch Offset, which is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The book uses a layflat binding, in which the pages are bound together with a cold-set, flexible glue and the first and last pages of the resulting book block are attached to the cover. The cover is not actually glued to the book’s spine, and when open, the book lies flat and the spine doesn’t crack. Updates Visit for updates, errata, and other information. More no-nonsense books from no starch press PYTHON FOR KIDS Python for Kids A Playful Introduction to Programming by JASON R. BRIGGS DEC 2012, 344 pp., $34.95 isbn 978-1-59327-407-8 FULL COLOR JAVASCRIPT FOR KIDS JavaScript for Kids A Playful Introduction to Programming by NICK MORGAN FALL 2014, 328 PP., $34.95 ISBN 978-1-59327-408-5 FULL COLOR Ruby Wizardry An Introduction to Programming for Kids by ERIC WEINSTEIN FALL 2014, 252 PP., $29.95 ISBN 978-1-59327-566-2 TWO COLOR The Manga Guide™ to Databases by MANA TAKAHASHI et al. JAN 2009, 224 PP., $19.95 ISBN 978-1-59327-190-9 LE*RN T(* pnotftiM wil H SCRATCH m o<| Learn to Program with Scratch A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math by MAJED MARJI FEB 2014, 288 pp., $34.95 ISBN 978-1-59327-543-3 FULL COLOR The Book of™ GIMP A Complete Guide to Nearly Everything by olivier lecarme and KARINE DELVARE jan 2013, 676 pp., $49.95 isbn 978-1-59327-383-5 FULL COLOR phone 800.420.7240 or 415.863.9900 I fax 415.863.9950 I I A PAINLESS CUE TO BUILDING YOUB FIRST WEBSITE! Build Your Own Website is a fun, illustrated intro¬ duction to the basics of creating a website. Join Kim and her little dog Tofu as she learns HTML, the language of web pages, and CSS, the language used to style web pages, from the Web Guru and Glinda, the Good Witch of CSS. Once she figures out the basics, Kim travels to WordPress City to build her first website, with Wendy, the WordPress Maven, at her side. They take control of WordPress® themes, install useful plugins, and more. As you follow along, you’ll learn how to: ❖ Use HTML tags ❖ Make your site shine with CSS ❖ Customize WordPress to fit your needs ❖ Choose a company to host your site and get advice on picking a good domain name The patient, step-by-step advice you’ll find in Build Your Own Website will help you get your website up and running in no time. Stop dreaming of your perfect website and start making it!

one example of a tag that lives in the  of your document. 

Anything we put into the  of an HTML document will either go outside the main 
window area or will be completely invisible. Try adding My Web Page into 
the  of your document: 




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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.