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We all have that game we like to play – sometimes alone, and sometimes with friends. It’s “What I Would Do if I Won the Lottery.” You know how this goes – you spend a couple of bucks for a ticket, and then you fantasize about what you’d do if you actually hit the numbers and became a multi-millionaire.
Back when I was poor and thinking about writing a recipe book called “Meals You Can Make When All You Have in the House is 3 Packages of Ramen Noodles, Some Lard, Salt, Ketchup and Maybe Some Canned Tuna That’s Not Past Its Best Before Date,” my goals were pretty modest. First, a trip to the grocery store. Then I’d get hooked up to the Internet so I wouldn’t have to use the library all the time. And then, I’d buy a small house and get a dog.
Today, I have a small house, and two dogs, and really, as long as I also have enough to eat and enough income to provide proper care for my dogs, that’s pretty much all I need to be happy. But if I won…
Well, I suppose I’d hire someone to hide all that money from me until I came to my senses. Then, I’d set about creating the most awesome dog rescue facility you could imagine. Would I buy another dog, though?
No. Janice and Leroy suit me just fine.They’re not posh dog breeds, but I don’t care. And even if I were super-rich, I wouldn’t pay a small fortune for a dog. In How Much Do Pomeranians Cost? I told you about Paris Hilton shelling out $12,500 each for a pair of so-called “Teacup Pomeranians,” which the AKC doesn’t even recognize as a breed. That poor girl was actually suckered into believing that she was buying animals that qualified as “posh” dog breeds, when what she really got was something that should never have been bred in the first place.
Really Posh Dog Breeds
Are there “posh” dog breeds, though? In other words, breeds that will cost you an arm and a leg to own?
Yes, there are. So let’s take a look at 15 of the dog breeds that will cost you the most to buy. I’m presenting them in order from least to most expensive.
15 Posh Dog Breeds
Keep in mind, as you peruse this list, that owning the breed of your choice might not always be out of reach. Sometimes, a posh dog breed in one part of the country might be pretty commonplace in another – it’s the law of supply and demand. If you have your heart set on a Yorkshire Terrier, for instance, although it does come in pretty high on this list, if you’re in an area where all kinds of people are breeding Yorkies, you can expect the price to be lower than it would be in areas where Yorkies are relatively uncommon.
Some breeds are going to be very costly everywhere, simply because they’re uncommon everywhere.
Nothing is necessarily etched in stone here, but it should give you an idea of the average cost of the breed you want.
1. Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is a bit pricey. In fact, around the 1600s, pretty much the only people who owned this breed were royalty. One Chinese emperor actually kept 2,500 Chow Chows for hunting purposes. To give you an idea of how rich this emperor was, his hunting party consisted of 10,000 people.
Chow Chows are very popular today, and considerably more accessible to the general public. You can usually obtain a Chow Chow puppy for around $1,000.
2. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This sweet-natured breed is energetic, but also very calm and loving. They became popular among rich Americans in the 1950s, and their popularity has only increased. Frank Sinatra owned a Cavalier, and so did Ronald Reagan. Today, celebrity owners of Cavaliers include Liv Tyler and Brad Paisley.
A good breeder will sell you a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel for somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,100.
3. American Staffordshire Terrier
This is a classic case of supply and demand – despite their bad press, Staffies are very affectionate, loyal dogs, and a lot of people want them. So, breeders are able to demand a premium price for their puppies.
This is a great all-purpose breed, good with kids and very protective. They’re very popular in show circles as well. An Amstaff puppy will usually command a price of around $1,200.
4. Canadian Eskimo Dog
This is a working dog, and as you could probably tell from the name, was originally bred to pull sleds in the snowy north. Today, most Canadian Eskimo dogs are family pets, or show dogs. You can still hook one up to a sled, though, if that pleases you. These are high-energy dogs that are possessed of an amazing loyalty to their humans.
The average price for a Canadian Eskimo dog is $1,200.
5. Bichon Frise
The Bichon is a companion dog, known for its plumed tail and fluffy coat. The breed originated in Spain, and was brought to the United States in the mid-1950s. The AKC recognized the breed in 1973.
Bichons are popular among people who suffer from allergies. Although no dog is truly hypo-allergenic, the Bichon doesn’t shed much. He does need to be groomed often, though.
A Bichon Frise puppy will set you back about $1,500.
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6. Rottweiler
Here’s another breed that, like the Staffy, has gotten a bad reputation over the years. The thing is, any dog, if mistreated, is going to be dangerous, and Rottweilers are the preferred breed of drug dealers and other criminals.
In a loving family, though, a Rottweiler will be sweet and gentle, and amazingly loyal. If the breeder has done his or her job properly, too, the socialization process that is so important for this breed will be well underway by the time you take your Rottie pup home – once, of course, you fork over around $1,500.
7. Samoyed
The Samoyed is a working dog that can weigh up to 65 pounds. If you’re one of those people to whom aesthetics are very important, you’ll love the appearance of the Samoyed, with its dark eyes and glistening white coat. If posh dog breeds are what you’re after, the Samoyed will suit you very well.
Samoyeds are high-energy dogs, so best suited to families who are able and willing to offer lots of vigorous exercise. They shed a lot, and require regular grooming.
Another drawback to the breed is that it’s prone to various ailments – more so than many other breeds. One of the most horrifying is Samoyed hereditary glomerulopathy. This is a kidney disease that is almost invariably fatal, and usually causes death by the age of about 15 months. The breed is also prone to pulmonary stenosis, diabetes and hip dysplasia.
If, despite the potential health issues, you still want a Samoyed, you can get one for about $1,500.
8. American Alsatian
The American Alsatian is a calm dog with a wolf-like appearance, and can weigh up to 120 pounds.
If there’s a problem with this breed, you can actually trace it back to bad owners – a lot of people get Alsatians with the intention of using them as guard dogs. Then they tie them outside for hours on end – as if a dog that’s tied can guard anything!
Now, that said, Alsatians do like to spend time outdoors, and can be left out unattended provided that they’re in a fenced-in yard – not tied. Make sure that your dog has plenty of water and access to shaded areas, though.
If you are considering purchasing an Alsatian, expect to pay around $1,500.
9. Bearded Collie
Often referred to simply as “Beardies,” these friendly dogs were originally used to herd sheep in Scotland. Some are still used for this purpose, but today you’re more likely to find a Beardie in the show ring or snuggled up with his humans.
Beardies are generally healthy, but can be prone to Addison’s disease. This potentially fatal disease manifests as lethargy, stress and gastric problems. If the condition is caught early, though, it can be controlled with medication.
A Bearded Collie will usually cost you around $1,600.
10. English Bulldog
The English Bulldog is sometimes also known as the British Bulldog. The “bull” part of the name comes from the dog’s past, when it was used for bull baiting. Thankfully, this so-called “sport” has long since gone out of fashion, and the English Bulldog is now more often found in living rooms, bedrooms, and the show ring.
This breed doesn’t need a lot of grooming, thanks to his short coat, but you do have to make sure to keep his wrinkly skin clean in order to avoid yeast infections.
Sadly, the English Bulldog, despite being what could be considered as one of the most posh dog breeds, is prone to heart disease and cancer. If you decide that this is the breed for you, you will pay up to $3,000 for a dog that will be very unlikely to pass the age of 10 years, and might very well die at 6.
11. Saluki
This is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Also known as the Persian Greyhound, the Saluki dates back to almost 10,000 years BC. It took a while for the breed to come to America, though, not reaching the US until 1895.
These dogs are slim and graceful, very loving, and good with kids. They can have a stubborn streak, though, and do best with an experienced owner. Harsh discipline isn’t going to get you anywhere with a Saluki, but if you’re confident, calm and consistent, and know how to set the rules, you’ll do well with this dog.
The only problem with the Saluki is that it has a high prey drive, so if you have cats, birds, or other small animals, this is probably not the right breed for you and your family.
A quality Saluki will cost you around $3,000.
12. Yorkshire Terrier
Given how common Yorkies are, I find it hard to understand why they command such a high price. I guess it must just be supply and demand again – perhaps an overwhelming number of people want dogs of this breed, and the price that can be asked reflects buyer demand.
You might not think of the Yorkie as a “pit dog” in the same way that you would an Amstaff or a Rottweiler, but if you want to get technical, they could be classed as pit dogs.
This is because of a sad period in our history when people thought it was fun to gather up a number of rats, throw them in a pit, and then toss in a Yorkshire Terrier. Bets would be made on how many rats the dog could kill in a given amount of time. Astonishingly, this horrible practice continued into the early 1900s before people began to, oh, I dunno, grow brains and understand that the practice was cruel.
Yorkies today are house pets and show dogs. They’re lively, friendly, and love to cuddle. They need a lot of interaction with humans, but they’re also good with other animals.
The price range on Yorkies can vary widely. You might find one for as little as $600. For a top-quality dog, though, expect to pay at least $3,500. From where I’m sitting, that stands out amongst the most posh dog breeds.
13. Maltese
I find the Maltese interesting in that it’s not a breed that’s been “dumbed down” over the decades. This entry into the most posh dog breeds has actually always been small. You’ve probably seen pictures of this little cutie online, without even being to identify the breed – these are the “mop top” dogs that often have their hair tied in a ribbon on top of their heads.
The breed was originally the choice of royalty, and today, is a great companion dog – if you can afford one.
As is the case with a lot of breeds, the amount of money you will pay for a Maltese puppy will depend on availability in your area, but for a top-quality Maltese, the price can go as high as $5,000.
14. Pharaoh Hound
Now we’re getting up into the “mega-bucks” range. A Pharaoh Hound will definitely get you noticed, with his distinctive appearance, and like the Maltese, he hasn’t changed all that much over the years. The Pharaoh Hound is sleek and strong,and doesn’t need a whole lot of grooming.
One thing you do have to keep in mind, though, with Pharaoh Hound, is that these dogs are escape artists. Don’t think that you can keep him confined with a conventional fence, because he’s a jumper. Supervise him when he’s outside, because if you don’t, he might very well take off after the neighborhood cats, or smaller dogs.
If you’re looking at your breed of choice in terms of “cost per year,” The Pharaoh is a good choice – the breed is typically healthy, and can live to anywhere from 12 to 14 years.
I hope you get a good long life out of your Pharaoh Hound if you choose this breed, though, because a puppy will cost you about $7,000. Now if that isn’t one of the most posh dog breeds, I don’t know what is!
15. Tibetan Mastiff
And here, we top the list. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very popular dog, and also a very expensive dog.
The title of“Most Expensive Breed in the World” goes, inarguably, to the Tibetan Mastiff. In 2014, a Tibetan Mastiff sold in China for 1.9 million dollars!
Now, I don’t know about you, but from where I’m sitting, that’s not even a price; it’s a ransom! Apparently, though, the property developer that bought the dog thought he got a good deal.
Fortunately, if the Tibetan Mastiff is the breed you want, you can probably get one for considerably less. You should, though, still expect to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 for a puppy from an outstanding breeder.
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The Final Word
Well, there you have them – the most posh dog breeds in the world. Do any of them appeal to you? Do you already have one of the most posh dog breeds? Why did you choose that breed? I’d love to hear from you, so leave a comment!